Saturday, September 15, 2007

Richard Dawkins: Flatfish(Halibut) Evolution

Duration: 01:22 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-21 03:44:07
User: NonexistentGods
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Richard Dawkins talks about the evolution of the flatfish(Halibut).

cheersmate756 ::: Favorites
look at the poor kid at :44sec. he's thinking, "this guy is full of shit", I wanna go to lunch"!
07-09-15 03:17:22
cheersmate756 ::: Favorites
Dicky doc, leave the poor kids alone while they still have the ability to reason and decipher truth from bullshit. Dicky, look at all your little clones posting here that you have helped brainwash... shame on you!
07-09-15 03:14:31
kirkalmighty ::: Favorites
So, the theologians were at the top of the mountains of ignorance? Makes sense to me.
07-09-15 00:34:24
kirkalmighty ::: Favorites
Everyone is very grateful for your research into the evolution of fish into crabs, but hydrology101 was asking how crabs evolved into fish. You underestimated his stupidity.
07-09-15 00:31:04
k3ith26 ::: Favorites
I wish there were more Dawkins out there the world needs them
07-09-14 21:58:48
superpaulio ::: Favorites
Wait a minute! So if Dawkins is an atheist, and Dawkins is God, then that means . . . NOOOOOOOO! (head explodes)
07-09-14 21:44:41
BadMuffler ::: Favorites
it absolutely baffles my mind that people with these stone aged beliefs like Shokks are allowed to wander around our planet and god forbid vote. I feel sorry for the earth.
07-09-14 20:52:12
hydrology101 ::: Favorites
30 minutes of silence. I've done my job here. It's off to bed. Good night little brained ones, good night.
07-09-14 20:50:50
hydrology101 ::: Favorites
Yes, fish into man. Or should I start with amino acids, sugars, purines, etc.... into man. Yes, in your lamb theory the fish is one of your ancestors.
07-09-14 20:22:16
DanReborn ::: Favorites
crabs donr become fish, again.. go and read, go and learn. you dont understand, so you have no room or grounds to argue against it.
07-09-14 20:20:21

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