Saturday, September 15, 2007

Acen 2007 Montage Tribute to Crack!Roxas

Duration: 06:08 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-16 15:04:46
User: Eoko
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I don't know who started it, or when but the point is, we started calling this Roxas Crack!Roxas, and that is what she has theretoforehence been dubbed. Crack!Roxas has got to be one of the most insane and ammusing Roxas's at the convention. And so I decided to make a montage of all the clips I got of her on video tape cause she's so win. And the Orgi dog pile cause she's in that too and it was really win. ALSO, if you ARE Crack!Roxas, on behalf of myself (the girl Xigbar), then really tall Axel with the chakram tats, the Demyx, the Roxas and the rest, we beg for your contact info. We so want you AIM or MSN or w/e you have. We loved you sooo much, and that Luxord you were with (Xiggy is completely obsessed). We're starting this crack idea of a cosplay road trip where we're going to hang out, dress up and go to malls, parks, w/e and takes pics and stuff. And we wanna invite you!! Ya know, after getting to know you more and stuff. XD So like, come talk to us PLEASE~

Xilagam ::: Favorites
XD So cool! And where is ACEN ? o.o;; Maybe I could go there next year!:3
07-08-18 08:31:03
Xilagam ::: Favorites
o3o Where in Canada? Cause I'm canadian too ! :D I'm cosplaying an Anti-Replica Roxas. ( original character. ) <3 If we are close enough I might be able to join you people. o3o
07-08-02 05:15:33
Okitasgate ::: Favorites
From far away countries
07-07-20 10:36:03
Eoko ::: Favorites
Technically I'm from Canada, so we already have people from other countries. XD
07-07-20 05:33:03
AxelAnix814 ::: Favorites
lol i remember ACEN!! but, i wasnt one of the kingdom hearts characters that day :(. i was one of the cloud's though!
07-07-13 09:54:15
sorauzumaki12 ::: Favorites
at 1.56 does anyone know who that roxas twilight town version is? also at 3.51 its the same roxas but closer the one at the bottom that was going to get hit by the yaoi paddle if you do please reply on my profile thanks! i talked to her at acen and wanted to say hi!
07-06-10 21:52:13
fullmetal2691 ::: Favorites
Crack Roxas was so funny at acen i was glad to meet some new friends at acen
07-06-08 01:52:36
RikuxBakura ::: Favorites
I'm a bit upset that I didn't happen to pass by that earlier. I only came in at the very very end because you guys were shouting "Kairi! We need you!" and my friends pushed me into it. Then to my surprise I found out Sora was cheating on me! And I instinctively blamed Riku (And still do)
07-05-25 17:53:39
Ryio5567 ::: Favorites
oh yay!! lol i told my family the story of "The xigbar that picked me up" XD they thought it was funny, my dad got a picture...not a very good one. But it was a picture all the same.
07-05-24 14:00:16
Eoko ::: Favorites
YES! I was the one that picked you up! <3
07-05-24 04:44:51

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