Sunday, March 30, 2008

Lakeland Pig Festival (Part 1 of 2)

Duration: 09:17 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-01 12:44:15

Mike Huckabee stopped at the Lakeland Pig Fest on January 26th. He was swamped by supporters and by barbecue cooks wanting him to take just a little taste. (Part 1 of 2)


dizi izle seyret

Duration: 00:0 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-27 22:03:00

. . . TIKLA TIKLA . . .


How to get Pokemon Shiny Gold!!!!

Duration: 04:47 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-13 18:59:33

Ok since all of you were asking "how do you get this game" or "I'm having a problem downloading it" I made this video to show you EXACTLY how I got this game to work. Some computers may work differently though when it comes to running Pokemon Shiny Gold. This is how I did it with MY COMPUTER. If you have any further questions just mail me and I will be happy to answer them.


Linkandzelda561  2008-03-29 08:16:40

I cant get pokegear on it...i get the vs seeker instead...IM SO ANGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nemeh08  2008-03-27 22:16:44

do u need the firered game to play shiny gold??
sp451mike  2008-03-25 19:05:39

where do you get the LIPS.
sp451mike  2008-03-24 18:13:34

go to download.con and type winRAR
pokeyjokekid  2008-03-23 00:48:59

the forum is closed so there is nothing to click on

Evridiki-Comme ci,comme ca

Duration: 03:08 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-03-20 14:55:32

Cyprus Eurovision song 2007


"Unfair" - Josh Kelley (Official Music Video)

Duration: 04:50 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-19 23:07:50

The Official Music Video for "Unfair" - Josh Kelley From his latest album "Special Company". Get it on iTunes here:


alencaster2  2008-03-27 20:30:45

love it!!!!!!!!
coolcat791  2008-03-20 18:31:55

this is an amazing song! i dont think you come across songs like this often.
matthewperryfan4eva  2008-03-12 21:38:15

funnygals123  2008-03-10 18:19:23

loveeee it :]
yankobutt  2008-03-04 01:21:36

I thought you might like it. lol

Aang Naruto y sus amigos bailan Ska

Duration: 03:56 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-06-27 18:15:22

jejeje un AMV de aang naruto y sus amigos vailando ska ze ve chido


calacas20  2007-11-10 00:05:44

buena rola :D ^_^


Duration: 02:57 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-16 17:31:31

AMV COMPETITION RULES BELOW. Rule one: Video or slideshow must fall into the listed video catgoeries. Categories- Final Fantasy X/X-2 Final Fantasy XII Final Fantasy 7 (And all those spin off movies and games) Dynasty Warriors (Any of them) Samurai Warriors (Any of them) Orochi Warriors Metal Gear Solid 1, 2, and/or 3 Suikoden IV & V Rogue Galaxy Prince of Persia 1,2 and/or 3 God of War 1, 2 Xenosaga 1,2 and/or 3 Devil May Cry 1,2, and/or 3 Okami Growlanser 5 Tales of the Abyss *note I am taking out Harry Potter. Don't know what I was thinking when I put that in. This contest is for games only* Jak and Dexter games Shin Megami Tensei Persona 3 Rule Two: Video can be any length but I warn you I have a short attention span so a ten minute long video would kill me. Rule Three: No vulgar nasty songs. I don;t mind swearing but nothing nasty. I won't accept it if it is nasty. Rule Four: Show some sportsmanship to the other video makers who join. If you are nasty to the other person in comments then you will be dropped out of the contest. Rule Five: Have Fun. I can tell when people make a video soley for winning and it doesn't look good. Here are somethings you should know before entering. 1. I WILL NOT GIVE YOUR VIDEO A HIGHER PLACE IF IT IS MADE WITH A BETTER PROGRAM THAN THE OTHER CONTESTANT'S VIDEOS. It shall be judged just like the others. 2. I judge on music,effects, and how the video feels overall. Don't worry about the judging. 3. EVERY CONESTANT WILL GET A PRIZE. WHAT THAT IS AT THE MOMENT I DO NOT KNOW. DEPENDS ON HOW MANY ENTER. POST YOUR VIDEO AS A RESPONSE TO THIS ONE HAVE FUN! akeriaerkix


AkeriAerkix  2008-03-29 17:13:28

I believe that's him. Yeah, I was told I was pulling a Simon Cowell from my friend who is also judging these videos.
kmhikari  2008-03-29 16:18:54

Is it American Idol? Simon Cowell? Or however it's spelt? Yeah, I watched that show once -- that guy's like... very opinionated, to put it nicely.
AkeriAerkix  2008-03-29 15:56:01

I have most of them judged but my friend says I'm being Simon from that one show (what is it? I never watch it.). So I am going back and rewatching them all again.
finalwolvefantasy  2008-03-29 12:01:29

oh srryXD but tnx for the info
AkeriAerkix  2008-03-29 12:00:01

*nods in agreement* You don't have to judge! About in a weeks time, but I already have the prizes and such planned. The results will be posted in a new video of their own.

I'm soo hood!!

Duration: 04:47 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-05 14:01:54

Were Hood!!!YO!!


rinagiggles111  2008-02-29 17:56:03

sorry I ate them all!!!!YUM!!!
Hotpinkhugs95171  2008-02-29 13:15:56

Ooh canI hav a strng of those twizzlers?

B4 The World

Duration: 03:49 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-04-05 16:04:17

At The Apollo


watchmenow1  2007-11-19 21:57:29

crosogt  2007-07-29 17:20:33


...and Introducing Brian Trailer #1

Duration: 03:55 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-10-24 02:56:19

Reaching the half-way point of production this temporary trailer was created to wet the appetites of those looking for a sneak peak of the film. A 30 second teaser trailer or two may follow. Features Tiffany Carter, John Champion, Don DeCarl, Sherman Edwards Jr., Kelly Farmer, Danette Lemm, Jeff Lord, Kate Peters, Sara Rendall, and music by the Ghettobillies Noteworthy crew: Travis Cameron (director of photography), Mary Gutfleisch (assistant director), Jennifer Kennedy (assistant director), Alex Koeneke (associate producer), Jeff Lord (producer), Scott Markus (writer/director/producer/editor), JP Maurer (sound mixer/associate producer) & Chris Pry (writer/producer)


maybe2morrow  2007-05-01 20:19:11

where can i see this film????? it looks great