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Duration: 10:37 minutes Upload Time: 07-04-17 12:03:45 User: SurprisTv :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Eski Milletvekili Kamer Genç ve Seyircinin Canlı Yayında Ağız Kavgası,Suçlamalar! |
Comments | |
Azrailgeldi ::: Favorites Dersim nere Kardesim? Oraya Tunceli derler. TUNC ELI. Bu böyle biline. 07-09-15 00:32:24 __________________________________________________ | |
Azrailgeldi ::: Favorites Dersim nere Kardesim? Oraya Tunceli derler. TUNC ELI. Bu böyle biline. 07-09-15 00:32:16 __________________________________________________ | |
josh35ksk ::: Favorites kadinin cenesine bak adam iyi sabir etmis bu adam hukumetin kabinesinde degildiki adam tek ne yapsin 07-09-12 20:16:43 __________________________________________________ | |
derist ::: Favorites hay senin gibi kadinin kamer genci bir de karaliyor sen o adam kadar bu ülke icin bir sey yaptin mi! keske her insan kamer genc kadar öyle dogrulari savunsa nerdeeee... dogru söyleyeni dokuz köyden kovarlarmissss... dogru demisler 07-09-12 08:44:59 __________________________________________________ | |
blackhawk362 ::: Favorites piç 07-09-05 02:56:56 __________________________________________________ | |
DPKD76 ::: Favorites dunyanin hic bir ulkesinde hapis yatan insanlarin milletvekili ADAYI olmasi mumkun degilken TURKIYEDE oluyor.. bunlari birakip, Cikmis mankenlerin parti uyesi olmasini elestiriyorlar.. 07-09-04 05:39:54 __________________________________________________ | |
selcuk1972 ::: Favorites böle boş bir insan varmı yaw...ve işin üzüntüle tarafı...böle bir insan birkere daha milletveili secildi..varmı böyle birşey...walla var...türkiye burda herşey imknalı 07-09-04 04:10:49 __________________________________________________ | |
D3RSiM ::: Favorites bu kadar salak ögetmenlerin sonucu iste memleketin hali.. Almanyada türk millet vekili yokmu? Konusmayi bilmiyorsun niye tlf aciyorsun bunak ögretmen 07-09-03 08:37:07 __________________________________________________ | |
dersimrap62 ::: Favorites ulen tuncelilelrin adını agzına alma sokarım agzınaaaaaaaaa .. sen nerelesın len gavat amcık dersimlilerin bokunu ye . bizim millet gibi üstün millet mi var okuma yazma oranı en yuksek,en çok universite öğrencisene sahip zaten biz bu ülkeyi kurtarmaya çalışlıyoruz faşolar lar bölücüler yüzünden harcanıp gıdıyoruz...biz insanız biz canız..iran khorasan dan gelmişiz senin nickine sokayım 07-09-01 11:58:52 __________________________________________________ | |
zokarimhaaa ::: Favorites ne kadar gereksiz insan var esra ceyhanda bulursunuz.ahu tugba,kamer genc,mankenler,dumbukler,oruspular.bas orospda esra. 07-08-31 13:08:52 __________________________________________________ |
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Eski Milletvekili ve Seyircinin Canlı Yayında Ağız Kavgası!
0C4 070716 Akihabara GANG BANG PARTY
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Duration: 11:48 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-30 04:06:02 User: milafi :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
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barbheflin5448 ::: Favorites Online dating at its best WEBFLINGTODAY dot COM 07-09-14 04:26:02 __________________________________________________ |
Cruzeiro 3x0 River Plate - Final Supercopa 1991
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Duration: 01:16 minutes Upload Time: 07-06-21 08:41:33 User: alexandrebqmg :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Tudo sobre o jogo q deu o titulo da Supercopa de 1991 ao Cruzeiro contra o River Plate. Mineirão lotado. O Cruzeiro havia perdido o primeiro jogo em Buenos Aires por 2x0. Mas venceu no Mineirão por 3x0 e foi campeão. |
Nicole - A musa do Paraná 2007
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Duration: 01:18 minutes Upload Time: 07-09-02 10:38:13 User: Rafa7JZ :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Nicole - A musa do Paraná 2007 |
Vasco 1 x 0 Grêmio - Romário
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Duration: 00:37 minutes Upload Time: 07-06-09 18:36:35 User: Rafa7JZ :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: SPORTV |
The Cure - Kyoto Song (Live: Sydney, August 10, 2007)
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Duration: 04:16 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-14 02:54:37 User: ryandashsdotorg :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: "Kyoto Song" by The Cure - live at the Sydney Entertainment Centre on August 10, 2007. |
Comments | |
KLOS87 ::: Favorites great, I hope that it play this song in its visit to México, thanks 07-08-15 02:56:56 __________________________________________________ |
03T TAF07 Pierrot booth
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Duration: 02:02 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-28 22:32:14 User: milafi :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Gökhan Tepe'den Yürü Yüreğim & Azeri Anısı 18 Haziran 2007
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Duration: 09:43 minutes Upload Time: 07-06-19 11:17:55 User: SurprisTv :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Gökhan Tepe Şarkılarıyla Sağanak'ta Part 3 - 18 Haziran 2007 |
Comments | |
trtikidekiressam ::: Favorites Doğru söylüyorsun fakat kalıp atıyorlar zaten klarnet hariç bas gitar yeterli olmuş bence... 07-07-31 13:51:12 __________________________________________________ | |
serhatoral83 ::: Favorites yok abicim yaaa gitar olması lazım bu grupta çok ayıp sana gökhan tepe 07-07-17 10:23:17 __________________________________________________ |
Coppa Italia 1989-1990.Milan-Juventus 0-1
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Duration: 02:37 minutes Upload Time: 06-09-05 13:31:26 User: juvefc1897 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Erano tutti pronti a festeggiare il grande slam del milan e Berlusconi era tronfio più che mai. Ma al 25 minuto uno sconosciuto di nome Galìa con un rasoterra a girare stese Galli e insaccò l'uno a zero.Il Milan all'Olandese non reagì.Non fece più nulla fino alla fine.Stefano Tacconi alzò la Coppa Italia,la prima coppa in assoluto dopo 8 anni.Nella corazzata rossonera iniziarono ad aprirsi delle falle. |
Comments | |
enzima86 ::: Favorites juve sempre con te!!!!!!!!!!! 07-08-15 06:33:50 __________________________________________________ | |
Kottila26 ::: Favorites fanculo rossoneri 07-07-24 07:11:52 __________________________________________________ | |
pavel976 ::: Favorites Come si chiama la canzone di questo video? Aiutatemi What's the title of this song? Please help me! 07-07-21 10:41:40 __________________________________________________ | |
gila84 ::: Favorites noi q1uell anno li avremo perso la coppa italia ma abiamo poi vinto lo scudetto,tanto io non lo ricordo avevo 5-6 anni 07-07-11 12:26:26 __________________________________________________ | |
batakkio ::: Favorites a quel tempo la coppa italia era ancora molto considerata...grande tacconi!!!! 07-06-04 16:29:54 __________________________________________________ | |
cosenzavideos ::: Favorites qualcuno sa il titolo della canzone che inizia al secondo 58? grazie 07-05-22 08:33:32 __________________________________________________ | |
vladeRG ::: Favorites che figata!! 07-05-10 14:23:48 __________________________________________________ | |
maxproca ::: Favorites Grazie, da diciassette anni aspettavo di rivedere quel 25 aprile, Zoff, Galia e Tacconi. 07-05-01 04:01:35 __________________________________________________ | |
zanvettore ::: Favorites elverdugo84 fottiti! FORZA JUVE 4EVER!!! 07-04-29 12:00:00 __________________________________________________ | |
Ardarisu9 ::: Favorites Sono sempre 29!!! 07-03-29 07:28:37 __________________________________________________ |
Naútico vs Vasco
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Duration: 00:12 minutes Upload Time: 07-05-28 11:38:30 User: Rafa7JZ :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: GOLS |
Intervista al Padre di Nicola Ravasio (Lunedì di Rigore)
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Duration: 04:58 minutes Upload Time: 07-09-17 16:50:32 User: juvefc1897 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Da Antenna 3, condotto da Fabio Ravezzani, un'intervista realizzata da Cristiano Ruiu al padre dell ragazzo che durante Juventus-Udinese ha gettato in campo un petardo. |
Comments | |
carlob12 ::: Favorites COGLIOOOOONEEEEEEEE!!! AHAHAHAH 07-09-18 13:53:01 __________________________________________________ | |
Dragster1986 ::: Favorites incarcerate anche il padre 07-09-18 13:15:06 __________________________________________________ | |
nickbara ::: Favorites due cretini 07-09-18 10:34:12 __________________________________________________ | |
IeopoldoappIe ::: Favorites ha tirato una bombetta dai... ora mi volete far credere che voi gobbacci ladri siete diventati i paladini della giustizia? mandate in galera un giovane un po' scemo e difendete Moggi e Co. ? Siete veramente i peggio, antisportivi anche nella vita. 07-09-18 09:00:04 __________________________________________________ | |
LoiarI ::: Favorites L'imbecille a patteggiato ad un anno con l'obbligo di vedersi al partita nella casrema dei carabinieri per tre anni. Mi domando perchè non abbiano calcato la mano? Ci sono delle leggi e vanno rispettate. Il padre difende il figlio. Mi padre mi avrebbe dato tanti di quei calci in culo che non vi dico. E' assurdo che ci siano in giro queste teste di cazzo 07-09-18 08:26:28 __________________________________________________ | |
xadrian82 ::: Favorites Il padre è più testa di cazzo del figlio 07-09-18 08:13:44 __________________________________________________ | |
tonhl ::: Favorites Questo è il tipico gobbo, faccia da idiota, comportamento da mentecatto, negazione del fatto davanti all'evidenza, e vestito di maglietta ancora più idiota di lui. Bravo! 07-09-18 07:31:16 __________________________________________________ | |
maruello ::: Favorites ... se anzichè fargliele passare tutte lisce lo educava di più alla misura e al rispetto degli altri, probabilmente di questo sfigato non se ne sarebbe mai parlato! Basta con queste giustificazioni tristissime, chieda scusa e stia zitto, ci perderebbe meno la faccia. Non se ne può più di questi viziatelli che fanno i casini e hanno dietro papà e mammà che gli parano il culo! 07-09-18 07:20:43 __________________________________________________ | |
CanajaDeTeo ::: Favorites ahahaha ma che dice il padre?!?!?! quel caso umano inscena la classica scena del tipo:"Non sono stato io..." "No no mica sono stato io..." ahahaha e il padre dice che:"Non volevo fare del male a nessuno..."ahahaha 07-09-18 06:59:13 __________________________________________________ |
Goias vs Flamengo
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Duration: 00:27 minutes Upload Time: 07-05-21 12:45:02 User: Rafa7JZ :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Gols |
03B 070401 Akihabara Tsugatu
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Duration: 00:60 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-28 22:25:00 User: milafi :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Eurobasket 07 - Serbia vs Russia 03/09
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Duration: 03:10 minutes Upload Time: 07-09-05 14:59:34 User: monuow :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: 03 September 2007 Russia Overwhelm Serbia If someone had any doubts about Andrei Kirilenko's performance in this EuroBasket after a sub-par NBA season, then the opening night of EuroBasket sent out a big message. The Russian forward led his team to a key 73-65 win in the tournament's opener against Serbia on Monday night in Granada's Group A game. Kirilenko finished the game with 24 points, 12 rebounds, three assists, three blocks and drew seven fouls, but every play he made was in the best timing to keep his team on the winning side. Serbia had a bad shooting night. Darko Milicic was shutdown by a great defensive team effort by Russia, and was representative of Serbia's poor shooting, connecting on just two of his 13 shots. His front line teammate Zoran Erceg converted only a single free throw shot of his six attempts to symbolize Serbia's poor form from the line (58%). Russia stormed the court from the first moment to take a 9-0 lead after three minutes, before Marko Jaric scored the first points for Serbia. Russia's team play was on display from the very beginning as four players shared the first 11 points of the team. Kirilenko collected seven points by the end of the first quarter when his team took a 21-13 lead, but didn't think about stopping. Serbia couldn't find any answer for the aggressive Russian defense and by the 13th minute David Blatt's guys were already doubling Serbia's points, 31-15 after J.R. Holden connected a mid range shot. That was when the Russian machine took a rest. For the next 5:20 Russia added only three points, all from the charity stripe, but Serbia was still struggling and used that to reduce the game to only 10 points, 34-24. Another small push by Serbia made it just a six point game, before Nikita Morgunov sealed the half with a key mid-range shot, not his last in the game, to make it 38-30 after two quarters. After shooting only 37% from two-point range and a miserable 43% from the line in the first half, Serbia was still down by only eight, and had a reason to be optimistic but the first minutes of the second half changed that feeling. Milos Teodosic hit three points from the line to make it just a five point game, and then Kirilenko stepped up. He accounted for four points in a row, drew the third foul from Zoran Erceg and with a downtown arrow capped a 10-0 run to make it 48-33 after 25 minutes, only to see his team fall asleep again. Teodosic hit another three pointer to start a Serbian 13-0 run, and make it just a two point game, but now it was time for Kirilenko to step up again. With two minutes to go in the third Milan Gurovic missed a three pointer that could have give Serbia the first lead of the night, and saw Kirilenko show how to do it with an and-1 play, and the gap was back to five, 51-46, on the way to a 54-48 Russian lead with 10 minutes to play. With the game slowly running away Serbia made one last effort. Russia held a 70-63 lead with 1:38 to play when Milicic posted up, but once again Kirilenko came for the help and blocked his shot away. Morgunov, once again, was there to hit the clutch shot, this time from long range, to make it a ten point game and decide the game. "If we don't win tomorrow then today's win means nothing," said Russian's coach, David Blatt referring to the game against Israel that can secure Russia a spot in the next round. Serbia will face the champs from Greece in the second game. |
Comments | |
fil86ka ::: Favorites Sou etsoukse johnmarkac e? Gi'auto tn vrizeis!!! Etsi etsi,na sou tsouzei pio polu... 07-09-17 06:55:43 __________________________________________________ | |
Sabljar ::: Favorites Dabogda poginuli svi u ovoj grupi! 07-09-13 15:23:25 __________________________________________________ | |
BOprah69 ::: Favorites lol @ all the players averaging about age 20 for serbia...and then Gurovic 32.. lol Plus Serbia would have won if we had Vladimir Radmanovic,Nenad Krstic,Aleksandar Pavlovic,and Peja Stojakovic..I mean come on...All top players in the NBA!.. lol 07-09-12 19:46:08 __________________________________________________ | |
johnmarkac ::: Favorites holden putin is fucking your mother thats why you are russian otherwise you are a fucking somalian so go back to africa taste some bananas and then break some rocks...malaka 07-09-11 12:41:10 __________________________________________________ | |
johnmarkac ::: Favorites holden i fuck your mother 07-09-11 12:35:59 __________________________________________________ | |
pedja1488 ::: Favorites Србија Русија заувек браћа 07-09-11 07:26:10 __________________________________________________ | |
germanos7 ::: Favorites do not forget greece 07-09-10 10:58:39 __________________________________________________ | |
englez92 ::: Favorites Cpbuja Cpbuja Cpbujaaaaa!!!!!!!! 07-09-08 22:31:00 __________________________________________________ | |
vukasinhajin ::: Favorites good game..Russians arent bad in Basketball even tho Serbs are worlds best 07-09-07 20:50:25 __________________________________________________ | |
Arauss ::: Favorites Kirilenko=TItan ! 07-09-06 09:46:15 __________________________________________________ |
07J WF05W Procession
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Duration: 06:02 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-28 23:58:04 User: milafi :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Alex critica gerente de futebol do Cruzeiro
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Duration: 03:44 minutes Upload Time: 07-06-01 12:54:20 User: Rafa7JZ :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: TV ALTEROSA |
The Cure - A Forest (Live: Sydney, August 10, 2007)
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Duration: 05:59 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-12 01:48:32 User: ryandashsdotorg :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: "A Forest" by The Cure - live at the Sydney Entertainment Centre on August 10, 2007. |
Comments | |
nirvanatin ::: Favorites i was there 07-09-02 00:56:07 __________________________________________________ |
Juventude vs Paraná
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Duration: 00:29 minutes Upload Time: 07-05-19 20:45:22 User: Rafa7JZ :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: 1-1 Josiel |
ajdar diss - onlineturk.de
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Duration: 02:43 minutes Upload Time: 07-01-11 16:04:51 User: daftmaniac :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: rapci ender'in ajdari geldigi yere götüren mükemmel diss'i |
Comments | |
yucel6717 ::: Favorites yuru lan kim tutar seni ajdar senin amk nasil yedin tokatii zuahhaha 07-08-15 07:19:02 __________________________________________________ | |
vuraldinho ::: Favorites Matara ben sana nasil soktugumu anlat sana onlari göt Dilaran cok iyidi senin;) ajdara koyam!:P 07-07-03 17:13:15 __________________________________________________ | |
Mataraa ::: Favorites vuraldinho gel sana sokim ajdara soktugum gibi yaragimi yeeeeeeeeeeee 07-07-03 17:12:28 __________________________________________________ | |
vuraldinho ::: Favorites ADIL yragami ye! ajdar gibisinn sen! 07-07-03 17:11:08 __________________________________________________ | |
Mataraa ::: Favorites vuralda yaragimi ye :D 07-07-03 17:09:54 __________________________________________________ | |
zazayasin ::: Favorites ajdar değil amına koyım yaaaaaaaaaaaaaa AJDARHA 07-06-28 15:37:52 __________________________________________________ | |
melekguzel ::: Favorites ya bu Ajdar cok igrenc bir adam 07-05-23 07:19:56 __________________________________________________ | |
LeGEnDo81 ::: Favorites ender diss te bir numara :D 07-05-13 05:52:55 __________________________________________________ | |
isyankar050 ::: Favorites cüneyt abi senki dünyayı kurtarmış adam türkiyeyide kurtarırmısın cüneyt abi: HASİKTİR BE :D:D:D:D:D:D 07-04-13 13:35:36 __________________________________________________ | |
bakterios ::: Favorites Ajdara baba eurovisiona gitmesi lazim!!!! Türkiyenin kururu!!! 07-03-12 05:35:05 __________________________________________________ |
A310 Portugal Airshow 2007 Evora II
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Duration: 00:11 minutes Upload Time: 07-09-16 07:25:11 User: cxnobre :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Low pass Airbus A310 no Portugal Airshow 2007 |
Comments | |
NucHazarduZ ::: Favorites Well they are at the end of the runway... legaly they are not spectators... they didnt pay tickets... anywhere in the world you can things like this... at any runway. specialy in st marteens... 07-09-18 10:49:39 __________________________________________________ | |
f4stcr4p ::: Favorites Wow, this breaks just about every rule of air show flying out there: 1) Never fly towards the spectators 2) Never go below set minimum above a crowd. These and others were put into place at most air shows worldwide after the Rammstein disaster. Don't they follow these in Portugal? 07-09-17 20:05:49 __________________________________________________ | |
TanhaMike ::: Favorites E assim terminou a sua demonstração...LOUCURA a destes homens...muito bom mesmo 07-09-17 17:14:06 __________________________________________________ | |
NucHazarduZ ::: Favorites oh meu deus tou espantado! xD 07-09-17 16:43:24 __________________________________________________ | |
righer12 ::: Favorites Wow, looks cool. Must be scary to be under a huge jet airplane! 07-09-17 13:24:20 __________________________________________________ | |
Jmsorcerer ::: Favorites TAP Rules 07-09-17 12:42:50 __________________________________________________ | |
iatanderson ::: Favorites coordenação de eixo no ar? FODASTICo 07-09-16 16:58:21 __________________________________________________ |
CHP Nereye Gidiyor?...
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Duration: 03:44 minutes Upload Time: 07-04-06 05:04:15 User: SurprisTv :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Bir Önceki Kurultayda Yaşanan Tatsız Olaylar ve Mustafa Sarıgül'ün Açıklamaları - CHP Nereye Gidiyor?... 32.Gün 5 Nisan 2007 Yayını |
Comments | |
memooo86 ::: Favorites YİNE DE CHP'YE OYLAR VERİLECEK. AKP KİMDİR Kİ O ERBAKANIN GENÇ p**LERİNİN PARTİSİ. KÖKLERİNE KİBRİT SUYU. MOLLALAR İRANA!!!!!!!!! 07-09-03 18:19:25 __________________________________________________ | |
nazimbaris ::: Favorites mtn3588 ananı bacını sikerim amına koduğumunun çocugu bak pc rew. den bulurum seni akıllı ol!! BAYKALCILAR !! 07-09-01 19:59:19 __________________________________________________ | |
melike77 ::: Favorites sen mi mertsin sarıgül!!! önce şişli'deki yolsuzluklarını açıkla! bi insanın suratından samimiyetsizlik bu kadar belli olur ya! yazıklar olsun sana! 07-08-20 05:04:08 __________________________________________________ | |
aksoyTM ::: Favorites CHP'miz bakin ne hala geldi, Vay ATAM, Vay Karaoglan, bakin, görün, Baykal neler yapti partimize, halkci midir, degildir, Kemalist midir degildir, solcu mudur, degildir, Baykalcidir, demokrasi karsiti darbecidir, ATATÜRK'ün Kemiklerini SIZLATAN PARTi CHP diye bir kitap var, VurAL SAVAS'a simdi hak vermeye basladim! YAZIKLAR OLSUN, CHP'yi bitirdiniz ya, yuvamiz yikildi! 07-08-08 14:56:08 __________________________________________________ | |
apolin5156 ::: Favorites §§§§§_______§§§__§§§_____§§§§§§§§§ §§§_§§§______§§§_§§§______§§§___§§§ §§§___§§§_____§§§§§§_______§§§§§§§§§ §§§§§§§§§§____§§§§§§§______§§§ §§§______§§§___§§§__§§§_____§§§ §§§________§§§__§§§__§§§_____§§§ 07-07-29 11:54:09 __________________________________________________ | |
ilie8484 ::: Favorites AKP nin amina koyumm 07-07-28 12:35:22 __________________________________________________ | |
Recep2023 ::: Favorites ne diyon lan sen özunu kaybetmis köpek,siktir git arabistana. 07-07-26 18:03:46 __________________________________________________ | |
twofacesince23 ::: Favorites §§§§§_______§§§__§§§_____§§§§§§§§§ §§§_§§§______§§§_§§§______§§§___§§§ §§§___§§§_____§§§§§§_______§§§§§§§§§ §§§§§§§§§§____§§§§§§§______§§§ §§§______§§§___§§§__§§§_____§§§ §§§________§§§__§§§__§§§_____§§§ 07-07-24 22:51:51 __________________________________________________ | |
ferezdak ::: Favorites bu görüntüleri saklayıp çocuğuma ve torunlarıma göstereceğim... 07-07-24 13:26:58 __________________________________________________ | |
sislerbulvari1 ::: Favorites şerefsiz AKP nin yüzünü şimdi göründe aklınız başınıza gelsin bakalım. haydi yola devam bir 4 yıl daha size geçirsinler. 07-07-24 08:20:19 __________________________________________________ |