Saturday, March 29, 2008


Duration: 04:32 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-07 11:56:29

This is a video of Seychelles that i made.


Danielo1978  2008-03-21 13:30:46

I was living in Praslin in 2004. Seychelles 4 ever!! Nice people, nice environment, nice all!! I like SESELWA!! I´ll be back one day.. Thank you.
VICKYBARALLON01  2008-03-03 13:53:34

lol did u enjoy it?
lalalalayoyoyoyo  2008-01-01 10:49:38

i went 2 seychelles lolz i went last year
VICKYBARALLON01  2007-09-08 05:20:39

This is a video i made of my country i hope u like it.

En Hemlighet

Duration: 04:36 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-07-30 19:13:02

First single by Swedish pop group E.M.M.A.


Johnyb0y  2008-03-27 19:42:10

Vi har en hemlighet som Johan Kaste vet!
ELL93  2008-03-22 07:16:06

Hahahaha, jag älskade den här låten när jag var liten!!
HedstromFTW  2008-03-11 16:49:23

Haha vem e du
Fittknulliarslet  2008-03-09 17:40:51

Ja hedis, mitt med. Vår klass tillochmed...
HedstromFTW  2008-03-09 10:55:07

Hahha, en av dom går i mitt plugg nu:D

Klaus Nomi - Just One Look

Duration: 03:16 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-29 22:28:55

"That's all it took"


Jessuss1991  2008-03-03 15:11:54

my god ! nice vid ! love it ! =)
joelozada  2008-03-03 13:15:48

t u klaus nomi #1
Crowgrrl59  2008-03-01 15:19:18

Lots of fun to watch! Thanks!
daniela2twin  2008-02-29 23:35:15

Thank you for keeping Klaus alive!

Sunnwendfeiahoazn 2007

Duration: 04:20 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-16 10:42:04

a gmiatlichs zaumsitzn im juni 2007 zum sunnwendfeia zelebrian. vollkommen unspektakulär oba außerordentlich yuppidu.


holareiduliding  2007-10-24 15:38:25

yo yo, very yupidu! Im stillen Gedenken an HEINZI!

Dancetour 1

Duration: 00:33 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-05-28 06:44:54

Het eerste nummer bij Dancetour! Yeah!


dajoepske  2007-09-15 13:02:00

somebody tell me the name of this song plx

Batman Begins Ending

Duration: 01:25 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-10 05:19:43

Batman Begins Ending


DominicanOps  2008-03-29 02:40:08

2nd best scene in the movie (Search "The will to act" to see my number one). Great closure to the first film, the mini cliffhanger didn't even leave me upset and after that it was clear that this was BY FAR not only the best batman movie but best comic book movie ever (Don't mention Spiderman)
fozzzzi  2008-03-27 04:49:25

If you look closely, it says "Recovered by: J. Kerr"
nymetsfan9121  2008-03-23 19:59:15

man wen gorden was sayin take this guy he was dcescribin him the moment he said leaves a calling card even b4 they showd da card the moment he says tht i jus said JOKER da villian in da next movie
nymetsfan9121  2008-03-23 19:54:52

yo i think tht happend in every theater tht happend wen i went to c it
carmelknows  2008-03-22 14:38:44

I knew it would be the Joker - because of Batman Year 1 by Frank Miller - similar ending! But until it happened - it wasn't real!! Then the card turns over!!! Such an awsome ending! It couldn't be anyone but Joker - not even 2 face - not without Harvey who doesn't appear till Dark Knight!!

The Mild Mannered Janitor

Duration: 05:02 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-03-09 04:00:11

The first in our Janitor series. This was just a bit of afternoon fun really, but when it became popular, we got a little more serious about it. So take this as just some cheap tat! LOL


Bam Magera Blows Up Cobra

Duration: 02:45 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-09-12 20:30:48

gets #$%#@ up! (lizzard was already dead)


Death13D  2008-03-27 19:19:46

hahahahahahaha I hate lizards so bad
andreysoviet  2008-03-25 19:30:08

good song... videos kinda bad...3/5
GAMERZOA  2008-03-19 19:59:22

tha lizards name IS cobra...
GODGGOODD  2008-03-19 00:39:09

This is the gayest video ever! I would like the opportunity to punch the person in the face that made this.
karatekid984230  2008-03-16 02:36:30


ENDGAME Sneak: The Post-Humanist Movement

Duration: 01:01 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-26 13:03:33

This sneak preview of Alex Jones' ENDGAME: Blueprint for Global Enslavement covers the emerging trans-humanist or post-humanist movement. Eugenics sought to improve the race of man by methods of breeding; Transhumanism, which was coined by Julian Huxley to replace the worn out term eugenics, seeks to improve man through scientific and technological means. Now, scientific development in areas like genetics, nanotech and robotics may finally allow some to live forever...


atskater99  2008-03-06 22:34:21

watch some videos by this guy mkenna or something like that
robskin82  2008-03-02 13:44:23

This is what I'm dedicating my life to: The Post-Human Movement. I don't know if this is what it's called but it's what I'll use until I find a better term. I believe post-humanism is inevitable. What I don't believe IS is an Orwellian global government. I'm not against a global governement but I am against a global dictatorship or anything remotely Orwellian. The solution to that ensurance is the availibility of post-humanism to as many BEINGS (mostly people) as possible. Let's discuss this.

Settlers - Tutorial 1 - Construction (VOSTF)

Duration: 05:40 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-18 09:47:36

Ce premier tutorial pour Settlers VI vous guidera à travers vos premiers pas dans le jeu.
