Saturday, March 29, 2008

ENDGAME Sneak: The Post-Humanist Movement

Duration: 01:01 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-26 13:03:33

This sneak preview of Alex Jones' ENDGAME: Blueprint for Global Enslavement covers the emerging trans-humanist or post-humanist movement. Eugenics sought to improve the race of man by methods of breeding; Transhumanism, which was coined by Julian Huxley to replace the worn out term eugenics, seeks to improve man through scientific and technological means. Now, scientific development in areas like genetics, nanotech and robotics may finally allow some to live forever...


atskater99  2008-03-06 22:34:21

watch some videos by this guy mkenna or something like that
robskin82  2008-03-02 13:44:23

This is what I'm dedicating my life to: The Post-Human Movement. I don't know if this is what it's called but it's what I'll use until I find a better term. I believe post-humanism is inevitable. What I don't believe IS is an Orwellian global government. I'm not against a global governement but I am against a global dictatorship or anything remotely Orwellian. The solution to that ensurance is the availibility of post-humanism to as many BEINGS (mostly people) as possible. Let's discuss this.

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