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Duration: 302 seconds Upload Time: 07-08-08 02:14:21 User: sniperwolfx22 :::: Favorites |
Barry Bonds hits #756 and breaks the old record of 755 held by Hank Aaron. ESPN version excellent quality.(Bonds whole at bat). |
Comments | |
Skappy777 ::: Favorites sadieaugust people in other countries eat cows too but they aren't overweight like about 45% of our country is. Apparently about the same percentage in this country are retarded. 07-08-09 23:54:10 _____________________________________________________ | |
boardlife1 ::: Favorites Barry bonds- 7 mvps, single season hr record 73, over 2,500 walks, over 500 stolen bases, 14 time allstar, 8 gold gloves, and he may not make the hall of fame. Fuck the steroid era!! *756! 07-08-10 00:17:37 _____________________________________________________ | |
slvrgtstang ::: Favorites He's on steroids 07-08-10 00:43:52 _____________________________________________________ | |
ronodowd2 ::: Favorites ur mom is 07-08-10 00:48:38 _____________________________________________________ | |
slvrgtstang ::: Favorites I wish she was.... actually she might be...lol. U FAG..lol.. Lets face it.. He Cheated but its okay... Y do u think that ball is only worth 500,000. Compared to McGwire's ball..3 million. No one really cares he broke it but Giants Fans'. Ima wait for AROD to break it.. 07-08-10 00:57:31 _____________________________________________________ | |
ronodowd2 ::: Favorites arod wont come close......theres no proof that he cheated...u r a dumass.....end of discussion 07-08-10 01:04:55 _____________________________________________________ | |
ronodowd2 ::: Favorites plus y r u watching this video in the first place if u wanna be hella negative????????? 07-08-10 01:05:45 _____________________________________________________ | |
pHaTmEn3 ::: Favorites THERES PROOF ARE U KIDDING ME!!' barry gained more than a hundred pounds in ten years and dont give me the bs that he doesnt work out he works out all year and then he addmitted to taking anabolic steriods 07-08-10 01:11:37 _____________________________________________________ | |
slvrgtstang ::: Favorites Guy... ARod is the fastest MLB player to reach 500.... Of course he's not close but he's on a good pace.. Bonds is a cheater.. this should be on the record book for HR's-----> (*)Barry Bonds 07-08-10 01:17:08 _____________________________________________________ | |
ronodowd2 ::: Favorites he would kick both of ur asses so shut the fuck up 07-08-10 01:25:19 _____________________________________________________ |
Friday, August 10, 2007
Ron Paul on Fox News 3/21/2007
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Duration: 166 seconds Upload Time: 07-03-22 02:17:18 User: Tommytime8 :::: Favorites |
Ron Paul on Fox News 3/21/2007 |
Comments | |
luckydas ::: Favorites ummmm, it's forefathers. Not "Four Fathers". It means the ones who existed "before" us Not that there were 4 of them. OK, so I've got a thing about spelling. Ron Paul speaks some good sense, and that is a relief to hear in such a polarized political climate. 07-07-31 11:07:40 _____________________________________________________ | |
luckydas ::: Favorites Yeah, right; like business is going to leave the biggest market in the world. With respect, uther, that sounds like another extremist ideologically-driven comment, and not at all well-considered. Hyperbole and exaggeration are not a useful substitute for honest discussion. 07-07-31 11:19:29 _____________________________________________________ | |
luckydas ::: Favorites "Some errors"? How about the worst incompetent bungler in American history. All the while, the koolaid-drinking loyalists stay with him, refusing to acknowledge that the emperor has no clothes. 07-07-31 11:24:36 _____________________________________________________ | |
aiieke ::: Favorites "What's the purpose of running for the white house if you don't get your message out?" What kind of retarded question is THAT? 07-07-31 14:03:58 _____________________________________________________ | |
Guunniitt ::: Favorites Dear Freedom Lover, We are holding an online rally for Dr. Paul. We are doing this to publically and visibly display our support for his principled and consistent message of freedom and limited government. We want this rally to be truly *massive*. We are going to show that, as Dr. Paul says: Freedom is popular! Please join us. Go to: ht tp:/ /rally . ronpaulplanet . org Then send this message to everyone you can think of. 07-08-01 14:23:36 _____________________________________________________ | |
chiefsmurph ::: Favorites that fox guy is such a dumbass. a pretty ironic interview with the next president especially considering he was trying to prove fox presents "fair and balanced" coverage of the election. 07-08-02 18:27:56 _____________________________________________________ | |
slammah2006 ::: Favorites FOX News.. Nov 2008...the day after Mr President... "Never before have we seen a man elected with over 80 percent of the country behind him"...so we have to ask you, Doctor, "Where were you hiding sir???" "I mean, for a unknown candidate to side step all mainstream coverage", How would you say An unknown, a Ron Paul became our President......??? Mr President???... Sir...???...stop the camera. Hey, could one of you guys not just stand there and see if I can arrange to get an interview??? 07-08-06 18:45:42 _____________________________________________________ | |
BillyvonDumpling ::: Favorites Thanks for posting this proof about the INSIDE CONTROL OF POLITICAL OUTCOME. I've voted for the Green's, the Libertarians and yes, I voted for Perot. But today for the first time I registered as a Republican so I can vote for Ron Paul in the primaries! 07-08-09 18:55:17 _____________________________________________________ | |
Tommytime8 ::: Favorites If Ross Perot would have won, I have no doubt we'd be in a much better place right now. 07-08-09 22:22:18 _____________________________________________________ | |
BillyvonDumpling ::: Favorites Not much is better than nothing at all. I'm 35 and I've been voting since I was 18 and I've never voted once for a Democrat or a Republican- always 3rd Parties. This year I'm voting for Dr. Paul. I'm sick of all the bullshit. 07-08-09 23:17:15 _____________________________________________________ |
NBA Greatest Fights Round 3
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Duration: 226 seconds Upload Time: 07-06-26 05:04:06 User: sportsfun911 :::: Favorites |
Round 3 |
Comments | |
SuperboyXX0018 ::: Favorites yes 07-07-10 14:46:13 _____________________________________________________ | |
rchill121 ::: Favorites huz da guy bleeding 07-07-12 15:38:11 _____________________________________________________ | |
965567greg ::: Favorites stephon jackson would fuck lebron up 07-07-14 16:15:35 _____________________________________________________ | |
965567greg ::: Favorites 1:16... that was Jason Kidd 07-07-14 16:19:54 _____________________________________________________ | |
pv111193 ::: Favorites haha 2:21 michael jordan looked crazy 07-07-24 22:54:51 _____________________________________________________ | |
ggs5008 ::: Favorites wow team usa would fuck up any other national team 07-07-25 12:59:58 _____________________________________________________ | |
hamzaman123 ::: Favorites that was funny wen charles barkley waz fighting daA MASCOT 07-07-27 08:43:37 _____________________________________________________ | |
srech3 ::: Favorites It wasn't Bonzi Wells taking a swing at Garnett. It was Anthony Peeler by the way:D 07-07-31 18:32:31 _____________________________________________________ | |
angolaboy9705 ::: Favorites oh miller vs jordan 07-08-04 19:33:40 _____________________________________________________ | |
thad209sk ::: Favorites that was pretty gay 07-08-06 10:25:28 _____________________________________________________ |
Chabelos - El Quinto Teletubie ( nueva version)
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Duration: 215 seconds Upload Time: 06-06-28 03:07:23 User: martinfx :::: Favorites |
Animacion mejorada del quinto teletubie por martinfx jeje espero que esta version les guste mas que la otra gracias solo disfrutenlo y caganse de risa |
Comments | |
PrInC3SaLatina ::: Favorites jajaja se pasaron con esta jajaja 07-07-03 09:32:04 _____________________________________________________ | |
MiguelSpeed ::: Favorites ajajajajaja 07-07-04 16:38:55 _____________________________________________________ | |
punkfev ::: Favorites LMAO 07-07-07 15:26:54 _____________________________________________________ | |
xIIxDnsxIIXx ::: Favorites dela punktamare por eso me gusta los chabelos.. 07-07-19 01:11:41 _____________________________________________________ | |
sunbirdu634 ::: Favorites Not bad. Try <B> PIXIECAMZ DOT COM </B> for amazing cam girls 07-07-19 12:56:05 _____________________________________________________ | |
TREYCO999 ::: Favorites made in peru radio canto grande 97.7 de 5 ha 6 pm 07-07-21 20:27:24 _____________________________________________________ | |
PETRUKIOOX ::: Favorites cheken tmb el beso negro les pongo el link 07-08-05 01:28:50 _____________________________________________________ | |
alysasexymommaor ::: Favorites visit FLINGDATINGSITE . COM for hot women to date 07-08-05 20:03:43 _____________________________________________________ | |
jorluis00 ::: Favorites Reverenda mierda! 07-08-09 11:47:40 _____________________________________________________ | |
jstoo02r168 ::: Favorites Not bad. This website is pretty good for wild cam girls - _CAMZHOME.COM_ 07-08-09 17:36:41 _____________________________________________________ |
Dylan Moran - Dokument: Humor
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Duration: 226 seconds Upload Time: 07-03-03 18:40:14 User: Vembi :::: Favorites |
Dylan Moran being interviewed by Henrik Schyffert. Part of the Swedish documentary series Dokument: Humor (2005). |
Comments | |
anna315 ::: Favorites love that man, hes hiliraious. and i think, unfortunately, he does say the truth about how britain views other countries in our prejudiced way. Disgraceful nation that we are haha but dylan's from the uk, so im proud 07-07-11 12:26:35 _____________________________________________________ | |
Wally9474 ::: Favorites Ana315, emmmmm, you do know that he's Irish. As in Southern Ireland? As in born just outside Dublin, in Navan? Which is not actually in the UK. Would the fact that the reporter says he's Irish not give you a clue, let alone basic Geography? Would his East Irish accent not give it away? So what have we learned here today? 07-07-13 06:18:19 _____________________________________________________ | |
voluntarygoose ::: Favorites that you have issues? 07-07-15 18:11:15 _____________________________________________________ | |
stevendrog ::: Favorites To refer to an Irish man as being from the UK is the biggest insult you can give one.Please, we are well aware of how the Brits like to steel the best of other nationalities which once fell under the throw of their empire, but leave our comedians, athletes, musicians, etc. to US! Ironic how an Irish man can lay bare the pyscho-imperialistic problems which the Brits have, only then to be claimed as British by the Brits! Voluntarygoose, im afriad it is you and your kind which have the issues. 07-07-19 00:54:17 _____________________________________________________ | |
anna315 ::: Favorites i did actually say earlier on i know he's irish not british,and theyre very different things, but i meant he tells the world amazingly about what people from this 'area'-ie britain and ireland are like. im just going to comment on his spectacular 'comedy' rather than irrationally angry people on here. 07-07-23 07:38:59 _____________________________________________________ | |
anna315 ::: Favorites haha too true. even my whole irish family thinks these people on here have issues. 07-07-23 07:44:49 _____________________________________________________ | |
voluntarygoose ::: Favorites ... i'm an irish man :S 07-07-27 14:38:37 _____________________________________________________ | |
Richiesambuka ::: Favorites AHH!!! calm down irish people and english people!! i, representing both know we are nearly exactly the same- plus in Black Books- Dyan Moran had a British passport!!!! oh the horror! 07-08-02 12:32:58 _____________________________________________________ | |
Stechino ::: Favorites tack Jag aelskar sverige! 07-08-07 09:51:21 _____________________________________________________ | |
robzizme ::: Favorites for gods sake man chill out lol 07-08-07 12:24:09 _____________________________________________________ |
My Yorkie " Neo " (2)
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Duration: 38 seconds Upload Time: 06-12-02 01:17:24 User: starr1048 :::: Favorites |
2nd Video about my Yorkie 6 months Old now , weight about 4.2 LB |
Comments | |
Boxerowner ::: Favorites How Old Is Neo Mow? Thanks Bro 07-01-11 15:41:35 _____________________________________________________ | |
rockyrocks13 ::: Favorites I hav a t-cup yorkie he's 6 month too but only weights 1 pound. 07-01-19 11:20:01 _____________________________________________________ | |
starr1048 ::: Favorites woo what ? 6 months old and only 1 lb ? ouch , that's not good 6 month or 6 week ? 07-01-21 21:13:12 _____________________________________________________ | |
rockyrocks13 ::: Favorites it's because he's a t-cup yorkie starr1048 he's only going to weight 2 and a half pounds 07-01-22 17:02:46 _____________________________________________________ | |
pikieater ::: Favorites teacup are only about one pound to like 2 and half pounds... Your dog jumps good! But becareful, there legs are SUPER fragile! 07-04-13 18:03:01 _____________________________________________________ | |
starr1048 ::: Favorites Mmm... reg yorkie are 7-15 lb t-cup are 3-5 tiny or Micro are 1 -3 lb unless 11 site i went too are all wrong 07-04-14 08:51:07 _____________________________________________________ | |
luckystarpuppies ::: Favorites I love Neo!! Amazingly cute. 07-04-18 17:36:21 _____________________________________________________ | |
maybeiloveyou ::: Favorites regular yorkies are 7lbs max. that's the AKC standard. 07-04-24 22:51:00 _____________________________________________________ | |
Snickers24 ::: Favorites he is sooo cute, my yorkie is afraid of squeekie toys, i don't know why. 07-06-06 22:43:12 _____________________________________________________ | |
starr1048 ::: Favorites =( i let my pick his own toy at petco lol this guy is not afraid of anything lol 07-06-07 15:08:00 _____________________________________________________ |
E.S.T. - When God Created The Coffeebreak (live)
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Duration: 577 seconds Upload Time: 07-02-08 15:40:09 User: CauchySchwarz :::: Favorites |
Esbjörn Svensson Trio playing "When God Created The Coffeebreak" live at live at Jazz à Juan Les Pins festival in France July 19 2003. |
Comments | |
jasoncasper16 ::: Favorites What a totally amazing band! I can't wait to see them in April! Yippy-do! 07-04-06 11:25:23 _____________________________________________________ | |
suissemond ::: Favorites I LOVE E.S.T. just can say that... can't wait to see theme again... U ARE AMAZING...! 07-04-18 23:50:33 _____________________________________________________ | |
dardruba ::: Favorites This is a proper trio, three equal musicians, not a genius piano player backed by base and drums. 07-05-05 08:39:37 _____________________________________________________ | |
sw1pe ::: Favorites This was the first EST song I heard that I totally loved. Clever as all hell--and a very nice coffee break at that 3:45 mark--as JazzStylistics has already rightly noted. :-) 07-07-04 20:34:23 _____________________________________________________ | |
Goara ::: Favorites pretty cool but it doesn't swing :( 07-07-10 13:47:12 _____________________________________________________ | |
Roflmaowtime2 ::: Favorites The best thing is that when you see them hit a beat you hear it being beat at the same time. It´s amazing. Someone has done a goood job, so thank you. 07-07-15 12:35:04 _____________________________________________________ | |
whatdoyouwanttosee ::: Favorites What the hell, which album was this one from? Can someone msg me the title of the album this was in? I thought I had all their stuff already. 07-07-20 06:08:58 _____________________________________________________ | |
Kreuvait ::: Favorites the album is "strange place for snow" ,very nice 07-07-30 04:48:59 _____________________________________________________ | |
IZIPA ::: Favorites Excepcional Sensacional Tremendo 07-08-03 16:50:15 _____________________________________________________ | |
olivercarlehed ::: Favorites Like that song, the titel isn't spelled right though. "Coffeebreak" should be spelled Coffee Break. They even spelled it wrong on the album! 07-08-09 06:52:39 _____________________________________________________ |
Matanza brutal de un gato
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Duration: 91 seconds Upload Time: 07-03-07 12:53:33 User: Dimitrix1 :::: Favorites |
Crees que es manera de matar a un gato ¿? Y entonces por que si a los... Please dejar un comentario de lo que os ha parecido. |
Comments | |
Gallardo499cv ::: Favorites excelente 07-07-14 14:21:38 _____________________________________________________ | |
Kivencito ::: Favorites ke buen video 07-07-16 17:29:15 _____________________________________________________ | |
RSEGUEL1970 ::: Favorites por eso me gusta cuando gana el toro 07-07-27 19:19:22 _____________________________________________________ | |
Jluisite ::: Favorites Buenisimo video... vivimos en el siglo XX, no en la edad media, a ver si algunos se enteran de una vez 07-07-31 14:53:40 _____________________________________________________ | |
WALLY90000 ::: Favorites soy español y me averguenzo de esta asquerosa tradición,taurinos al código penal 07-08-04 06:03:03 _____________________________________________________ | |
mataemos77 ::: Favorites un torero muerto no es un tragedia sino la respuesta ante la barbarie y la incultura 07-08-04 15:25:56 _____________________________________________________ | |
akaswebs ::: Favorites entre el atlantico y el mar mediterraneo hay una tierra de mar y mucho sol q desde antaño se viene practicando una asquerosa y sucia tradicion: un individuo vestido de payaso tortura y martiriza hasta la muerte a un animal y el graderio estalla de locura cuando el acero anuncia su final. 07-08-07 11:15:31 _____________________________________________________ | |
akaswebs ::: Favorites banderilleros sedientos de violencia van torturando sin ninguna compasion los picadores prosiguen la matanza acentuando punzadas de dolor malherido embiste con bravura contra el frio del acero que destroza su interior agonozando en un charco de sangre el puntillero remata la funcion. FESTEJO CRIMINAL, VERGUENZA torero, eres la vergüenza de una nacion, eres la violencia en television, eres asesino por vocacion, me produce asco tu profesion. 07-08-07 11:17:29 _____________________________________________________ | |
akaswebs ::: Favorites llamar cultura al sadismo organizado, a la violencia, a la muerte o al dolor es un insulto a la propia inteligencia, al desarrollo de nuestra evolucion. tu indiferencia les hace poderosos, manifietsa tu repulsa a la fiesta criminal no colabores con un juego de dementes, taurinos al codigo penal. 07-08-07 11:18:09 _____________________________________________________ | |
daenceca89 ::: Favorites concuerdo con muchos de los comentarios anteriores ( no los leí todos) la tauromaquia es la manera mas absurda de disfrazar como arte a un idiota que le avienta espadas o dagas a un animal indefenso. y es impresionante como se preocupan por toreros que han sido heridos cuando los que les ha sucedido es solo una respuesta reciproca a todo lo que estas personas han hecho durante decadas 07-08-08 11:12:08 _____________________________________________________ |
Wait And Bleed
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Duration: 88 seconds Upload Time: 06-08-18 12:36:30 User: genocide132 :::: Favorites |
Wait and Bleed remix - Look at our other videos--please rate and please coomment |
Comments | |
kkbaby987 ::: Favorites wow for 5th graders you two are really immature 07-04-03 18:32:12 _____________________________________________________ | |
wdbchsjj1 ::: Favorites Hey kid, listen, could you tell your mom thanks for last night and say it came from me and all my other sixteen homies. I'd really appreciate it. Thanks! 07-04-05 23:38:31 _____________________________________________________ | |
genocide132 ::: Favorites Sorry, are you trying to be funny? you just sent me a message about how IMMATURE I am and how my sense of humor is GAY. so, don't kill yourself there buddy ;) 07-04-06 09:12:44 _____________________________________________________ | |
Hockeystar61 ::: Favorites you guys suck so much 07-04-30 10:43:20 _____________________________________________________ | |
paintballst4r ::: Favorites fricken pissed my pants off i looked back at this..look at 1:16 and tak a look at secksey 07-04-30 18:18:03 _____________________________________________________ | |
paintballst4r ::: Favorites HOLY SHIT U JUST GOT DISSED GENOCIDE132 watch out 07-05-18 21:37:43 _____________________________________________________ | |
paintballst4r ::: Favorites hes the guy in the right im in the left :P 07-05-18 21:38:39 _____________________________________________________ | |
paintballst4r ::: Favorites it felt good so? 07-05-18 21:39:10 _____________________________________________________ | |
strfury ::: Favorites shit 07-06-05 11:15:37 _____________________________________________________ | |
haloelite11215 ::: Favorites what the hell 07-06-05 19:29:54 _____________________________________________________ |
Circus Boy, Pt. 2 Of 4
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Duration: 454 seconds Upload Time: 07-03-15 17:32:42 User: drapersmokes :::: Favorites |
Circus Boy began as a Prime Time NBC show, first airing on September 23, 1956. During the 1956-1957 seasons, it came on your local NBC affiliate on Sunday night at 7:30pm. During the 1957-1958 seasons, it came on your local ABC affiliate on Thursday nights at 7:30pm. Most should recognize Corky, aka Mickey Braddock, as Mickey Dolenz, from The Monkees. The last telecast of Circus Boy as a Prime Time show was September 11, 1958. Central Indiana's WTTV picked up this show around 1960 and showed it on Sunday evenings. Before this, it appeared on Channel 6, our NBC affiliate, as part of the Saturday Morning Line-up of kiddie shows. From what I have been able to ascertain, this episode is in the Public Domain. If that is not the case, I will remove it. According to IMDB, Casey Perkins, the engineer, was played by Ralph Moody. He appeared in 4 Circus Boy episodes, but only played Casey Perkins in two of them: Return Of Casey Perkins, and Casey Rides Again. I have a feeling that this episode is Casey Rides Again. |
Comments | |
GimmeKitty ::: Favorites Thanks for sharing these DOLENZ Rarities with The Fans ... I am so very appreciative ... I have NEVER seen these bits from his show before and I like to think that I have seen most Micky Stuff that's out there! (CLEVER Tags and Tag-Words may prevent anyone's stuff from being removed from this Site ...) -- Abbie :) 07-03-16 18:44:23 _____________________________________________________ | |
SLCPunker101 ::: Favorites What episode is this? 07-03-17 01:30:29 _____________________________________________________ | |
drapersmokes ::: Favorites It looks like the title of this episode is "Casey Rides Again," originally shown November 4, 1956. I haven't seen Circus Boy available on DVD. This one episode came from a friend of mine. It is hoped that the Circus Boy will show up some day on dvd. 07-03-18 01:44:02 _____________________________________________________ | |
derp2000 ::: Favorites OMG! I pretty much love you for putting this up! I've always wanted to see an episode of Circus Boy and now I finally have! Do you have anymore you could put on here? 07-03-21 20:00:32 _____________________________________________________ | |
Loislane93 ::: Favorites Thanks for this. It's fun to watch a childhood show and young, blonde Micky. 07-05-26 20:06:21 _____________________________________________________ | |
LyonStreetSteps ::: Favorites Micky had incredible presence on The Monkees, but even more so as a ten year old! He was sincere and positively adorable. Love the close up at 3:25 and 4:30! This show was well done and he was given excellent direction. What a good little actor he was... 07-06-21 00:13:34 _____________________________________________________ | |
LyonStreetSteps ::: Favorites Thank you so much for these... 07-06-21 00:16:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
woodyjd544 ::: Favorites Try _CAMAHOLIC.NET_ for pretty webcam girls -woodyjd544 07-08-04 11:30:56 _____________________________________________________ | |
mickydolenzlover ::: Favorites cool-e-o! 07-08-06 11:05:54 _____________________________________________________ |
Video Games Original
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Duration: 199 seconds Upload Time: 07-01-15 12:20:18 User: blackoutkids :::: Favorites |
http://www.blackoutkids.com Meet the Black Out Band! -- kid rockers who are quickly becoming one of the hottest groups around! These childhood friends light up the stage and get the people on their feet wherever they perform their danceable mix of original songs and well chosen covers. The band's members, Hunter, Matthew and Tug are pre-teens, but their music appeals to the young and not-so-young alike without being the least bit cutesy. You can find the release of Video Games on iTunes, Napster and numerous music download services like http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/ MZStore.woa/wa/viewAlbum?i=202190240& id=202190236&s=143441 Their single, Video Games, elicits the laughter of recognition from kids as well as their forty to fifty-something parents each time a new crowd hears it. This comic ballad mocks the stereotype of today's youngsters as spoiled rotten video game addicts. It's all clearly tongue-in-cheek and these hard working boys appear anything but spoiled. Most surprisingly, Hunter Watson's performance is Mick Jagger cool despite a refreshing absence of explicit lyrics. But what really makes the song stay on replay in the listener's mind is the catchy pop-style melody, with it's wry references to a diverse group of artists, from Dylan and the Monkees to the Black-Eyed Peas. When not making music or playing video games Hunter, Matthew and Tug are just regular kids who hate homework, vegetables and waking up for school, and love sports, movies, fast food and just about anything on wheels! |
Comments | |
AwaiKo ::: Favorites WHOOO o.o My god song..so..addicting... Although the lead sing/lead guitarest is hot :P AND HES MY AGE WHO HOO~! -doesn't release her basil name for fear of hate mail- :[ ehh screw it HATE MAIL AWAY TwilightWolf 07-08-05 11:50:55 _____________________________________________________ | |
suexian ::: Favorites They're already as good as Warrant, just wait another six months... 07-08-05 15:51:16 _____________________________________________________ | |
1992Maverick1992 ::: Favorites Fail. Video games make you smarter, it increases your reflexes, and your vocab. 07-08-06 01:14:22 _____________________________________________________ | |
Nadarxxx ::: Favorites wassup basil 07-08-06 02:43:14 _____________________________________________________ | |
ramil13 ::: Favorites lol 07-08-06 02:49:06 _____________________________________________________ | |
Lol133769 ::: Favorites ...Great. The voices are back. 07-08-06 02:55:10 _____________________________________________________ | |
Theovenman ::: Favorites Truth 07-08-07 13:25:09 _____________________________________________________ | |
mainfrym ::: Favorites i just wanna be a fool, just wanna play vidya gaemz!!!! 07-08-07 13:29:33 _____________________________________________________ | |
Michael940 ::: Favorites i'm sorry but that kids voice goes right thruogh you, play some heavyer stuff, like pantera, metallica or gojira (Y) x 07-08-07 21:29:52 _____________________________________________________ | |
SethCort ::: Favorites i jsut wanna plai vidya gaems 07-08-08 01:52:49 _____________________________________________________ |
Ventrilo Harassment - World Of Warcraft Nerd Returns
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Duration: 243 seconds Upload Time: 07-07-27 14:07:53 User: VideoCompilerTest :::: Favorites |
http://www.ventriloharassment.org Please donate to VideoCompiler@gmail.com |
Comments | |
oddisnum1 ::: Favorites the actual song. it sounds like its from pokemon. u know what it is? 07-08-09 17:52:16 _____________________________________________________ | |
xnoobxinstinct ::: Favorites vent FTW: La1 . ugt-servers . com, 5795 07-08-09 18:23:06 _____________________________________________________ | |
rjwhaley011 ::: Favorites Vent Info: dallas9(dot)nationvoice (DOT)com <br> Port: 4027 07-08-09 20:12:58 _____________________________________________________ | |
Stubbsy01 ::: Favorites The song at the end was genius!! Ahh Dude duuude duuuude eugh EUGH EUGH EUGH!! 07-08-09 20:45:47 _____________________________________________________ | |
ExLucky7 ::: Favorites He yells- FAGGOTFAGGOTFAGGOTFAGGOTFAGGOTFAGGOTFAGGOTFAGGOTFAGGOTFAGGOTFAGGOTFAGGOTFAGGOTFAGGOT 07-08-09 20:48:17 _____________________________________________________ | |
MartinFFS ::: Favorites The song's called 'Bang the Drum All Day'. 07-08-09 21:13:31 _____________________________________________________ | |
audioslave06900 ::: Favorites loloLOLOL videocompiler ftw 07-08-09 21:38:08 _____________________________________________________ | |
Marksiregar ::: Favorites This is by far your best one! 07-08-09 21:50:18 _____________________________________________________ | |
satyriconcon ::: Favorites i love this stuff keep pisn peepl off 07-08-10 01:16:00 _____________________________________________________ | |
joetheman101 ::: Favorites you kicked those nerds asses! 07-08-10 01:45:40 _____________________________________________________ |
Thunderhorse 100%
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Duration: 165 seconds Upload Time: 07-01-24 12:25:50 User: PriestMLH :::: Favorites |
Thunderhorse by Dethklok Full Combo, filmed on my second try, SP by wuLFe and myself, with some hinting from catfish7. If you've never watched Metalocalypse (show featuring Dethklok) you really need to, it's fun stuff, show's on Adult Swim. |
Comments | |
locojuggalo2010 ::: Favorites i can beat it on hard buit barely but my boy can beat that w/ a high 90 and his band beef injection is tight. 07-08-08 21:18:06 _____________________________________________________ | |
jessy503 ::: Favorites thats nothing.. i can play this song %100 WITHOUT hyperspeed =P 07-08-09 00:28:11 _____________________________________________________ | |
dunkirkflames ::: Favorites Good point, man. Seriously. Kudos. 07-08-09 06:15:03 _____________________________________________________ | |
Renton7777777 ::: Favorites lol i can only get 85 percent on hard 07-08-09 14:07:38 _____________________________________________________ | |
EmoDude270 ::: Favorites holy shit...... 07-08-09 14:20:49 _____________________________________________________ | |
xxjonathan117 ::: Favorites f0king shit dammmmmmmm 07-08-09 16:17:22 _____________________________________________________ | |
KailofthePlushies ::: Favorites Whats crazy is I can actually play that song on a real guitar... but I cant play it for SHIT in Guitar Hero! Lol keep rockin' 07-08-09 21:41:28 _____________________________________________________ | |
gunromance69 ::: Favorites now thats a lifeless 07-08-09 22:40:03 _____________________________________________________ | |
omgitscraigclolol ::: Favorites really good, i wonder how much money you spend on bengay for carpel tunnel 07-08-10 00:38:52 _____________________________________________________ | |
pedrovsky1986 ::: Favorites This song will be in the upcoming Dethklok album "DethAlbum" 07-08-10 02:18:17 _____________________________________________________ |
Hooters Girls, Asian Fetishes, & Adam Sandler!
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Duration: 222 seconds Upload Time: 07-08-03 11:26:07 User: SlumberPartyTheater :::: Favorites |
Slumber Party Theater Presents: "Michelle & Kevin Talk to a Former Hooters' Girl, Discuss Adam Sandler, & Wonder About Asian Fetishes!" A Cute Critic video field trip during which she and her compatriots discuss what it was like to be a Hooters' Girl, why Adama Sandler likes Hooters' Giirls, and people who go to Hooters who may or may not have an Asian fetish! Beware of strong language and strong opinions! Sponsored by Long Pig: The Movie. |
Comments | |
not2late2liberate ::: Favorites DarylWashington is a piece of shit. Look at his video where he makes fun of a handicapped girl and calls her "the ugliest bitch in the world." he's a poor excuse for a human being. 07-08-03 23:46:35 _____________________________________________________ | |
not2late2liberate ::: Favorites DarylWashington is a piece of shit. Look at his video where he makes fun of a handicapped girl and calls her "the ugliest bitch in the world." he's a poor excuse for a human being. 07-08-03 23:46:47 _____________________________________________________ | |
DarylWashington ::: Favorites LOL classic! 07-08-03 23:55:14 _____________________________________________________ | |
QuickSickNick ::: Favorites Men with Asian fetishes are immature. They buy into the idea that Asian women are submissive, yet nymphomaniacs. That being said, there are many very attractive Asian women out there, and just because a non-Asian man is attracted to an Asian woman does not mean that man has an Asian fetish. I'm an expert on this. 07-08-04 00:54:21 _____________________________________________________ | |
SlumberPartyTheater ::: Favorites animaldefenders - I hear you, but I'm just curious as to where it is written that a woman can't be proud of her mind and accomplishments AND let her hair down and have fun with both her attitude and sexuality? One would think that - by definition - a "good" Hooters girl would also have to have people skills, no? 07-08-04 01:09:26 _____________________________________________________ | |
SlumberPartyTheater ::: Favorites QuickSickNick - Oooo. Sounds like someone has some stories to share! LOL! 07-08-04 01:10:32 _____________________________________________________ | |
QuickSickNick ::: Favorites Maybe I do. 07-08-04 11:23:06 _____________________________________________________ | |
not2late2liberate ::: Favorites i hear what you're saying, and i do believe that women can be proud of their accomplishments AND sexuality ... i just feel that the giggly bubbliness sort of equates sexuality with airheadedness. but hey, i've been there and done that, so i'm not trying to be too judgemental - i've just grown up a bit. ;) 07-08-06 15:04:16 _____________________________________________________ | |
not2late2liberate ::: Favorites well-said, quicknicksick. the world needs more men like you. 07-08-06 15:05:37 _____________________________________________________ | |
dylanhunt06 ::: Favorites High heels, shorts, and a golf club...mmmm. 07-08-06 16:19:56 _____________________________________________________ |