Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Duration: 09:40 minutes
Upload Time: 06-09-27 14:41:35
User: mistkerl
:::: Favorites


bejemon ::: Favorites
Vaya! Genial. El contenido es mejro aun que la animación. Bravo!
07-08-25 15:19:16
dmntcheer ::: Favorites
realemente hermoso.. ojala se pudiera hacer lo mismo en la realidad
07-08-23 15:07:08
cubezero1 ::: Favorites
07-08-22 20:11:53
gone32000 ::: Favorites
esta buenisimo, el trabajo de animacion y edicion de audio,, y el mensaje tan urgente de ser analizado, es lo mejor,, felicidades, no tengo palabras...
07-08-22 05:51:30
twigy ::: Favorites
awesome =)
07-08-20 03:20:30
practum ::: Favorites
Increible animacion. Se nota cuando alguien hace algo serio, con un tema tan actual y preocupante y de tal calidad. Enorabuena. Me encanto la musica! ^^ le venia al dedo. xD
07-08-19 11:36:15
caspermarquez ::: Favorites
07-08-16 17:08:49
Mordan666 ::: Favorites
Ansprechende und atmosphärisch zum Film passende Musik, schön animiert und wunderbare Story! Daumen hoch und mehr davon!
07-08-13 11:33:35
monxylink101 ::: Favorites
gracias, tu filme me enspiró, gracias por mostrar tu punto de vista
07-08-10 15:51:20
tomashijo ::: Favorites
07-08-08 06:10:01
fannyprettywifewz ::: Favorites
Girls near you on webcam at CAMVIEWSDIRECT dot COM
07-08-06 12:05:00
pulporockstar ::: Favorites
Está en nuestras manos cambiar el rumbo hacia el que nos dirijimos. Excelente.
07-08-05 18:29:07
txorrica ::: Favorites
grazias por este trabajo, de verdad, muchas gracias
07-08-05 16:23:19
TaperwareProduction ::: Favorites
07-08-03 15:28:30
wanttodormir ::: Favorites
einfach toll... Ich kann nichts mehr sagen
07-07-31 13:37:26
DaFeBo ::: Favorites
Increible. Se agradece el ver cosas asi. Gracias al autor.
07-07-31 09:19:20
solodebajo ::: Favorites
1º Te dá mucho que pensar 2º El video conbinado con la música excelente 3º El tema que ha eljido el autor no podia estar más alla de ña realidad 4ºCon la cjita mágica o sin ella deberiamos concienciarnos todos del daño que le estamos haciendo al planeta tierra 5º Uno de los pocos videos que he visto en You Tube que sinceramente lanzen un mensaje tan claro y a la vez super_realista. (Xavier de solodebajo)
07-07-29 05:30:25
YoShiLolitA ::: Favorites
Amazing Job!! Interesante!! Y muy bien hecho!!
07-07-28 11:43:50
Momotauro ::: Favorites
se ve muy interesante
07-07-27 10:41:36
xtreyven ::: Favorites
Waoo excelente me gusto basten en especial la musica en conjunto con la animación. Original
07-07-23 15:05:50

Secret Photos, EBENs & Area 51 Pt.1

Duration: 10:58 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-25 08:57:53
User: theduderinok
:::: Favorites

Linda Moulton Howe presented an interview with "Don," a man who phoned in during her January 20th, 2006 Coast appearance and said his uncle had shown him top secret files and photos taken in 1947 of crashed discs and small entities. According to Don, his uncle had B&W pictures of three UFO crash sites, including photos showing a craft embedded into a hillside and two living 'extraterrestrial biological entities' (EBENs) standing nearby. Don said the EBENs stood between 3-4 feet tall, had short legs, elongated arms with long, pointy fingers, and egg-shaped heads. Don's uncle claimed he could communicate telepathically with the EBENs, and said they had traveled to Earth from "outside our galaxy" to teach humanity about medicine and how to live in peace. Don said his uncle also witnessed an anti-gravity demonstration at Area 51, in which the EBENs used mind power to levitate metallic spheres. Later in the program, Linda spoke briefly with Dodie Crain, mother of famed Area 51 microbiologist Dan Burisch. Crain confirmed that Burisch had once worked at Area 51, having on occasion followed him to McCarran Airport, where a 'Janet' flight transported him to the secret Nevada base. (the photos presented are NOT the photos that they are speaking about. photos presented here are for visual reference only) February 10th, 2006 http://www.projectcamelot.net/dan_burisch.html http://www.earthfiles.com/ http://www.coasttocoastam.com/shows/2006/02/10.html

MartinGist ::: Favorites
Toward the end of this segment "Don" describes the skin of the crew as like a body suit. This is a clue.
07-07-19 23:26:09
persinos ::: Favorites
Yes they are a body suit. The eyes are also like goggles. David Icke talks with an African Shaman about this. There were MANY crashes in Africa. They also dissected them.
07-07-30 22:52:31
bbrook99 ::: Favorites
it would be impossible to have a war with the aliens their technology is billions of years above ours there spacecrafts dont just hop from planet to planet they hop from galaxy to galaxy it would be like all humans against ants
07-07-17 01:29:00
anvilofcrom ::: Favorites
There are many species visiting earth, which of them do you think may be able to travel between galaxies?
07-07-18 23:34:38
christpunchers ::: Favorites
This story is pretty consistent with the john lear revealations. Is it possible that the US army were under order by the secret government to shoot down these ufos? John Lear said that we're been collecting crashes since 1930's so maybe they wanted live EBEs for a long time.
07-07-07 01:24:58
davemall ::: Favorites
moon bases to build army/or mine helium 3,planet x 2012,
07-07-05 21:35:44
theduderinok ::: Favorites
yeah I know how you feel. I like the cyberpunk motto 'information wants to be free' :-)
07-06-04 02:49:05
brooklynheart ::: Favorites
07-06-04 12:37:26
brooklynheart ::: Favorites
What I don't like, is that her website requires payment before it will give you access to the current files and/or pictures - it left me with a very negative feeling toward her. I agree, there are costs involved in keeping the server up; however, it doesn't cost that much - as well know ... and requiring payment before you have access to the files is like saying "if you can't afford to pay, you don't deserve the truth."
07-06-03 23:47:49
Babyhowdy233 ::: Favorites
I recently spoke to Linda(a VERY nice person, VERY caring) and was under the impressive it IS free. I will gladly check into this for you, okay? :)
07-06-17 07:29:37
theoriginalcrazydave ::: Favorites
Yeah, the recent stories are free, the older archived ones are for pay.
07-07-03 13:51:07
YugSoth ::: Favorites
:( sad
07-07-11 10:20:37
brooklynheart ::: Favorites
Dude, I've been listening to your interviews since early this afternoon and its now 11:30pm and have yet to even touch on even half of the stuff you've uploaded. I can't even begin to thank you enough for pooling together all of this information into one organized place for us. Thank you so much. I'd love to talk to anyone that feels the way I do and believes in the things I do. I'd welcome the friendships.
07-06-03 23:36:56
theduderinok ::: Favorites
cool! thanks for listening :)
07-06-04 02:50:18
etienneranc ::: Favorites
Hi, cool recording. As I heard the voice of "Don", I couldn't help but associate his voice with that of "Sgt." Clifford Stone, one of the Disclosure project's witnesses. It's just a possibility, who knows. Check for yourself.
07-05-26 15:25:50
MistressDivine ::: Favorites
I love it when you post I look forward to it. Thanks
07-05-25 22:03:51
theduderinok ::: Favorites
thank you :)
07-05-26 00:34:44
blueskies66 ::: Favorites
Dude, it's crazy. I am so into this Dan (crain) Burish thing and George Knapps investigation about him....I'm buzzing today. Thanks
07-05-25 10:02:17
theduderinok ::: Favorites
welcome :D
07-05-25 18:54:56
SwordofOblivion ::: Favorites
Haha, Excellent I love any videos that bring up Area 51, one of my favourite subjects, what I would give to be a fly on the wall in that place, to see what really goes on:)
07-05-25 09:09:42
theduderinok ::: Favorites
cool man :D thanks for listening!
07-05-25 18:58:06
beyondsonic ::: Favorites
Iknow EXACTLY what happened at roswell- it WAS a coverup- send me a messege if you want to know, dont have time now :)
07-06-13 14:49:52

Tomorrow - Aleishar original Write Music to My Lyrics 2

Duration: 03:23 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-26 23:39:08
User: Isodig
:::: Favorites

My (lowlife) song version of most awesome Aleisha Russell's excellent lyrics. Basically it's Dm, Am, C, G, and then G, G/F#, Em, D, C, C/B, Am, and then D, D/C, D/B. I put some overpastes in so anyone who really wanted to could see it, and hopefully the chords are easy to hear. Here's Aleisha's profile page: http://www.youtube.com/user/aleishar and the original video with the lyrics: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ls9rI-Gx8cc I took some liberties. Just a couple.. Changed the name from "Never Wanted to Say Goodbye - Goodbye" to "Tomorrow" and moved around a verse because I am obsessive about symmetry (not that it wasn't but my arrangement wasn't). And.. well, it's all in there. I spent 10 times (at least) as long editing the video than I did recording the song, lol. I wanted to do a good job on it. Not to get on a CD but because Aleisha is so cool and I love the lyrics. And the original video was not this dark... Lyrics: ------- I never wanted to say goodbye but you gave me no choice always held my feelings inside Can you hear my voice? Lived in a circle of confusion always asked myself why so many unanswered questions to the pain hidden inside With all this talk of tomorrow always thought you'd stay Never needed anyone like you till you took you away Left alone with the memories Taking the place of you inside I feel but I can't speak I never wanted to say goodbye Now I'm going on my own because I can't give in I must figure it out alone and learn to live again. With all this talk of tomorrow Always thought you'd stay Never needed anyone like you Till you took you away No more talk of tomorrow I must live today I have released all my sorrow I will find my way Never wanted to say Goodbye Goodbye I am saying Goodbye ------------------- Lyrics by Aleisha Russell July 27, 2007 Music by Isodig. :-)

TeamCannabis ::: Favorites
Man Isodig,I,ve been following this great idea,and I swear,every version of this is outstanding.Yours is just everything I like in a good song.Voice,incredible,guitar work,superb,melody,wonderful,and the lyrics beautiful.Thanks so much,my friend.
07-08-28 01:42:14
theerion ::: Favorites
great tune, performed very nicely! the rasp in your voice is, the borrow IvoniceAstrid's word, "atmospheric." awesome stuff, brotha
07-08-27 23:56:52
MikeHelmsMusic ::: Favorites
I can fell this bud...very nice job ... got room for a solo too.. a little more than a tich of distortion... but .. not to heavey...
07-08-27 23:29:07
Ottawarocket ::: Favorites
Just super!..great song Rocket
07-08-27 22:22:46
Isodig ::: Favorites
Hey Rocket, thank ya bro.. Low4Life. :-)
07-08-27 23:07:07
IRTheBorg ::: Favorites
Your arrangement really does justice to my friend Aleisha's song - awesome 5 stars!
07-08-27 19:10:36
Isodig ::: Favorites
Thanks Larry.. I appreciate the nice comment and the stars.
07-08-27 23:05:39
CasualDaveDotCom ::: Favorites
Dude, that is F'ing excellent, your vocals really grabbed me, some nice licks in there too, very sweet job, man!
07-08-27 18:38:02
Isodig ::: Favorites
Hiya Dave. Thank you sir - I appreciate it a lot man and I am glad you like it.
07-08-27 23:04:19
shawnmcnair1 ::: Favorites
Awesome isodig! Wanted to do this tune as well.
07-08-27 18:35:41
Isodig ::: Favorites
Hey Shawn bro you definitely should - and thanks man.
07-08-27 22:59:44
KGeert ::: Favorites
Hi Isodig, until now Ralph(conkling) was my favorite, but now he sure has some serious competition.... I LOVE IT!!! I'm happy you made this contribution :-)
07-08-27 16:13:51
Isodig ::: Favorites
Ah Kristina, well I am just happy you like it. :-) I really wasn't competing, and I there are others I definitely think are better than this, but I wanted to do something good because it's Aleisha.
07-08-27 18:02:09
KGeert ::: Favorites
I'm sure you make her proud with your music :-)
07-08-28 00:43:43
uncledave10 ::: Favorites
and getting more posts is getting tougher for the impaired . lol :o)
07-08-27 16:01:39
Isodig ::: Favorites
Uploading you mean? I had some issues myself.. but I always have.
07-08-27 17:59:52
uncledave10 ::: Favorites
Seems its getting better for me on the uploading but I think its something to do with the new cameras .
07-08-27 18:17:49
IvoniceAstrid ::: Favorites
this is great, so atmospheric, and i love your voice x Ivonice
07-08-27 15:37:34
Isodig ::: Favorites
Thanks so much! :-)
07-08-27 18:00:33
Isodig ::: Favorites
Thanks Ralph.. Your version of this blew me away.. It's fantastic. I think my voice is unique only because most people that sound like me would never sing, lol.
07-08-27 15:26:12

Wacko Jacko

Duration: 03:49 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-07 17:42:21
:::: Favorites

Clip from The Matthew Mask Show: Matt Mask dresses up like Michael Jackson and goes into a restaurant that claims to be selling "Two Teens for 6 bucks" watch Mask go in and see what happens...eh hee hee chamone.

XXlauraXXdear ::: Favorites
lol " hi folks im michael jackson" lol this was funny! but yeh i have one qestion for everyone who hates him!! HOW DO YOU NO HE DID THAT TO LIL BOYS?? i love the guy mike hes sweet and caring and he woodlnt do that to lil boys BUT... HES A FREAK!! lol but no he didnt do that to lil boys!!
07-08-22 17:05:33
dioioego ::: Favorites
Well done! I hate Michael Jackson, he is a horrible pedophile! I mean, whoever believes he is innocent also believes his skin got totally white bcos of Vitiligo... it says it all!
07-08-18 13:26:53
Oplaaskrokodil ::: Favorites
He sounds like Gingie from the Shrek movies!X)
07-08-12 11:39:36
kingofthetolit ::: Favorites
This video scares me!
07-08-12 02:46:07
p4zz ::: Favorites
07-08-10 06:37:19
decemberke ::: Favorites
Well I wouldn't say michael is innocent, but i like his music. But I'm not a fan either. I'd never agree with what his doing, but he has been the king of pop ever since. Be peaceful!
07-07-26 14:13:23
surajmehtaw ::: Favorites
your right mmask he does deserve ridicule
07-07-18 12:57:32
qbees ::: Favorites
This doesnt reflect on Michaels chararcter at all but on your own - this is what came from your perverted mind NOT Michaels dont use Michael as a scapegoat _ Look in the mirror - Its scary isnt it - time for you to make a change ..
07-07-14 19:50:37
MMASK ::: Favorites
Michael Jackson is pushing 50 years old and shares beds with young boys and shows them pornography and gives them alcohol...you claim this video reflects my character..look in the mirror at yourself and realize you are a fan of a man who abuses children and deserves ridicule..whats next? are you going to claim O.J Simpson is innocent? LOL
07-07-14 20:02:30
SorteRose ::: Favorites
hahaha.. that was sooooo fun!!! "I think I'll moonwalk out of here" haha... I am an MJ fan but still. that was tooo funny :)
07-07-06 11:47:30
VSlice21 ::: Favorites
HAHAHA!!!! that was halirious! Great work as always :P
07-06-21 20:17:00
SmoothCriminalAaron ::: Favorites
How Fucked UP your are
07-06-19 20:26:12
MMASK ::: Favorites
I'm fucked up? your the one who's the fan of a man who sleeps with kids....wake up shit for brains.
07-06-19 20:35:57
SmoothCriminalAaron ::: Favorites
Naaaa that was funny i just like To say How Fucked up you are, It's a Al Pancio Quote And to Correct you He Slept NEXT to kids
07-06-19 20:39:58
MMASK ::: Favorites
I'll ask you this...what makes you support a 45 year old man who admits he sleeps in beds with young boys.
07-06-14 13:54:13
IrlinJackson ::: Favorites
ooh.. is that what you dont like with Michael (who not is 45 but 48 - turning 49 this year). What's wrong chearing a bed? Mike never slept in the same bed, he slept on the floor. Anyway, sleaping having a children to sleap in your bed (when nothing sexuall goes on) is nothing else that pure, sweet and lovley! If you really think Mike is a pedophile - than YOU really got some dirty minds man! Mike is one of the nicest person on earth!
07-06-15 12:58:24
MMASK ::: Favorites
no...your not brainwashed at all.
07-06-15 13:16:59
IrlinJackson ::: Favorites
How can you say that? You dont know Michael Jackson at all... or do you? Godness! Learn more about respect man!
07-06-15 13:18:44
MMASK ::: Favorites
You should learn to observe facts and not condone the behavior of a 49 year old man who spends an innapproriate time with children....a man being a good entertainer is no excuse for his conduct.
07-06-15 13:20:50
IrlinJackson ::: Favorites
Maan.. you will never get it.. or what? Some people... sorry for you! Take care! And have fun!
07-06-15 13:46:26

Alan Luo - Lian Ai Da Ren

Duration: 04:50 minutes
Upload Time: 05-12-09 10:55:44
User: ImportWeed
:::: Favorites

Alan Luo - Lian Ai Da Ren feat. Xiao S chinese music video

partygirlnat1210 ::: Favorites
i didn't noe small S can sing so good!
07-08-27 16:08:45
1qweenbeauty ::: Favorites
Geesh, Alan is HOT. Somehow, he reminds me of Aaron Kwok.
07-08-25 21:12:18
imissesyou ::: Favorites
i got . . add me . . torosohandsome@hotmail(dot)com
07-08-24 17:35:31
imissesyou ::: Favorites
i got , add me yeahs . torosohandsome@hotmail(dot)com
07-08-24 17:33:59
Corrosive88 ::: Favorites
love it ~
07-08-24 04:21:18
Nhilaryduff ::: Favorites
Some 1 Have This Song In Mp3 ? Plzz Send it Plzz> N_megami09@hotmail
07-08-23 17:17:14
r0ck3ts11 ::: Favorites
wow.. chinese version is so much better then the english one
07-08-20 23:29:10
khmercupcake ::: Favorites
hey i cant believe ive never seen him!! Hottie
07-08-20 05:17:20
myrasalas ::: Favorites
i'm so inlove with this song... and Xiao Zhu is sizzling hot...!!!
07-08-17 00:23:38
xcourtenymon ::: Favorites
luv it
07-08-15 14:59:09
Meeeh0n0You ::: Favorites
LOVe this song n LOVE the singers!!
07-08-14 16:44:01
kaxiong209 ::: Favorites
love him...nice song ^_^
07-08-13 23:23:40
gloriaaa098 ::: Favorites
i loveee this song! :D
07-08-12 15:52:51
CaLiStyLez ::: Favorites
i jus heard the english one, but the asian one sound better
07-08-11 20:48:19
Hondachick34 ::: Favorites
yep i agree with you
07-08-13 03:55:27
michellemiyuki ::: Favorites
love u xizo zhu!!!
07-08-02 07:00:48
czer11 ::: Favorites
english version: Bro'Sis - I believe you can see it here in youtube...
07-08-02 06:39:33
xcourtenymon ::: Favorites
i understand chinese and they didn't cheat on each other
07-08-01 12:53:47
CaLiStyLez ::: Favorites
i dont get it? were they cheating on each other? i wish i could understand chinese better, bu hao!! he got caught up right?
07-07-31 17:28:59
Bbykylie ::: Favorites
07-07-30 06:54:04

Eye Candy

Duration: 06:46 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-24 04:10:42
User: brask310
:::: Favorites

Picture Compilation of Hip Hop Diva models with RnB music.

Peterpanf446 ::: Favorites
Youtube isnt good for porn. I like the site <B> SUNNYFAIRY DOT COM </B>
07-08-22 06:46:28
ruthyj119 ::: Favorites
Not bad. This site is pretty cool for hot girls - _PIXIECAMZ.COM_
07-08-09 22:04:20
sagar858d223 ::: Favorites
Youtube isnt good for adult stuff. I like the website CAMZHOME DOT COM -sagar858d223
07-08-02 18:20:03
dasiesweetnymphrn ::: Favorites
Hot adult pictures at PHOTOADULTS dot COM
07-08-02 06:18:32
mjjmcder ::: Favorites
dam these girls are all hot
07-06-24 18:59:23
nicknamez ::: Favorites
sexc...real tawk
07-05-27 15:43:04
solo4lyfe ::: Favorites
who is this song by?
07-05-17 15:10:18
brask310 ::: Favorites
All song details are in the credits in the end..
07-05-19 16:33:28
Brownfox1981 ::: Favorites
WHo is that on 1:22????
07-05-17 08:41:59
luv69luv ::: Favorites
Yes angel aka lola luv gotta give it to her. Bad aint even the word she definatly got it. Came in and took the indistry by storm. I love her.
07-05-09 20:58:05
Specialbreedzz ::: Favorites
now i know wats in ur head
07-04-23 02:27:33
BigHRD2 ::: Favorites
good work
07-04-19 23:16:33
mrdothat ::: Favorites
Tight work. I like to see people who have the same vison as I do when it comes to sexy models.
07-04-16 16:40:20
sw33taZnGiRl ::: Favorites
07-04-07 19:51:48

I Think Bayer Corporation is a Very Bad Company

Duration: 02:08 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-28 10:43:29
User: MoldytoasterVideo
:::: Favorites

I Think Bayer Corporation is a Very Bad Company Genetically polluted the crops of Australian farmers http://www.organicconsumers.org/ge/bayer072005.cfm Generated 2.4 million pounds of hazardous waste annually http://www.epa.gov/region3/r3press/pr9713.htm 11,000 Americans had to be treated with fluoroquinolones from Bayer misusing antibiotics. http://www.environmentaldefense.org/article.cfm?contentid=255 Contributed large sums of money to the 2000 Bush presidential campaign, to get his support. http://www.txpeer.org/Bush/Polluters_Bet_On_Bush.html Produce unsafe food additives, and dangerous consumer products. http://www.biotech-info.net/keycode_bayer_39.html 1956 Bayer executive Fritz ter Mee was sent to prison for Nazi war crimes http://www.cbgnetwork.org/1695.html Fined $135,900 for exposing worker to Methylenedianiline. http://www.acusafe.com/Newsletter/Stories/0101News-MonthlyIncidents.htm Puts aspartame, (a neurotoxic substance) into children's Flintstone's vitamins. http://omega.twoday.net/20040505/ Charged $8 million for putting rhabdomyolysis (a serious muscular disease) in products. http://www.allamericanpatriots.com/node/17964 Charged with war crimes for supplying chemical weapons during the Congo Civil War. http://www.corporatewatch.org.uk/?lid=200 Bayer employ about 1600 children under age 15 in the production of cottonseed in India http://www.cbgnetwork.org/295.html Gave drugs infected with AIDS to children http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XS3mhjt7TrY

resaca5367 ::: Favorites
So....a german! company that currently employs 106,000 people had one! person sent to prison for Nazi crimes ? So what ? Besides, the allies took most patents, chemicals, people after WWII which is why Bayer US until recently was unrelated to Bayer Corp. . On Bayer US distributing HIV infected drugs -> the opposite has long been proven. No, I don't work for Bayer...I am a graduate student : HIV research. Your allegations are all 'half-truths' which can be worth than lies.
07-08-24 09:15:42
invista360 ::: Favorites
Thanks for posting. True. These flouroquinone antibiotic residues, more powerful than the former LS-50 because of mutation, is in nonorganic milk along with more than 50 other antibiotic residues from the dairy industry including rBGH<Monsanto Corp. brainchild. I only drink pure RAW milk that I get from a local supplier. Very healthy. Bayer has also used a flea repellant chemical in the vet industry that will make an animal very sick.
07-08-24 08:05:53
KellyinBama ::: Favorites
There needs to be a congressional investigation with regards to Bayer knowingly selling aids tainted vaccines overseas - I wrote my congressional representative tonight - only take a few seconds- just search contact my congressman - should you write too?
07-08-23 00:36:27
gamblemad ::: Favorites
great vid moldy.... but Rhabdomyolysis is caused by Cervistatin (Baycol) (and other statins) and isnt added to them.. but other than that great work i totaly agree
07-08-21 10:46:28
dragonfly1030 ::: Favorites
Well made and professional video. I used to take the Flintstones vitamins as a kid! :-/ Might I also point out that aspartame (used in a lot of sugar free products) tends to be a massive migraine trigger for a lot of people--myself included. Ugh.
07-08-21 08:24:23
yogablu ::: Favorites
Why aren't these executives being prosecuted for the Aids scandal? This is unbelievable.
07-08-20 12:01:20
pythia2006 ::: Favorites
Bayer's involvement in Nazi war crimes should have been enough to put them out of business, but this zebra has not and will not change its stripes without a really big consumer movement against them. And they deserve everything that can be brought against them!
07-08-19 14:09:29
DamianContreras ::: Favorites
A video that only focuses on the bad a company has done can make any company look bad.
07-08-18 15:58:59
vandlent ::: Favorites
My OPINION is that it is JUST YOUR OPINION ,as you state to clear yourself from slander charges..I am not a pharm lover but as for donating to Bush, hillary clinton has already gone on the record saying that she will accept donations from pharmaceutical firms for her campaign. FOLKS, use your brains and don't believe everything you see on the internet!
07-08-18 14:48:37
1oneundergod1 ::: Favorites
drug companies are interested in making profits, and their interests often transcend even the most basic ethical and human safety guidelines. taking legal drugs is not the answer to your health problems -- leading a healthy lifestyle is. If this Bayer video was at all eye-opening for you, please forward this article to your friends and loved ones, and urge them to protect their health with proper food instead of prescription drugs.
07-08-18 01:14:57
tamalya ::: Favorites
And they're still at it " Bayer AG's disclosure last week of a study showing that a promising medicine has deadly side effects came only after a Harvard drug safety expert told U.S. regulators that the research existed"To contact the reporters on this story: Justin Blum in Washington and Eva von Schaper in Munich
07-08-17 18:26:27
tedquinn ::: Favorites
this doesn't even scratch the surface. mustard gas, nerve gas. mengeles experiments on children in nazi death camps. AIDS-tainted blood products dumped on asian hemophiliacs. banned pesticides sold to central american countries. guess who had cipro, the antidote during the 'anthrax scare'? that's right, bayer!
07-08-17 03:29:32
fish0000001 ::: Favorites
I don't use their products and just knowing what you have exposed does not really change anything. As for opinions, yes, I respect your opinion. I personally have no opinion since I do not use their products.
07-08-15 19:02:00
jodyrea ::: Favorites
Love the video except 'bad' does not fit the bill. But then I do not believe there is a word in any language that can describe what they are. Currently there are some very critical issues in need of support. For mankind and nature alike PLEASE make yourself aware - please take the time out to review Coalition against BAYER Dangers (Germany) website
07-08-13 19:22:07
CmbtEvlvdProductions ::: Favorites
Very interusting, great vid 5 stars.
07-08-13 00:52:55
user169022 ::: Favorites
Let's not forget Bayer invented heroin. No, I'm not joking, either. They were supposed to have made a pain reliever that wasn't addictive like morphine. Isn't that ironic?
07-08-11 18:55:25
missedabeat ::: Favorites
Scary video, after reading the entry on Wiki for Bayer, it reveals some more very interesting facts about this company.
07-08-08 15:48:36
andrew17660 ::: Favorites
Don't forget to include George Bush's granddaddy Prescot Bush!
07-08-03 08:44:25
JTickett ::: Favorites
Excellent video, I hadn't even heard the name Bayer until a moment ago. Thanks for the info. On a side note, do you mind telling me what the music was in the background?
07-07-27 20:26:46
malhombre ::: Favorites
Great video, man. Keep this stuff up.
07-07-22 01:08:50

Cookin' in Couples Vol. 1: Malteaser Cake

Duration: 06:00 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-10 22:17:35
User: ra0ul
:::: Favorites

Inspired by youtube's very own jaybobed (aka. Dave 'The World's Greatest Chef') My girlfriend and i make some malteaser cake to prove out worth in the online food preparation community. Try making it and leave a comment as to how it tasted.

manystar ::: Favorites
Your girlfriend is gorgeus, so beautiful...she can be a model if she want
07-08-26 14:44:51
ra0ul ::: Favorites
Thanks, i agree i'll pass on the message she'll love to hear it i'm sure.
07-08-26 18:07:39
wacko506 ::: Favorites
havinb a wee bit off trouble crushin that biscuit chis?
07-07-08 23:25:52
hoopsbhoy88 ::: Favorites
hey im jacks friend and he told me about you i started looking through your videos and found this i just made it and to tell ye something it is LOVELY !
07-07-02 11:28:10
ra0ul ::: Favorites
it tastes great, in fact i should go make another... now. Thanks for the comment.
07-07-02 15:40:04
wacko506 ::: Favorites
hey chris do you have to add syrup or honey?
07-06-27 08:31:03
bigfraz23 ::: Favorites
this is the start of something beautiful? you look like Ronan Keeting in the end bit with the cake, good job. yer lady makes a good presenter, shame she cant do sports 0:)
07-05-11 12:02:49
ra0ul ::: Favorites
Ronan Keating, what's wrong with you? Oh i remeber you like boys.
07-05-12 09:00:10
jaybobed ::: Favorites
Very Cool ra0ul!! She doesnt play, does she? Cake looks great! HEY, THanks for the shout out on the end.
07-05-11 09:00:52
ra0ul ::: Favorites
I'm gonna cut together the outtakes i think, they mainly consist of sarcastic comments and quips being aimed at me in between instruction. I'm gonna make a few more videos i think in this vein - but easy funny stuff ie. beans on toast etc.
07-05-12 09:01:57
toneeblair ::: Favorites
07-05-11 06:09:53
ra0ul ::: Favorites
Tay balances out my rubbishness well.
07-05-12 08:59:37

Naruto Phenomenon

Duration: 03:20 minutes
Upload Time: 06-12-01 19:05:55
User: cheeseman801
:::: Favorites

18th amv hope you enjoy cause i did P.S I friend told me 2 next time try to make a theme with my videos. Like a naruhina them or something. Well I'am not great at thinking that up So i'll take recommendations for my next amv. Feel free to post the theme and maybe song to. for my next vid. Who knows I might choose your theme and song.

PaolaOA ::: Favorites
the song is paly by Thousand Foot Krutch song name is Phenomenon
07-03-14 17:53:16
killerz009 ::: Favorites
what song is this and who play it?
07-03-10 19:12:19
Exdeath47 ::: Favorites
One of your best 5/5. Cheeseman, plz keep making AMVs. Yous are my favorites
07-01-28 23:19:49
mega0ringo ::: Favorites
a-w-s-o-m-e luv the song woo
06-12-17 14:26:53
anklez15 ::: Favorites
06-12-14 21:13:20
zaneyjan3y ::: Favorites
cool! I think you shouold use simple plan's The Worst Day Ever or something like that. and use vids of things like people getting beat up or something... Even though there are a lot of better bands. I dono just an idea. 5/5!
06-12-10 22:57:04
cheeseman801 ::: Favorites
thanks i like just ideas
06-12-11 15:25:31
nixdorf88 ::: Favorites
nice one
06-12-07 15:08:45
xxkagome17x215 ::: Favorites
06-12-03 14:34:12
risegreymon ::: Favorites
this is sweet 5/5
06-12-02 13:28:06
printout ::: Favorites
its another good amv, but just a little critisizm. alright it would be better if you had a theme to the amvs instead of just a bunch of clips put together that match the music. still a ood amv! 5/5
06-12-02 08:05:24
NarutoHitsugaya ::: Favorites
first comment first view first rate nice choice of music i loved this 5/5
06-12-02 03:16:06