Sunday, August 19, 2007

Cuatro te sienta bien

Duration: 00:48 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-27 09:23:54
User: cuatro
:::: Favorites

Callejeros, SOS Adolescentes, Soy lo que como, Supernanny, Desnudas... Cuatro te sienta bien

The White Ninja - with intro - Bluntmation

Duration: 06:12 minutes
Upload Time: 06-04-18 08:02:57
User: Blunty3000
:::: Favorites

The White Ninja with bonus video intro from the bluntmation dvd

Beserker36 ::: Favorites
07-02-20 04:04:57
megas2468 ::: Favorites
I wonder what is your pet is, is it a lizerd, snake or somthing else?
07-02-26 08:37:54
ozzy1994 ::: Favorites
you should make a tv show
07-03-15 21:06:38
pinder3000 ::: Favorites
he said in a earlier vidio that in australia, meatspace will be shown on a t.v. channel
07-03-23 01:30:44
Usulic ::: Favorites
The White Ninja rawks! Skilled, eloquent...and damn funny whithout being ridiculous. Gotta love it! Way to go, Blunty!
07-04-10 18:45:24
legolihkan ::: Favorites
what order do they go in would someone send a playlist of them in order
07-04-16 20:02:58
DrArchibaldo ::: Favorites
hey what program did you use to make this vid? it was really smooth going i liked it:D
07-04-20 22:46:18
bradonos ::: Favorites
07-06-10 09:23:41
flabyjack ::: Favorites
lol good job blunty i like the white ninja
07-07-05 11:31:20
scotlyd ::: Favorites
where did you get the white ninja?
07-07-11 06:38:05

highlights AC Milan Vs chievo 3-1 serie A

Duration: 08:00 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-04 03:46:58
User: kakaoOo1
:::: Favorites

highlights milan-chievo 3-1 in calcio 3/3/2007 from

maciek6789 ::: Favorites
ronaldo is still the greatest
07-03-04 13:35:51
MEX4FEX ::: Favorites
ronaldo fenomeno
07-03-04 13:36:43
pirlobro ::: Favorites
dida is out of form
07-03-05 04:18:04
CaarlitoBrigante ::: Favorites
ronaldo is slightly getting back... siena match, just the goals, he wasnt that great.. hes becoming greater day by day... next year you will se the real RONALDO
07-03-05 11:02:06
MetaKnight888 ::: Favorites
dida sucks milan only need a keeper like buffon than milan will be the best team in the world 4 sure
07-03-10 09:13:12
rsw91 ::: Favorites
il fenomeno is still amazing
07-03-13 00:12:27
Billsyboy1986 ::: Favorites
i agree, I wouldve said they also need to replace gilardino, but it is only this year he is a problem, as next year ronaldo will be in CL and he can be dropped.. It just seems like Milan are carrying him in the vain hope that he rediscovers his form, when in reality that is hurting us. This week at ManU he was completely silent, who knows what wouldve happened if he had a proper reference point up front!
07-04-27 14:32:22
MetaKnight888 ::: Favorites
yeah man gilardino sucks even inzaghi is better than him he didn't do anything in the match against man united if it wasn't for kaka then milan would be in big troubel i hope inzaghi will take his place in san siro
07-04-27 18:24:20
Billsyboy1986 ::: Favorites
It seems he will do, since Gilardino played the full 90 mins against Torino yesterday, obviously he wasnt being rested for the big match! Hopefully Gilardino will rediscover some proper form in a place where he wont be so frustrating, we've pretty much secured Champions League qualification now. He's too crap at the moment to risk in CL.
07-04-29 10:27:42
fbbeast72 ::: Favorites
i agree wit u. But i dont think Dida sucks i just think hes too old. But he showed a lot of heart during the champions league. Still ur right wit Buffon, hes the best!!!!!
07-06-25 15:18:08

Imran Khan: Pakistan v India [Karachi & Faisalabad 1982-83]

Duration: 04:21 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-05 06:27:12
User: PakPassionVideos
:::: Favorites

Brief highlights of this test series in which Imran completes his historic 200th test wicket, and finishes the series with an amazing 40 wickets and 247 runs!

Milllivideo ::: Favorites
these punjabee nalaiq matric bar bar fail chootias dont understand the fact that sindh is MQM property.these paindoos and londaybaz pathans should be tagged like cattle to know where they are roaming about.also MQM should make them apply for work visas if they want to come to work for us in karachi. Jiyay MQM & Altaf bhai fuck imran khan
07-06-19 21:55:41
Milllivideo ::: Favorites
we created pakistan while you punjabis were fucking your 2 ton punjabi dont have the mental capability to compete wth MQM.Thats why you should stick to what you guys know best,how be raise crop and raise and pathans are good only to do labor work thats why you guys went to dubai and paindoos have no technical skill,thus you should keep your nose out of MQM business.we rule you and we will rule you FOREVER,assholes fuck off G A MQM & ALTAF BHAi
07-06-20 23:04:00
Milllivideo ::: Favorites
Punjabi/Pathan paindoos know only one way to learn a lesson.Thats through brute force.Our MQM soldiers are battle ready for our quaid Altaf Bhai and we will take the fight to their "pind lahore" and other places where these "semi evolved monkeys" breed.Time to conqure these lands and exterminate these paindoo pests. Fuck imran khan Fuck ALL PUNJABEES/PATHANS Jiyay Altaf Bhai & MQM only
07-06-21 14:32:52
chuck59 ::: Favorites
HAHAHA.... Only in your dreams... sucker.... Please do continue barking these slogans, that might help us make our nation stronger. Hayna???
07-06-26 12:47:52
Milllivideo ::: Favorites
Dont hate HAQPARAST people of pakistan.We are highly educated,motivated and most determined class of pakistan.its a crime that we have to share the same land with punjabis/pathans who are so inferior that perhaps barnyard animals have superior mental ability.We are unfortunate to have you moron punjabis/pathans in MQM land .But soon, under the guidence of our Quaid Altaf Bhai,you guys will be swept aside. Jiyay MQM & Altaf Bhai
07-06-27 15:57:12
ednan9 ::: Favorites
altaf hussian is terrorist gay asshole hiding in his rat hole in england
07-07-03 17:35:35
1FJANNOO ::: Favorites
i say old chap you do sound like a English chap your not pakistani tut tut tut people like you will never succeed and will never learn There is one who is the all forgiving, i suggest you get to know one ALLAH brothers and sisters this a man who has lost his mind let us make dua that he mind find the right path
07-07-17 20:04:47
sphilip88 ::: Favorites
Stop worshipping a paedophile. Worship the living God JESUS CHRIST
07-07-20 21:13:03
victori22007 ::: Favorites
Imran Khan a hero no doubt
07-08-16 10:32:51
dilogi ::: Favorites
sphilip88 - Stop worshiping a person. WORSHIP GOD.
07-08-16 23:20:47

WESTWOOD in Atlanta pt2

Duration: 10:54 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-19 10:20:19
User: timwestwoodtv
:::: Favorites

WESTWOOD in Atlanta with Greg Street. Westwood and the Justice crew hit the hottest club in Atlanta and check out the shopping malls!

La opinión de Iñaki Gabilondo. Noticias 4, 21:00h, Martes 19

Duration: 02:54 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-20 08:20:36
User: cuatro
:::: Favorites

"Hoy se cumplen 20 años. Con gran brillantez y emoción, Barcelona ha recordado a las víctimas del atentado de Hipercor. 21 personas resultaron muertas, 40 heridas."

kroffmann ::: Favorites
La gente tiene mala memoria. Durante los 6 primeros meses del mandato de Zapatero, con una oposición 'normal' del pp, el psoe le sacaba más de 10 puntos en las encuestas y Zapatero estaba mucho mejor valorado. El pp cambió de estrategia entonces con los resultados que conocemos.
07-07-03 02:15:23
kroffmann ::: Favorites
No es la primera vez que el pp utiliza a eta por motivos electorales. Ya lo hizo para quitar a Felipe González del gobierno y eso que los casos de corrupción del psoe eran múltiples en aquella época.
07-07-03 02:17:00
persephone13psm ::: Favorites
¿Y dices que no simpatizas con el PP?
07-07-03 09:11:21
kroffmann ::: Favorites
Detesto al pp no porque el psoe me parezca un dechado de virtud sino porque estos fachas harian cualquier cosa para volver al poder. Si hay que mentir se miente sin complejos. A la gente joven que anda por aqui les recomendaría que buscaran la relación entre: -El Vaticano y su Banco Ambrosiano. -El Opus Dei. -Los miembros numerarios del Opus españoles. ¿a que no adivinais de que partido son todos?
07-07-03 10:38:24
Owneador1337 ::: Favorites
"Ignorante"? El PSOE también se dedicaba a llevar la contraria sin más... Pero tú a lo tuyo. Que tengas más edad que yo no te hace más maduro. Mi familia me ha educado para que fuese crítico, no para que pensase igual que mis padres (mi familia por parte de padre eran republicanos, y por parte de madre nacionales, así que tengo mis dos versiones y puedo opinar y forjar mi propia forma de pensar). Tú te encierras y no ves más allá. A tus 22 años. Das lástima.
07-07-03 17:46:14
TrickmanD ::: Favorites
Sí. Extraño, no? Se llama "opinión propia". Cosa rara en este país. Aquí el 90% de la gente es del PP o el PSOE como del Madrid o del Barcelona. Quizá te sea difícil de comprender, pero se puede criticar a unos sin apoyar a otros.
07-07-03 17:51:21
persephone13psm ::: Favorites
Me parece muy bien que tengas opinión propia, chato. Pero yo también tengo la mía y no voy a consentir que me trates como si fuera imbécil. Sí, me es difícil comprender cómo una persona trata de ser neutral, sólo criticando y criticando. Y eso de "progre" gilipollesco, con todos mis respetos, lo único "gilipollesco" aquí son tus comentarios. Como si los demás fueran retrógrados. Menos leyes, y más respeto, que aquí nadie ha insultado a nadie hasta que has llegado tú
07-07-04 09:05:18
PaulaGDpunk ::: Favorites
ya me imagino, si ya se sabe que la iglesia es fascista, a la vista esta que a apoyado los regímenes totalitarios fascistas europeos. un ejemplo del apoyo es que para enterrar a dictadores no pusieron pegas, pero hace unos meses se negaron a enterrar a una mujer católica por haber recibido la eutanasia (supuestamente atenta contra la vida, pero, los dictadores no han matado y a gente inocente)¿?
07-07-05 08:04:29
shikamaru1349 ::: Favorites
k pasa k no opina sobre eta en el atentado pork ahora son amigüitos de los vascos o k? jajaja hay k joderse
07-07-12 14:14:19
libertynet07 ::: Favorites
07-07-21 17:22:04

Death carries a big stick - Bluntmation

Duration: 04:23 minutes
Upload Time: 06-04-18 09:04:13
User: Blunty3000
:::: Favorites

The film itself is made in the brickfilming sub-genre of "white expanse" films. If you've hung around for a while, you'll know what I mean, if not, don't worry about it, just enjoy the movie. This film also marks my first experiments with the widescreen format. I must say I did enjoy the fresh challenge of framing my shots within the widescreen perspective. I think, however, I will stick to the 4x3 format for my Steve and Dave films, to help preserve the "sitcom" feeling I've built into them.

avpfreak ::: Favorites
my grim reaper minifigure is better then YOURS!
07-03-13 15:57:46
IndoCj1994 ::: Favorites
lol rock, rock, rock
07-03-20 23:59:37
tjbarrett96 ::: Favorites
never insult blunty
07-04-09 15:21:01
kevinjfox ::: Favorites
This has some semblance to the scene that plays the first time you die in Conker's Bad Fur Day...
07-04-28 22:59:07
Granite0surfer ::: Favorites
Awesome, but it would be pretty cool if you would make a video with a scythe in it.
07-05-17 21:04:03
himumimatschool ::: Favorites
whackin the chain wus funny
07-05-27 13:21:26
theshuric ::: Favorites
for himumimatschool - he wanna make the dead guy free so he can stop play that game :D
07-05-29 06:02:09
jstone1117 ::: Favorites
i love quake
07-06-11 13:56:24
sonicx7 ::: Favorites
why did u name it this
07-06-26 04:35:20
bluebandaid ::: Favorites
well im guessing he named it that because the big stick is the sythe and death is the grim reaper. grim reaper carries a sythe...usually....well...except when a monkey steals it i spose he doesnt then does he??
07-07-04 20:56:51

Tony Snowjob

Duration: 05:59 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-22 14:48:18
User: MyLeftNutmegger
:::: Favorites

Tony tries to pull it over the eyes of Harry Smith.

itsmeyousee ::: Favorites
Like him or dislike him I think W should give Tony a big raise, He does a hell of a good job for ol George. This guy is willing to sell his soul for this President. The sad part is that's not always a good thing.
07-03-22 15:34:22

PakPassion.Net on Venus TV with Mubashir [WC Final Pt 4]

Duration: 10:41 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-29 07:24:15
User: PakPassionVideos
:::: Favorites



Duration: 03:00 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-25 07:00:41
User: timwestwoodtv
:::: Favorites

Westwood hangs out with Ja Rule who talks about beef on the streets.

eof7 ::: Favorites
JA you's fucked up 50 aint wanna b like u ur da 1 hu wanna b lik 50 fuck tha inc G-Unit is Hip Hop West Kept Secert, CURTIS.......Sep 24th cop dat
07-07-03 18:09:47
LynchTownVirginia ::: Favorites
why are you telling people to buy 50 Cents album ?? do u work 4 him or something? stop riding that niggas dick you aint making no money off that motherfucker he makes money off u!!!!!!! Your just 50s bitch
07-07-21 23:48:52
uptownjhoey ::: Favorites
for a second I thought i was on crazy I thought i was the only one who noticed all this fucking dick riding that be on ...I mean i could kinda understand when it dones within your neighborhood or city, but when you dont even know this nigga and your on his dick that just makes you his bitch
07-08-02 06:29:52
mcprankster ::: Favorites
07-08-15 04:52:50
ffaattooss ::: Favorites
Its Murdaaaaaaaaaaa Fuck G-unit,50 had a run and now is like he is dead Lol
07-07-04 12:47:29
cemoplaya ::: Favorites
Ja Rule 4 life
07-07-18 13:21:55
willpatter ::: Favorites
this Ja's house bring it
07-07-25 15:55:32
quran777 ::: Favorites
Ja can out flow 50 anyday. I'm not a Ja Rule fan but he does have a decent flow, he does get some credit.. He was good enough to flow with Jay Z and others so he gotta have some level of skills.
07-08-08 13:16:13
benaight ::: Favorites
50 rip ja poo would crush the little muppet cant belive 50 pressed charges thats a bitch right there grass but ja dont out flow 50 at all ja rule thinks he is actually 2pac thinkin hes as good little peanut will never be fuck jarule
07-08-10 19:23:08
bigboi2002uk ::: Favorites
haha i ride for ja over fifty these days, but it's funny seein ja talk like this BEFORE shit "if he sells a couple records maybe i'll talk to him then"...and fifty sold like 800,000 in four days!haha ja didnt see that shit coming! but fuck it how times change, fifty's in trouble now wit like 4/5 singles floppin off of curtis, while ja's got his "best album" ready for release soon, its gon be interestin!
07-08-16 23:05:15

kaka goal 1 [ AC Milan 3-3 Lokomotiv Moscow ]

Duration: 01:10 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-05 15:59:42
User: kakaoOo1
:::: Favorites

Friendlies 2007/2008 Penalty AC Milan 8-7 Lokomotiv Moscow

That was fun, Thanks :)

Duration: 04:10 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-18 04:25:03
User: Blunty3000
:::: Favorites

Just a fun little vlog about the post circle circle dot dot competition stuff.

mariposa0283 ::: Favorites
no he'll sometimes comment on the video about the video... but for the most part its MIKMA WAS HERE! lol
07-03-10 14:03:30
InsanebutnotaKILLER ::: Favorites
how so?please explain how i suddenly became jealous?
07-03-10 14:22:31
JamesRoot01 ::: Favorites
bow down to Sir Blunty of youtube u little bitch!
07-03-30 19:41:09
SomeOneTookMyName101 ::: Favorites
Yeah Lego's fun to build with =D
07-04-22 20:14:51
myangels31 ::: Favorites
He isn't silent bob and has his own looks and personality
07-04-29 01:02:35
Danit55 ::: Favorites
i cant beleive he likes pokemon!
07-04-29 09:40:59
JavaCrammer ::: Favorites
*Pulls out a chainsaw and starts hacking the haters to death* You rool Blunty, alah-lalallalalalaalla!
07-05-17 22:34:10
davidchorules123 ::: Favorites
you must have been screaming your ass off when you found out that you were the winner. I'll bescreaming my A-off if that happened to me
07-05-19 00:47:03
Razer382 ::: Favorites
Blunty rocks!!
07-06-25 07:09:44
w00ty32 ::: Favorites
nice pikachu in the background
07-07-23 14:40:13

How I watched 400,000 videos - SEE DESCRIPTION

Duration: 07:00 minutes
Upload Time: 06-11-11 11:38:23
User: smpfilms
:::: Favorites

HERE'S HOW I "CHEATED".... This all started while I was on a music tour back in March 2006. A good friend of mine offered to help promote me while I was away, so I left my account in his hands and offered him compensation for his help. At the time, I didn't feel the need to question his methods. Back then, I only used YouTube as a host to put my videos on myspace and that was about it. When I got home, started making videos again and noticed a few things were different on my YouTube account. I was still fairly new to YouTube because I only uploaded to it... but my number of "watched" videos was at 400,000 and I knew there was no way he could have possibly watched that many videos. So I asked him where that number came from and he told me how he did it. After that, I took back my account because I knew his method of promoting was wrong and a URL refresher was never used on my account again. Even though I made this video confession, many people still don't believe my situation, but I can understand why. Although, I will not let this mistake or the people who don't believe me, effect the way I do videos. I am not a cheater and I will never be a cheater and I would never risk the consequences of cheating. I have worked very hard at what I do and I will not go down because of one petty mistake such as this. If YouTube thought I was a cheater, then they would have banned my account a long time ago. Cheating did not get me ANY new subscribers and even if it did, then it was because THEY chose to subscribe because THEY enjoyed my videos. When this all happened, I only had around 400 subscribers. The refresher that was used only got my old videos a bunch of views. Many of the videos that were refreshed didn't even show up on the most viewed list because they were over 48 hours old. My total number of video views as of April 27th 2007 is 7 million views, so if 400,000 of them are fake from the incedent, then 6.6 million of those views are legit. Here's another roomer I'd like to clear up... I have never created fake accounts for more subscriptions nor do I add fake comments or ratings. As of early 2006, all my stats are legit (minus the 400,000 fake views/watches from the incedent). Many of my subscribers came from Myspace once I became more active in the YouTube community. (I have over 20,000 friends on myspace) Some people said I should have deleted my account and started over again after the incedent, but what good would that have done? Hiding what happened to me would have been worse than coming out and talking about it in public. No matter what I do, this will always be a part of my story... so why not tell it like it is. For those who refuse to believe me, I forgive you. For those who do, thank you. -Cory "Mr. Safety"

Director555 ::: Favorites
It refreshes your page and it gives you a view on your video.
07-07-04 09:58:53
mi4mercenary ::: Favorites
read the description dumb shit
07-07-07 22:10:48
lilbuns777 ::: Favorites
i was being scarcastic, but i like your tone. rawr.
07-07-08 02:15:37
mi4mercenary ::: Favorites
smexy (maple story term if you play add me as friend) maple name: sparkbow56
07-07-08 09:49:53
lilbuns777 ::: Favorites
for what?
07-07-08 12:15:18
darkrider281 ::: Favorites
funny funny dude u said cheaters don't get subscribers yet lisa nova has 10 or more different accounts and a spam bot that sends mesenges to millions of people to people on youtube daily i got a few on my channel
07-07-20 14:16:26
rnrmatt2 ::: Favorites
if you cant get suscribers by cheating then y does lisanova have so many suscribers?
07-07-28 02:13:23
treemonster123 ::: Favorites
lisa nova's spamming isnt by a spambot! she actually writes those herself she sent me one and put my name in it and commented on my bg
07-08-06 00:53:04
annalisehugedolleb ::: Favorites
The TOP webcam dating site at CAMAZONDATING dot COM
07-08-06 04:30:15
darkrider281 ::: Favorites
dude what kind of comment is hope your having a nice summer mine is realy hot your friend lisa nova what kind of messenge is that lol seriously really messenges dont look that dim
07-08-06 12:59:56


Duration: 01:01 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-23 21:37:10
User: Blunty3000
:::: Favorites

There are no words...

SkieAqua ::: Favorites
That is why Youtube rulez.
07-07-15 03:44:51
IchigoKurosaki67 ::: Favorites
XD that song is like weird.
07-07-19 06:32:24
mrlordi483wylam ::: Favorites
well no one asked you
07-07-22 20:00:12
SilentKnight832 ::: Favorites
God bless America...
07-07-28 18:59:25
fahddoggz ::: Favorites
actually u mean god bless australia......cuz he's australian......
07-07-30 23:25:43
SilentKnight832 ::: Favorites
I mean God Bless America because I am watching it in America...but God Bless Australia too.
07-07-31 12:49:02
VortexNeurofunk ::: Favorites
07-08-03 09:52:00
fagundo ::: Favorites
07-08-07 12:34:33
BlistardPussy ::: Favorites
07-08-09 01:17:43
fruitb0Oter ::: Favorites
oh my god blunty's having a seizure call an ambulance!
07-08-14 17:50:34

La opinión de Iñaki Gabilondo. Noticias 4, 21:00h, jueves 15

Duration: 00:60 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-16 08:03:58
User: cuatro
:::: Favorites

"La ley de igualdad es mas que una ley, es un acontecimiento. Va a transformar la vida en las empresas, en los hogares, en la representación política, va a afectar a los consejos de administración, a las mujeres del campo y a los autónomos"

ASTURJULS88 ::: Favorites
ESA LEY POSIBLEMNTE SE UTILICE CMO LEY DE DESIGUALDAD...poneros n l caso(k se dara ois lo aseguro)d k falten varios peuistos x contratar y solo aya ombres..n l caso d k solo aya ombres se colocaran a mujeres aunke no esten capacitadas pa yevar a cabo dixo trabajo lo mismo se podria aplicar al reves CONCLUSION:abra muxisima gente k se pondra"de reyeno"pa reyenar ese porcentaje exijible n dixa ley,x tanto,se dara mas desigualdad todavia.BIEN EXO ZP un paso acia l futuro¡¡¡¡XD
07-04-27 10:34:34

July 30, 2006 Sunday Snapshot

Duration: 05:51 minutes
Upload Time: 06-09-27 13:58:45
User: thehotline
:::: Favorites

Hotline's weekly summary of the Sunday political talk shows. This episode: Mideast, White House 2008 Guests: Paul Bremmer, Dan Gillerman, Nouhad Mahmoud, Mohamad Chatah, Daniel Ayalon, Shimon Peres, Mitch McConnell, Chuck Schumer, Tom Friedman, Bouthaina Shaaban, Lance Armstrong

skills bonera in AC Milan 3-1 chievo

Duration: 00:17 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-14 15:32:41
User: kakaoOo1
:::: Favorites

skills bonera in AC Milan 3-1 chievo 2006/2007 calcio

24 Season 5 Deleted Scene 9

Duration: 00:43 minutes
Upload Time: 06-12-12 14:51:35
User: ea186
:::: Favorites

4PM - 5PM Anya Suvarov talks to Martha about orange groves.

fRaNzI24 ::: Favorites
in germny tv you yould saw this scene
07-02-22 08:17:26
mindyprettydollvz ::: Favorites
Find a fun fling today at DAYFLING dot COM
07-08-06 07:36:27

Fat-Free BumbleBee

Duration: 04:23 minutes
Upload Time: 06-10-30 06:30:20
User: Blunty3000
:::: Favorites

This video guaranteed to be 100% fat free, or your money back* *not a guarantee

Alsepht ::: Favorites
That's excellent man, I'm glad someone brought this up, it's been plaguing grocery markets for too long. Actually, about a year ago I read an article about just this subject. It was a great read and you and the author share much the same view on the topic. Personally I agree with both of you, either advertise REAL selling-points, or don't advertise at all. (If you want the article I'm sure I could dig it up for you, but it might be a while...)
07-04-05 04:56:32
dna3e8 ::: Favorites
07-04-07 18:36:41
DrThemoWorm ::: Favorites
Just eat what you want, BUT LESS OF IT! Besides all that, not all things that are "fat-free" are actually fat free. I forget what number, but if a food product contains under a certain number of fat calories, the FDA (I believe) says it can be called fat-free. Does the honey you looked at have aspartame or splenda in it?
07-05-01 20:06:50
DrThemoWorm ::: Favorites
Oh, and um, this sounded like a flame comment but I didn't mean for it to sound that way! So don't take it the wrong way!
07-05-01 21:19:31
petro1986 ::: Favorites
hand puffed for you're enjoyment...
07-05-18 04:44:03
Rapidpanda1st ::: Favorites
Blunty, I have the same pet peeve. I hate all that crap that they put on packaging *eye twitches*
07-05-25 09:32:20
aqaspecification ::: Favorites
This is genuinly funny, deserves far more views.
07-06-10 19:16:07
Picazza71 ::: Favorites
Re-fried beans...same thing
07-07-18 09:31:37
BugStyleXX ::: Favorites
as a dieabetic, it REALLY urks me when products have Sugar free labels...when i buy and eat most of my foods, i look at the nutition facts and stuff. That will make it rock soild that said product is sugar free. and before i got comments and messages saying 'ZOMG ur an dieabetic tel meh aboot it now or i report u LAMO', I've lived with it for a couple of years, and i WON'T tell anything to ass wipes who ask like that. Those people should do a google search about it and they'll find something.
07-07-20 04:33:06
BugStyleXX ::: Favorites
I'm a diabetic...and those freaking 'Sugar free' labels piss me off to no end. Read the labels and you really will know how much better a product is for you....i would make a video reponse but dammit, i have no Webcam...
07-07-20 04:35:26