Sunday, August 19, 2007

Imran Khan: Pakistan v India [Karachi & Faisalabad 1982-83]

Duration: 04:21 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-05 06:27:12
User: PakPassionVideos
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Brief highlights of this test series in which Imran completes his historic 200th test wicket, and finishes the series with an amazing 40 wickets and 247 runs!

Milllivideo ::: Favorites
these punjabee nalaiq matric bar bar fail chootias dont understand the fact that sindh is MQM property.these paindoos and londaybaz pathans should be tagged like cattle to know where they are roaming about.also MQM should make them apply for work visas if they want to come to work for us in karachi. Jiyay MQM & Altaf bhai fuck imran khan
07-06-19 21:55:41
Milllivideo ::: Favorites
we created pakistan while you punjabis were fucking your 2 ton punjabi dont have the mental capability to compete wth MQM.Thats why you should stick to what you guys know best,how be raise crop and raise and pathans are good only to do labor work thats why you guys went to dubai and paindoos have no technical skill,thus you should keep your nose out of MQM business.we rule you and we will rule you FOREVER,assholes fuck off G A MQM & ALTAF BHAi
07-06-20 23:04:00
Milllivideo ::: Favorites
Punjabi/Pathan paindoos know only one way to learn a lesson.Thats through brute force.Our MQM soldiers are battle ready for our quaid Altaf Bhai and we will take the fight to their "pind lahore" and other places where these "semi evolved monkeys" breed.Time to conqure these lands and exterminate these paindoo pests. Fuck imran khan Fuck ALL PUNJABEES/PATHANS Jiyay Altaf Bhai & MQM only
07-06-21 14:32:52
chuck59 ::: Favorites
HAHAHA.... Only in your dreams... sucker.... Please do continue barking these slogans, that might help us make our nation stronger. Hayna???
07-06-26 12:47:52
Milllivideo ::: Favorites
Dont hate HAQPARAST people of pakistan.We are highly educated,motivated and most determined class of pakistan.its a crime that we have to share the same land with punjabis/pathans who are so inferior that perhaps barnyard animals have superior mental ability.We are unfortunate to have you moron punjabis/pathans in MQM land .But soon, under the guidence of our Quaid Altaf Bhai,you guys will be swept aside. Jiyay MQM & Altaf Bhai
07-06-27 15:57:12
ednan9 ::: Favorites
altaf hussian is terrorist gay asshole hiding in his rat hole in england
07-07-03 17:35:35
1FJANNOO ::: Favorites
i say old chap you do sound like a English chap your not pakistani tut tut tut people like you will never succeed and will never learn There is one who is the all forgiving, i suggest you get to know one ALLAH brothers and sisters this a man who has lost his mind let us make dua that he mind find the right path
07-07-17 20:04:47
sphilip88 ::: Favorites
Stop worshipping a paedophile. Worship the living God JESUS CHRIST
07-07-20 21:13:03
victori22007 ::: Favorites
Imran Khan a hero no doubt
07-08-16 10:32:51
dilogi ::: Favorites
sphilip88 - Stop worshiping a person. WORSHIP GOD.
07-08-16 23:20:47

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