Friday, November 30, 2007

Perfect Cell(Me) Vs Broly (MUGEN)

Duration: 02:33 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-09-17 00:27:05
User: Lucider
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A hard fight. Me vs Broly. This dude is thought. Well, enjoy the video


JarekSSJX ::: Favorites  2006-09-30 08:18:14

whoa that was intense!!!!that Perfect Cell is the best^^ i have him too
k1db00 ::: Favorites  2006-10-29 13:38:18

where can i play this game?
Ven0m1985 ::: Favorites  2007-03-14 01:37:49

yes cell would own broli sorry broli fans
Ampchu ::: Favorites  2007-03-17 02:00:28

Talk about Broli ownage. You totally destroyed The Great One with the Perfect One. His Super Armor is a horror, you know, and his corner whoreness.
Envy716 ::: Favorites  2007-04-25 13:45:39

You set this on easy moode Brolly is unbeatable
mrcyberlord ::: Favorites  2007-04-29 04:19:37

Here some DBZ Mugen: dbzworld dot tx dot hu Download=Letoltes
timus35 ::: Favorites  2007-05-31 21:55:04

you got a crappy, small broly.... get broly mystic saiyan 2 for mugen... fucking hard fight.
my1ken ::: Favorites  2007-06-30 14:43:40

Yeah right dick,who ever played brolly sucked
jrapidfire ::: Favorites  2007-07-01 16:23:55

Wooow its jsut a game. In reality - Broly >>> Super Perfect Cell
stupeas ::: Favorites  2007-07-07 21:59:29

u couldnt beat the nightmare broly ssj3
chaossin0930 ::: Favorites  2007-08-01 02:15:33

dude broly was on easy 1 if i played broli i woulda pwned ur ass in 2 sec
supergokussj5 ::: Favorites  2007-10-23 12:39:59

from what site you downloaded broli ??
MrGreeZy3 ::: Favorites  2007-10-23 14:49:40

click my name to see the unrealesed broli i made and comment

Wolverine Vs....That alien thing.

Duration: 03:55 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-09-16 23:04:04
User: Lucider
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First, thanks a lot to JudgementBlade42 for the music for the stage. And about the fight, I did this for someone. I'm not very good with wolverine, but I did defeat that alien thing.


david2draw ::: Favorites  2006-09-18 18:04:18

:) the Alien's name is Shuma Gorath. Good job beating him. I always have trouble going up against abnormal characters like him and Amingo whenever I play MvC2. It must be a real skill to use something that looks soo strange....

Dio Brando vs RockManZero (MUGEN)

Duration: 02:37 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-09-16 16:45:11
User: Lucider
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A little fight, I just did this quick fight just to test my video recording thing, so don't say that was a piece of cake person, this was just a test. Oh, if you wonder, that stage is from King of Fighters 98 (Rugal's stage), same the music.


Elspio ::: Favorites  2006-09-16 16:55:42

looks cool but i didtn hear Any WRRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. well its still cool
Demonfox121 ::: Favorites  2006-09-16 17:00:40

Winnage, Lucid. Nice fight.
MasterMegaEXE ::: Favorites  2006-09-17 14:19:37

wow, u used that cheap move to beat Rockman Zero? wow what a lame fight XP
Lucider ::: Favorites  2006-09-17 18:04:48

Well, I said it was a test to see if my video recording thing was working. I know it was lame(also easy).
KarnakLordOfHate ::: Favorites  2006-10-01 12:58:08

Rockman Zero is a weakling in mugen -_-
KyosukeShigeru ::: Favorites  2006-10-11 20:09:17

That is because he only does that during certain attacks. Not when he drops the steamroller, you're obviously confused with that little flash animation where he does that.
riodahoslappa ::: Favorites  2006-11-04 13:37:35

wut the hell game is this?
HitomKoneko ::: Favorites  2006-11-25 20:40:03

Might i ask for your Dio? <.<
Matsuba83 ::: Favorites  2007-01-22 14:11:33

This needed more Za Warudo.
Doomfool ::: Favorites  2007-02-27 20:51:50

I love them both, so watching them beat eachother senseless is a blast!
atarumenchi ::: Favorites  2007-03-12 00:53:25

He does to the Wryyyyyyyyy! The thing is, I think, in order for it to look like the flash animations, you have to do the move when the opponent is about to perish
Muskrat123 ::: Favorites  2007-03-13 21:53:33

what version of dio brando did you use? can you also post the codes for road roller da?
KingKizerKun ::: Favorites  2007-03-19 17:59:00

Don't complain about world road roller. it was clearly WRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
otaku32 ::: Favorites  2007-05-06 15:55:27

its a not a real game its a fight simulator where you can put like characters,music,backgrounds,skins to make the fighting game that you desire, you can make youre own character but thats really hard to do
Kandorf ::: Favorites  2007-05-28 09:03:40

Where did you download the Windows XP mugen version? All I've been able to download are MSDOS versions and I don't understand them or the don't work...

DBZ BUDOKAI 3 -vegeta super finish

Duration: 00:27 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-08-07 01:59:19
User: danielortizvargas
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DBZ BUDOAKI 3 vegeta explotion


randomrabbit ::: Favorites  2006-08-19 14:08:05

dbz5450 ::: Favorites  2006-08-19 22:26:41

CaosSonic ::: Favorites  2006-09-17 03:40:49

the video don`t work
uuumdm ::: Favorites  2006-09-23 17:55:44

You're computer sucks
mystic2k ::: Favorites  2006-10-19 16:54:08

marovan12 ::: Favorites  2006-10-19 19:29:15

you are a complet idiot to play this game you anda like vegeta™ say it *disapointed me jajaja*
mystic2k ::: Favorites  2006-10-20 15:22:15

shut up, this game rocks ;)
ikol0ikol1 ::: Favorites  2006-10-22 19:23:45

u know that bar thing how do u fill it?
SpechulSauce ::: Favorites  2006-11-03 11:24:03

You hit the X button when the gauge fills. But you only get 3 tries in a short time.
ikol0ikol1 ::: Favorites  2006-11-03 18:12:40

thanks man
SpideRicha ::: Favorites  2006-11-17 11:57:49

holy crap... nice one!
monkeychris123 ::: Favorites  2006-11-21 23:57:50

GrahamChapman ::: Favorites  2006-11-25 10:56:51

The chi bar? Press *guard* and then back twice, why?
GrahamChapman ::: Favorites  2006-11-25 11:00:25

Or did you mean that super energy bar? Press X when it's as close to the middle of the screen as possible and pray that you do it better than your foe.
monkeychris123 ::: Favorites  2006-11-26 20:15:14

wat do u mean in the middle of the screen? u mean it only 1 buttton? i thought it was


Duration: 06:23 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-07-10 10:39:57
User: ShreddaX
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ITS AN ALL OUT WAR BETWEEN THE GOOD AND BAD DAAARK....................................STALKERS.DOES THIS MEAN THAT BLOOD IS GOING TOO KEEP RUNNING COLD?!?!?! OH AND RAPTOR SAYS NAUGHTY WORDS. Yeah,dont like this one that much,but hey,its something diffferent.


Entamrik ::: Favorites  2007-07-10 11:48:04

I was thinking of doing a poop on Mortal Kombat or Darkstalkers, but now I can't with how much you mined it of gold :O Seiriously, that was spectacular. Wer'e the dark.............STALKERS
Unknowngamer1138 ::: Favorites  2007-07-10 13:24:19

Great vid once again. BTW, 2:58-3:15? infinite lulz
Striker183 ::: Favorites  2007-07-10 13:55:51

AQeatsbabies ::: Favorites  2007-07-10 14:30:41

I think Dimitri's "URRAAARRRUUURRAAARRRUUUU" after Pyron explodes is probably what makes this amazing.
AQeatsbabies ::: Favorites  2007-07-10 14:35:42

O-or is it the END?
Entamrik ::: Favorites  2007-07-10 14:57:32

Also, the end had me laughing out loud beacause the emphasis is like you just found the meaning of life
ShreddaX ::: Favorites  2007-07-10 15:05:43

I actually noticed it in the title cards of other EEnE poops.But was quite suprised when nobody pointed it out...unless they were being VERY subtle.
Charcoal125 ::: Favorites  2007-07-10 20:06:26

The ending. Groundbreaking.
ikushuka ::: Favorites  2007-07-10 23:54:58

Whoa, there was a cartoon of this? Looks like it was made by the same guys who made the mortal combat one, heh.
KittyGabyIMEANGOAT ::: Favorites  2007-07-11 00:44:05

SesakaBlargh ::: Favorites  2007-07-11 00:53:47

DICKIE...PUDDING! lol Oh yeah, I love it when you sped things up near the end too XD
ChaosX92 ::: Favorites  2007-07-11 06:40:40

dexter661994 ::: Favorites  2007-07-11 07:50:19

Good found in the end! I've never realised that before!
felineki ::: Favorites  2007-07-11 19:25:31

RenzoPolar ::: Favorites  2007-07-12 06:06:08


Jellyfish & Jeffree Star (What's The Difference)

Duration: 00:39 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-06 01:01:06
User: DLT17
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Jellyfish & Jeffree Star - both spineless and androgonous. A Little Preview of Jeffree Star Who Thinks He/She Is Queen of the Beautifuls.


shoshohsohos ::: Favorites  2007-11-07 06:41:33

OO" he is so fucking crazy
nicoleOVERDOSE ::: Favorites  2007-11-08 23:30:14

i fucking love him.
PrincessBlinkmeDyl ::: Favorites  2007-11-24 01:48:32

wtf? your stupid dude.
xXCyberxMassacreLYXx ::: Favorites  2007-11-30 00:01:34

um did you come to this comparision? it's quite odd.
DLT17 ::: Favorites  2007-11-30 00:18:00

Truthfully IDK. It was just random. I had some footage of jellyfish and was bored.

Invader Zim Music Video ( "In the Morning " by Junior Boys )

Duration: 05:05 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-06-12 01:45:27
User: DLT17
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The First Episode Of Invader Zim to "In the Morning" by Junior Boys


thedaisy ::: Favorites  2007-08-13 01:50:20

i love this song.
randomnessthe3rd ::: Favorites  2007-09-09 19:37:01

this song is the shit.
HyugaHinatafan810417 ::: Favorites  2007-11-25 19:35:59

I love this song soooooo much~

Crazy Hamster

Duration: 00:15 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-08-09 18:30:03
User: DLT17
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A Crazy Hamster Attempting To Escape From Its Cage At The Pet Store


el mohan remix lol super rigth from tolima

Duration: 02:43 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-07-25 03:41:50
User: x123bumx
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una composicion excelente con unas imagenes de un documental del tolima (la primera vez que uso director)


x123bumx ::: Favorites  2007-07-25 03:58:13

Wow, this video is amazing!!! specially for a 16 years old boy


Duration: 10:48 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-07-17 02:44:39
User: x123bumx
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