Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Manchester United-Inter 1-0 Roney

Duration: 53 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-01 15:44:23
User: AjaxBulgaria1
:::: Favorites

Friendly Match 2007

Bower23 ::: Favorites
This Is Friendly And Meaningles If it Was Real Game It Would Be Diffrence , Inter Never Beated United in Real Game !
07-08-02 05:24:09
ageid ::: Favorites
черт, а я даже обрадовалась когда Руня забил...но МЮ всяко круче))
07-08-02 15:53:23

El Jueves lazos libertad himno III República de España

Duration: 157 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-21 10:18:40
User: kyvids
:::: Favorites

21/07/07 Bajar con http://keepvid.com/ Descárgate los vídeos ahora, no esperes a que desaparezcan Lazo del pendón morado de la República de España por la libertad de expresión en solidaridad con El Jueves y por la reinstauración de LA REPUBLICA http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/6330/lazopendon75x145xv4.gif http://img402.imageshack.us/img402/8550/lazospendones540x524jr8.jpg 5 imágenes de los lazos morados por las libertades republicanas http://rapidshare.com/files/44163972/lazos_morados.zip Lazos morados por la libertad de expresión y en solidaridad con El Jueves, NO a la censura del régimen libertad la canción Aquí hay el jueves, lazos morados, libertad de expresión, la canción el jueves, lazos, libertad, himno III República de España republicana letizia national anthem nacional freedom of speech irtv jueves secuestro letizia borbon republica

ROCHO6 ::: Favorites
07-07-23 20:32:14
KAORED ::: Favorites
Abajo el Regimén dictatorial monarquico y capitalista de España. Viva la República, el Socialismo y la Democracia de verdad. Salud!!!
07-07-26 11:50:24
metromurcia ::: Favorites
Visça la República
07-07-28 08:56:56
lRubeNll ::: Favorites
republicanos de mierda, vuestra patria es Mathaussen, os vamos a exterminar otra vez si es necesario Arriba España y Viva Franco
07-07-29 14:51:08
AFIHUKI ::: Favorites
VIVA ESPAÑA REPUBLICANA COÑO a ver si estos fachas d mierda se mueren ya y nos dejan vivir en libertad de una zorra ves q parece q no se dan enterao de q son la escoria de españa
07-07-29 15:08:07
marezzo32 ::: Favorites
a ver si mueres tú, que la mayoría de los patriotas no somos fachas gilipollas
07-07-31 09:48:31
Vulcan63 ::: Favorites
Yo quiero una camiseta tambien
07-08-01 12:37:48
AFIHUKI ::: Favorites
comeme la gaita facha de mierda,como dicen òr aki,menos mal q no todos los patrotas somos unos fachas provoca guerras impulsa racismo
07-08-02 17:29:41
Dispierta ::: Favorites
>>republicanos de mierda, vuestra patria es Mathaussen???>> MALDITO FASCISTA DE MIERDA SOIS EL VENENO DE ESPAÑA, VIVA LA REPÚBLICA CABRONES!!!
07-08-04 11:10:34
IKERKM ::: Favorites
viva la republica'''''¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ viva cnt¡¡¡
07-08-05 09:04:26


Duration: 85 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-05 23:22:38
User: btdrln
:::: Favorites


劉德華 - 一

Duration: 210 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-10 13:02:13
User: btdrln
:::: Favorites

劉德華 - 一

tingzhiwong ::: Favorites
1st to view n comment
07-07-10 13:40:07
forbiddendmb ::: Favorites
andy lou!!!! xD
07-07-10 13:44:47


Duration: 138 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-06 00:43:57
User: tiinababy
:::: Favorites



Duration: 112 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-11 14:29:48
User: btdrln
:::: Favorites


devilgurlo ::: Favorites
wow..... i cant believe it.... =D
07-06-02 18:15:14
lildrugaticgurl ::: Favorites
omg dey didnt even have thsi part on the dvd, this kissing scene
07-07-28 20:40:41
kaflkfdk504 ::: Favorites
This website is pretty good for hot cam girls - <B> PIXIECAMZ DOT COM </B> -kaflkfdk504
07-08-02 19:34:03


Duration: 439 seconds
Upload Time: 07-03-27 15:42:46
User: Politicstv
:::: Favorites

Sen. Arlen Specter's opening statement at a hearing investigating the FBI (Mar. 27, 2007)

bastp62 ::: Favorites
august 6 pdb memo. the least that they could have done is raise security before 9/11 with a warning like that but they chose not too...
07-03-27 17:14:34
Meatpieandtatters ::: Favorites
When you consider that Senator Sphincter came up with the Magic bullet theory for Kennedy's assassination it helps answer the question "why is this guy still in government?"
07-03-27 17:21:54

100 Years of the KOP Part (10/15)

Duration: 605 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-06 00:59:06
User: srawra
:::: Favorites

Liverpool documentary. Join LFCfanatics.com today!

thebearwentoverthe ::: Favorites
thankyou....thankyou so much
07-08-06 01:15:26
joeysreds ::: Favorites
yes i am thankyou
07-08-06 04:32:17

KOTOR's HK-47 Unhinged

Duration: 125 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-06 09:02:34
User: HawkeyeJedi
:::: Favorites

A behind the scenes with HK-47 from the video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (KOTOR) 1 & 2.

SithLordRevan98 ::: Favorites
Very funny.Good job
07-08-06 20:53:57

Liverpool FC - The 70s Part (1/7)

Duration: 598 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-21 14:25:16
User: srawra
:::: Favorites

The greats choose their best XI from the 70s. Part 1. Join LFCfanatics.com today!

liverpoolfc098765432 ::: Favorites
Great videos!Anfield8 by the way
07-07-22 11:01:15

Skee.TV Official Trailer

Duration: 79 seconds
Upload Time: 07-02-15 04:58:27
User: madspaces
:::: Favorites

Skeetv.com tune in everyday for a new show. Trailer Created by MAD. myspace.com/mad

trinthakias ::: Favorites
dayuum, he didnt even put his boy Game in that trailer.
07-02-19 20:49:48

Day of Climate Change Action: Barbara Boxer

Duration: 299 seconds
Upload Time: 07-03-20 17:31:29
User: Politicstv
:::: Favorites

Barbara Boxer talks about Global Warming at the day of Climate Change Action.

willb48 ::: Favorites
Senator Boxer was a heroine today, smacking down Inhofe when he refused to let Al Gore answer questions.
07-03-21 22:05:19
liveleaker ::: Favorites
Barbara is a crotchity windbag. Inhofe was trying to get Algore to stop his incessant talking for a few minutes because the CO2 levels in the room rose dangerously high.
07-03-22 01:32:26
tylin2006 ::: Favorites
Senator Boxer is a heroine everyday. She can't help herself: it's in her values.
07-03-26 23:36:42
BillyBad ::: Favorites
Pfft no wonder this country is going to hell in a hand basket. because of lefty loons like Boxer. the lefty lunatics will stop at nothing to make the poor, poorer, and america weaker!
07-04-04 20:07:56
alanroderick ::: Favorites
Remember, liberals are self-loathing and their guilt and their hatred for their own country and advanced civilizations and societies, they believe that they have the power that human beings, despite the contempt and despite the condescension with which they look at human beings, they think human beings are so imperfect and so selfish, they have the ability to destroy the planet. Remember, there is no god in liberalism other than liberalism itself. Religion is the environment.
07-05-20 03:13:17
alanroderick ::: Favorites
Mount Pinatubo put more gunk in the air than all the automobile exhaust in the history of the automobile combined. To me it just debunks the whole theory behind militant environmentalism, which is that the only destructive agent on earth is mankind. To say that this is destructive is silly. If you've got to protect the environment and if it's all that's good and it's pristine, how can a volcano spewing sulfur dioxide be considered something that needs to be guarded and protected and worshiped
07-05-20 03:35:22
apheta ::: Favorites
This video has been added to apheta's playlist of more than 75 energy-related videos. Click on "apheta" above this comment, then click on playlists and select "Energy, Energy Policy, and Climate Change". Subscribe to keep abreast of new energy-related videos.
07-05-21 15:30:14
apheta ::: Favorites
Thank you, Barbara. Keep up the good work.
07-05-21 15:33:03

Rok premiera Kaczyńskiego (TVN24)

Duration: 229 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-20 07:55:05
User: GrzesiooTV2
:::: Favorites

TVN24 19072007


Duration: 62 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-29 05:02:27
User: btdrln
:::: Favorites


Takie jakieś podobne ...

Duration: 182 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-02 04:05:23
User: GrzesiooTV2
:::: Favorites

... do tego http://pl.youtube.com/watch?v=VIxwv2da46M czy nie? :)

kikoriaki ::: Favorites
Grzesioo... Nie masz więcej tego? Naprawdę warto obejrzeć.
07-07-02 14:15:52
GrzesiooTV2 ::: Favorites
Wpisz w wyszukiwarkę YT polska kronika filmowa, sporo tego jest.
07-07-02 14:29:09
kikoriaki ::: Favorites
07-07-02 14:31:03
Kaczu ::: Favorites
no ale to żadna nowość że kaczyński psoługuje się taką retoryką, ale mamy tu jawny dowód... można by zrobić taki mix ;)
07-07-02 19:40:43
pacopolaco ::: Favorites
kto by pomyslal ze Gomulka wroci tak szybko , a Kaczynski okaze sie jego reinkarnacja...
07-07-06 20:05:55

Be part of the "Web 2.0 art project"

Duration: 580 seconds
Upload Time: 07-02-25 04:49:29
User: valsartdiary
:::: Favorites

I'm really enjoying this new phenomenon of online social networking:) It's time for "WEB 2.0 The Painting" PRINTS: http://www.deviantart.com/print/693760/ "Web 2.0 art project" is a collaboration where people from different backgrounds, places and so on can join and co-create it. And don't worry if you have no art background. It's the idea that counts! Anybody can do this! It's about expressing yourself. I am going to setup a page on my website www.valsartdiary.com. If you want to add your own canvas to my painting come to my website where I explain how to do it. Once you paint yours you will email it to me and I will include it on the page.

b1mus ::: Favorites
i love your intro .. i`m sorry, but i don`t watch your video.. i just like your intro`s... it looks like a real movie :D good luck :P
07-05-26 17:45:23
valsartdiary ::: Favorites
ha ha ha I wish :P
07-05-28 23:28:55
247365mom ::: Favorites
I wish that I could paint like you do. I do draw a lot. My drawings are mostly not happy ones. They're my relese of all that is bottled up within me. Your vidios help a lot. I know I'm not crazy although at times I feel I could easly become crazy. I'm just looking for an exscape from everything, like wanting to be somewhere else. Reality though, I have to be here for my kids and life is HARD. I just want you to know I understand your vidios. THANK YOU for making them:0)
07-05-29 13:08:21
Earthlinked ::: Favorites
You videos and your art is hypnotizing!! I like it very much!! I have to go and eat my cookies!!
07-05-29 13:24:21
TwilightBirthday ::: Favorites
you are right.. you are no lonely girl.. you are real and entertaining <3
07-06-04 09:21:53
81538 ::: Favorites
..fantastic work...vallllll!!!
07-06-11 12:56:26
Medusasnakes ::: Favorites
I like the stoy behind this one because I met a guy about four years ago from england on a chat (Im in Canada) and we ended up together and got married last year in Aug. =)
07-06-24 16:46:05
yolandaparrish ::: Favorites
I am enjoying your show so much. I have been watching all of the episodes. You are such an inspiration to woman everywhere. I was wondering, where are you from? Thanks!
07-06-26 22:28:36
ttakdliw ::: Favorites
Thanks to this episode, Sir Patches finds his place in the world on stickam.
07-06-27 00:47:15
e5d4d4 ::: Favorites
i heard that ur voice i feel like its to good to be tru im starting to think its so i am going to forget that ever happened
07-08-07 00:59:28


Duration: 175 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-27 08:59:33
User: pilicreateworld
:::: Favorites

霹靂創世錄: 98.to/pilicreateworld

UltimateNovaX ::: Favorites
07-05-27 19:50:20

Biggest Crash In Nascar History (Modern Era) Live

Duration: 327 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-14 19:04:52
User: wwetnaecw
:::: Favorites

2002 NBS Talladega Johnny Sauter gets turned around exiting turn 2 and causes the big one. Sauter flips several times before flipping back on four wheels onto the grass. TV FOX

justRap07 ::: Favorites
they should be all dead!
07-07-15 13:43:42
gangsta12355 ::: Favorites
the 2007 daytona 500 there was a big crash to on the last lap
07-07-15 15:23:58
timlinisabeast ::: Favorites
i cant remember if this was 02 or 03 but the only injury was someone had to get stitches in his toung
07-07-15 22:14:08
lipscomb55 ::: Favorites
Oops... uh oh
07-07-21 08:58:47
planetscott1 ::: Favorites
Watching NASCAR makes me want to marry my cousin.
07-07-22 15:52:15
KEJohnson72 ::: Favorites
can someone tell me which driver ended up winning the race
07-07-26 16:14:59
karter005 ::: Favorites
haha lol
07-07-27 07:11:51
jrfan07 ::: Favorites
jason keller won this race
07-07-27 15:52:49
Joe402 ::: Favorites
lol nascar
07-08-01 16:43:50
vettedude418 ::: Favorites
uh.... what?
07-08-01 21:45:43

The Liverpool Story (2/4)

Duration: 598 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-18 16:54:06
User: srawra
:::: Favorites

ESPN Classics. Join lfcfanatics.com today!


Duration: 176 seconds
Upload Time: 06-11-19 06:01:15
User: pilicreateworld
:::: Favorites

霹靂創世錄: 98.to/pilicreateworld

LuckyPeter888 ::: Favorites
wah, cool, looks great
06-11-20 22:30:31

IRAQ are the Asian Football Champions

Duration: 941 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-29 11:15:01
User: fobulousproduction
:::: Favorites

IRAQ IRAQ IRAQ IRAQ IRAQ Yousuf MOhammad Scored in the last 15 minutes of the match to secure a win!

nawzad83 ::: Favorites
we did it finally
07-07-31 10:55:19
EricTyce ::: Favorites
you were lucky
07-07-31 21:55:31
marwawawa ::: Favorites
you are either blind or deaf , to say this comment
07-08-05 02:45:13


Duration: 175 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-01 09:01:48
User: pilicreateworld
:::: Favorites

霹靂創世錄: 98.to/pilicreateworld

David Corn @ New America Foundation

Duration: 294 seconds
Upload Time: 06-10-18 12:03:03
User: Politicstv
:::: Favorites

PoliticsTV filmed highlights of author David Corn's remarks at the New America Foundation on Monday, Oct. 16, 2006 where he discussed HUBRIS, the book he co-authored with Newsweeks' Michael Isikoff.

Neo-con slams multiculturalism

Duration: 58 seconds
Upload Time: 06-10-06 21:11:47
User: Politicstv
:::: Favorites

Filmed at the Hudson Institute on August 14, 2006.

besnugg ::: Favorites
Look, Retard, why don't you remove your head from your ass. I'm not a communist, I'm a true conservative...which the Neo-Nazi/Cons are NOT! And I agree with you that the lesser persons need to be reduced...like requiring an I.Q. of at least 110 before allowing someone to reproduce. And in your case, I'd even like to see it made retro-active....
07-06-12 08:38:39
melviniii ::: Favorites
you are so right...
07-06-21 17:30:34
Marius26879 ::: Favorites
True words! Fuck political correct hippies and multicultureism.
07-06-30 14:38:49
Aquarianbrass ::: Favorites
Thats what the west gets for being so anti-the rest of the world. THe rest of the world wasn't bothering anyone till Europeans came along declaring themselves Governors of this Banana Republic or whatnot
07-07-07 16:45:13
Spectatio ::: Favorites
well AHMAMD or what ever the hell that damned silly name is, why don't you get the out of my country then, and shut up about who's bothering who. i'm not in your country on welfare, and demanding rights i havent earned.
07-07-08 20:17:59
Aquarianbrass ::: Favorites
I'm American,(the descendant of slaves, ornery indians,and angry puritans) not British. Sorry, as an American I feel that it is my right to poke my nose in other peoples business. Of course, the Brits did bring it on themselves. Precisely why the founding fathers thought in wise not to get into the whole colonialism business. BTW, in America, rights aren't earned, their given when your born or receive citizenship. Learn some basic civics, simpleton.
07-07-08 21:05:25
trap9876 ::: Favorites
If your not English then why are you commenting, its none of your buisness.
07-07-16 17:29:20
LawrenceErnie ::: Favorites
Aquarian - Since you blacks claim to have invaded and controlled parts of Europe first, you merely got back what you gave first, so please shut your whining.
07-07-28 23:47:15
LawrenceErnie ::: Favorites
Where is the rest of this speech???
07-07-28 23:48:09
slicedalone2 ::: Favorites
True dat!
07-07-29 19:07:30

TPM TV: May 1, 2007

Duration: 380 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-01 13:39:50
User: Veracifier
:::: Favorites

"Does Ray McGovern Know What He's Talking About?"

jimbojim68 ::: Favorites
Thanks, Josh. I think you guys are right; McGovern is exagerating. He may have overstated his case, but he's a very experienced, brave, smart man, so where's there's smoke ...
07-05-01 16:58:34
ryan4230 ::: Favorites
Thanks Josh! Its hard to say with McGovern, you know he must still talk to all his ex co-workers to get the inside track. Right now this story is a small snowball at the top of mt.everest, but if it starts to roll I don't know if the american public could ever believe it, I know I would.
07-05-01 23:24:35
joemwm ::: Favorites
I'm with you on may 15
07-05-03 05:42:24
mensmaximus ::: Favorites
Time to ununite, states. That will frustrate you opponents and the president. Then you can join enation.ning
07-05-03 16:33:28