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Duration: 03:27 minutes Upload Time: 07-01-24 10:33:52 User: bluestorm38 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: şimdi birlik zamanı |
Comments | |
turk0660 ::: Favorites Hareketin lideri Devlet Bahçeli bu böyle bilinsin, Kabullenemeyen siktirsin gitsin. 07-09-18 09:16:08 __________________________________________________ | |
cCcmemleketsahibicCc ::: Favorites lan ıbneler ozan arıfe sakın laf yapmayın onun gıbı bıraz delıkanlı olsalar sımdı bu halde olmazdık adam hıc lafını esırgemıyor hakedene kufur edıyor bos yere degıl bız lıderı degıl basbugumuzu bılırız ve basbugumuzun da ewladı ozan arıf tır kımse adam degıl ozanım hıc kımse degıl ne adam var ne ınsan ama bız bıze yeterız 07-08-20 12:24:05 __________________________________________________ | |
LosTx707 ::: Favorites Bize Bundan Sonra Tek Kişi Lazım Heralde Başbuğ Oğlu 07-08-10 15:06:07 __________________________________________________ | |
suspectrose ::: Favorites ne kadar ayıp ya ozan arif bizim iiçin çok değerli bi ozan bugüne kadar onun şiirleriyle milliyetçiliği sevdik bu şekilde büuüdük biraz saygı gösterin 07-07-22 13:51:03 __________________________________________________ | |
Asena61 ::: Favorites ya sen ne diyon be gelmis burda yakama birsey takamiyom adam ne yapdi sizin icin birseyler yapmaya calisiyo gelip ne diyon ya ayip yaa ayip. 07-07-22 07:20:32 __________________________________________________ | |
umutkast ::: Favorites yakama bozkurt takamaz oldum lütfen bırak git bahçeli git... 07-07-07 15:41:18 __________________________________________________ | |
alpdadasov ::: Favorites Erdem0660, Küfür edilecek birileri varsa o da abd uşağı akp'lilerdir. git ve kendi çöplünde öt. 07-06-14 07:41:52 __________________________________________________ | |
alpdadasov ::: Favorites Bahçeli bizim liderimiz değildir. Davamızın tartışılamayacak tek ismi Başbuğ Türkeş'tir. Onun haricinde kim olursa olsun oturduğu koltuğun hakkını vermek zorundadır. 07-06-14 07:40:18 __________________________________________________ | |
Erdem0660 ::: Favorites MHP liler birbirine girmiş Yeyin birbirinizi... AKP yine tek başına iktidar Siz birbirinizi öldürün Ozan Arif eksik söylemiş. MHP'lilerin hiç biri adam değil Yanındayım Ozan Arif, Bahçeli tam küfredilecek adam. Hatta tüm MHP lilere küfretmen lazım. Helal Ozan Arif Hehehehe zuhahaha muhahaha 07-05-13 08:18:20 __________________________________________________ | |
seboo57 ::: Favorites evet ozanım cok dogru yazmısın o koltuk oturmak için degil içraat yapmak için var apo sılmasın die imza bile attılar biz de bekliyorduk karsı cıkacak ayak direyecek ozan arif seni kendim gibi anlıyorum (bozkurtlar ölmez vatan bölünmez) 07-05-02 08:27:42 __________________________________________________ |
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
ben adam sanmıştım adam değilmiş
New Dog Skateboarding
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Duration: 00:45 minutes Upload Time: 07-09-18 22:29:54 User: cbrady928 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: We know what you're thinking, but this video is different than those normal doggie stakeboarding videos. |
Comments | |
Skatenjoi7 ::: Favorites awesome dawg 07-10-02 07:15:42 __________________________________________________ | |
SeanKevinDotCom ::: Favorites Pete is the best skater dog, he rides half pipes! haha. Cool vid nonetheless... 07-10-02 07:09:24 __________________________________________________ | |
zachattack78 ::: Favorites He's Not Better Than Meaty Or The Other Bull Dog :P LOL 07-10-02 06:58:15 __________________________________________________ | |
dboyd1089 ::: Favorites nice.. needs to be flagged to save the lil kiddies the sight of da boing boing 07-10-02 04:40:24 __________________________________________________ | |
15000000th ::: Favorites Nice, one of the few fun videos on youtube. 07-10-02 02:28:33 __________________________________________________ | |
cnl4444 ::: Favorites shut up you gay ass bitch 07-10-01 08:48:22 __________________________________________________ | |
happybelly525 ::: Favorites lol its a boy!!! 07-09-30 18:46:53 __________________________________________________ | |
xtaco4BR3AKFASTx ::: Favorites watch out tony hawk!!! nice vidd 07-09-29 10:37:39 __________________________________________________ | |
spoofmaker9 ::: Favorites wow that was funny I WANT THAT DOG LOL 07-09-29 10:26:06 __________________________________________________ | |
lilhizzy50gz ::: Favorites it looks like he was chasing a treat also, but pretty awesome! 07-09-29 08:26:31 __________________________________________________ |
Gerard And Bob on webcam Part 2!
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Duration: 00:17 minutes Upload Time: 07-05-12 03:01:50 User: BurlesqueXDeathScene :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Gerard and Bob again! hahaha listen to what Gerard says! |
Comments | |
XladyXdoogalX ::: Favorites God dammit Gerard, you made me yawn! 07-08-09 20:15:44 __________________________________________________ | |
mcrgrlforever ::: Favorites WTF gerard:so quickly*makes a sound**yawns**raises eyebrows*tht shit was effing halarious bob seems so quiet and innocent then in the end he shows his ganster side lol bob u rule dude gerard haha hes so funnyXD 07-08-06 02:11:02 __________________________________________________ | |
ox0HMiiGOdiTsmCrxo ::: Favorites Bobbay is a GHETTO muthafVckaa! lmao! that was so cute! 07-08-02 22:32:18 __________________________________________________ | |
FlipAddict ::: Favorites NOOOOOOOOOOO! DONT SAY THAT!!!! 07-07-22 01:24:21 __________________________________________________ | |
shunthenonebeliver ::: Favorites what the hell? they are so funny. it must have been late at nite cuz gerard was yawning so bad.lol 07-07-12 17:12:44 __________________________________________________ | |
habbomizzie ::: Favorites Where do u get these vids O_O 07-07-03 11:38:33 __________________________________________________ | |
Pinkishness ::: Favorites Friggin funny 07-06-26 08:01:51 __________________________________________________ | |
MuSIcMaNiAc678 ::: Favorites that was so0o0o randomly weird . . .i love them mcr rox my sox!!! 07-06-24 02:36:41 __________________________________________________ | |
ShinyFerret ::: Favorites Retards 07-06-24 00:17:38 __________________________________________________ | |
ONEMCRLOVER101 ::: Favorites so quickly gerard ohh 07-06-19 19:45:23 __________________________________________________ |
{-- Adventure Quest --} RA
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Duration: 08:24 minutes Upload Time: 07-09-09 12:54:39 User: lyon1535 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Random video.... |
Comments | |
lyon1535 ::: Favorites yup!!! they OWN 07-09-29 10:15:50 __________________________________________________ | |
rasmus90909 ::: Favorites w00t skillit rocks! 5/5 vid 07-09-29 10:13:20 __________________________________________________ | |
naruto56921 ::: Favorites awesome vid. !!!!!!!!!! :D nice spell i'm getting it tom. i'm so excited and in like a month ima get pumpkin golem! great song 5/5 stars 07-09-20 20:17:05 __________________________________________________ | |
lyon1535 ::: Favorites Supernova from the z-token shop. 07-09-16 19:30:07 __________________________________________________ | |
xxdasherbowxx ::: Favorites whats that light spell? 07-09-16 16:52:42 __________________________________________________ | |
junwu32 ::: Favorites Thnx. 07-09-14 15:13:20 __________________________________________________ | |
lyon1535 ::: Favorites only if you have less then 130 INT..... 07-09-13 09:56:34 __________________________________________________ | |
junwu32 ::: Favorites Is Illuminate Ultra better or Supernova? 07-09-13 08:15:08 __________________________________________________ | |
junwu32 ::: Favorites That`s what I was going to ask! 07-09-13 08:14:19 __________________________________________________ | |
DeathGod387 ::: Favorites Nice, 5/5. 07-09-10 15:18:50 __________________________________________________ |
Gogol Bordello - Illumination
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Duration: 05:41 minutes Upload Time: 06-10-15 13:31:14 User: wantongibbon :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Live at Leeds Festival 2006, complete with inept BBC presenters. Sorry about the poor quality. |
Comments | |
ShanksDChopper ::: Favorites BBC tits. They shouldn't be allowed to chat shit, just show the footage. 07-09-17 07:08:05 __________________________________________________ | |
emiliosantana ::: Favorites It's 'Illumination' you dumb TV fucks! 07-08-25 01:51:40 __________________________________________________ | |
queever ::: Favorites the TV guys totally mislabeled the song :P 07-08-17 01:33:28 __________________________________________________ | |
yasinemil ::: Favorites there is a Turkish flag on his guitar ;) 07-08-09 14:00:49 __________________________________________________ | |
pervbuster ::: Favorites ...<b>BUSTED PERVERT, 4ran account is suspended. All comments by user 4ran have been removed.</b> 07-07-25 11:09:58 __________________________________________________ | |
Temur7878 ::: Favorites Poshli vse eti lohi kto sdes pishet.. kto znaet tot znaet z best!!!! 07-07-20 00:10:23 __________________________________________________ | |
youwouldntunderstand ::: Favorites that is weird.. start wearing purple getting mixed up with illumination.. hmm.. both graet songs anyway<33 07-06-21 21:21:26 __________________________________________________ | |
robmilesxxx ::: Favorites 4ran you cunt 07-06-18 05:43:47 __________________________________________________ | |
wantongibbon ::: Favorites 4Ran - You're an ignorant racist, but I'm not deleting your comment because I want people to see what kind of person you are. I am blocking you from commenting again, though, you utter duckfucker. 07-06-12 09:55:34 __________________________________________________ | |
hulmsey ::: Favorites haha fuck the BBC mate stealing all the money with there TV you have to buy. polluting with shit introductions for a brilliant band. and unless im fuckin deaf that ent start wearing purple. FUCK THE BBC, VIVA LA GOGOL BORDELLO 07-06-12 09:36:54 __________________________________________________ |
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Duration: 05:51 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-22 10:15:17 User: apogs34 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: EFENDİMİZ A.S... S.A.V |
Comments | |
nazlicicek07 ::: Favorites Allah (c.c.) razi olsun kardesim... 07-09-05 14:15:52 __________________________________________________ | |
nazlicicek07 ::: Favorites Allah (c..c) razi olsun kardesim...guzel bir paylasim.. 07-09-05 13:48:51 __________________________________________________ | |
apogs34 ::: Favorites allah hepimizden razı olsun kardeşim..tşk ederim... 07-09-05 13:49:58 __________________________________________________ | |
abcdef00 ::: Favorites Musa Kardeş çok teşekkürler... Allah razı olsun... 07-08-23 14:45:14 __________________________________________________ | |
apogs34 ::: Favorites musa kim arkadaş.yanlış yorum yazdın heralde :) 07-08-23 15:07:36 __________________________________________________ | |
abcdef00 ::: Favorites musatotu zannettim..:) 07-08-23 15:17:55 __________________________________________________ | |
abcdef00 ::: Favorites kusura bakma hocam, özür dilerim... 07-08-24 10:36:28 __________________________________________________ | |
apogs34 ::: Favorites estafurullah kardeş önemli değil 07-08-24 10:37:58 __________________________________________________ | |
Aho1453 ::: Favorites ALLAH RAZI OLSUN KARDEŞ 07-08-22 17:18:41 __________________________________________________ | |
TURqOqO ::: Favorites video icin te$ekkür 07-08-22 10:23:49 __________________________________________________ |
Zelda main theme metal version on Stepmania by Cutielock
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Duration: 02:56 minutes Upload Time: 07-01-11 19:01:53 User: Cutielock :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: hard, but nice song :D i likes it alot |
Comments | |
mnkboy132 ::: Favorites id be amazed if my eyes could have kept up just watching it but tryin to play it thats suiside on a stick for my fingers lol great job would like to know where i could get the song tho lol. 07-09-16 02:51:01 __________________________________________________ | |
viewtuber1 ::: Favorites cool 07-09-10 16:38:07 __________________________________________________ | |
pattttttrick ::: Favorites LOL NO. 07-08-28 18:05:30 __________________________________________________ | |
animerocker74 ::: Favorites is there any place i can diownload the song? 07-08-13 11:12:47 __________________________________________________ | |
eminemboi4 ::: Favorites where can you download it? 07-08-06 17:07:34 __________________________________________________ | |
eminemboi4 ::: Favorites holy shit... 07-08-06 16:27:14 __________________________________________________ | |
MikeyJoes ::: Favorites ohhhhhhhhhhhh myyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy gooooooooood!! your really good 07-08-03 18:42:28 __________________________________________________ | |
lucasmoua09 ::: Favorites uber skillz! XD 07-07-28 00:47:50 __________________________________________________ | |
mustkilln00bs ::: Favorites holy shit, dat wuz crazy fast. 07-07-18 20:36:59 __________________________________________________ | |
ewdede ::: Favorites wow.....awesome 07-07-10 20:51:23 __________________________________________________ |
2 Pac - To Live and Die in LA
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Duration: 04:24 minutes Upload Time: 07-01-07 01:16:16 User: ray3265 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: 2Pac - To Live and Die in LA |
Comments | |
Zwollywood85 ::: Favorites This song is great just like Keep ya head up,me against the world,the good die young etc. Its cliche to say that he was/is the best but its tru. He was a lyrical genius and NOT a gangster or a Thug as in the dictionary. He had something to say and touched many ppl with his words, he still does. Thats why ppl say Tupac is the best. I have much respect for him and what he has accomplished. RIP, may God watch over your soul and punish the snitches and fakes 07-07-10 09:12:18 __________________________________________________ | |
rjnrghjdfnhjtnhfgtj ::: Favorites damn i love this song its f*king chilll 07-06-04 11:04:23 __________________________________________________ | |
EseCholoX3 ::: Favorites RIP 2pac. 07-05-14 18:20:09 __________________________________________________ | |
Diaz3Polo ::: Favorites this song, makes me think a lot man 07-05-13 21:37:55 __________________________________________________ | |
LaprimeraSuR13 ::: Favorites I CNT BELIEVE HE'S DEAD 07-05-13 19:30:08 __________________________________________________ | |
mariojortega1 ::: Favorites best fucking song ever made, tru caly anthem... 07-04-14 18:11:58 __________________________________________________ | |
illwillbmc ::: Favorites the greatest to ever do it made people feel em we relate 07-01-13 13:24:20 __________________________________________________ |
Whose Line Is It Anyway? (Insert Your Own Soundtrack!)
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Duration: 01:13 minutes Upload Time: 07-05-28 14:03:31 User: whereisthelaser :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: "Waiting in line has never been this intense." - Wall Street Journal Song: Wake Me Up Before You Go Go by Wham Interactive Song List (turn the volume off on this video, then click on any of the links below and watch the video all over again!): Promiscuous Girl by Nelly Furtado http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_L-YrnOy5A S.O.S. (Rescue Me) by Rihanna http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MbnJCERJ4M My Humps by The Black Eyed Peas http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vj9swNR5-lY Sexy Back by Justin Timberlake http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fp4KjFwh1OA Pop! Goes My Heart by Hugh Grant http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0A7dtdc-nU You Raise Me Up by Josh Groban http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBga34W57As I'll Be There For You by Jon Bon Jovi http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KtzcOqv_P-4 I Write Sins Not Tragedies by Panic! At The Disco http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vc6vs-l5dkc If Everyone Cared by Nickelback http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-QfLJbEN3k Love, Pain, The Whole Damn Thing by Amy Sky http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dmV77bbFx4 All 4 Love by Color Me Badd http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1r5KWjbaR7I Pour Some Sugar On Me by Def Leppard http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7p0z1y5mg_E Rhythm of the Night (Techno Version) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPIOYiYh5qM Total Eclipse of the Heart (Techno Version) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F208jfkQ5rI Autumn Falls by Out of Luck http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqg4C_xbU3g and many more! ****LEAVE A COMMENT IF YOU HAVE ANY SONG IN MIND THAT SUITS THIS VIDEO. WE'LL WATCH IT AGAIN WITH THE SONGS YOU SUGGESTED. THIS COULD BE FUN FOR EVERYONE!**** |
Comments | |
pfkelley ::: Favorites Very funny!! Subscribing now na 07-09-09 11:44:26 __________________________________________________ | |
JohnnyJazz83 ::: Favorites very very mabuti! 07-07-24 20:46:40 __________________________________________________ | |
hoboco ::: Favorites LMFAO - napahamak pa si anjo sa kalocohan nyo lol... it's hysterical... 07-07-09 02:21:08 __________________________________________________ | |
girlleey ::: Favorites you guys are really funny! 07-06-29 06:16:55 __________________________________________________ | |
oveR18kgh ::: Favorites you guys are funny.....and i was just listening to that song on the radio in the car the other day and i found it on the net and downloaded it on my lappie(lol)........:) 07-06-23 17:00:25 __________________________________________________ | |
TheRealHinataHyuuga ::: Favorites OMG! XD all of you are crazy xD 07-06-15 19:41:30 __________________________________________________ | |
IGotTubes ::: Favorites LOL! 07-06-12 15:41:26 __________________________________________________ | |
morphix007 ::: Favorites it was good. 07-06-03 04:49:58 __________________________________________________ | |
10up ::: Favorites nice 07-06-01 19:56:23 __________________________________________________ | |
whereisthelaser ::: Favorites haha, it always is! but what about the second, third, fourth and fifth lol 07-05-31 19:50:14 __________________________________________________ |
çOk komik canlı yayın Live laughing
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Duration: 06:19 minutes Upload Time: 07-05-20 15:51:51 User: kulteMc :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: manyakmısın lan sen |
Comments | |
opires33 ::: Favorites kötü bi durum.ama adam manyak gülüyor.sonunda içini boşalttı. tabi benide burda manyak güldürdü. 07-09-28 17:28:32 __________________________________________________ | |
kulteMc ::: Favorites Arkadaşlar Merhaba..bir şey söylemeden duramıyacam, bu olay Türkiye'de olsa herkez spikerle beraber bir olur krizlere girerlerdi..ama bakıyoruz bu ecnebi ırka resmen ODUN gibiler...biz Türkler çok farklı insanlarız ...iyi ki Türk doğmuşum :) 07-09-28 12:18:00 __________________________________________________ | |
yaqmur57 ::: Favorites ayyy allahimyaaa ayy bunee adam gülme krizine girmis :)))) ayni ben hahahahahhaah ayy koptummm dayanamiyom:))))) puhahahaha 07-09-26 16:41:56 __________________________________________________ | |
kajmeranmali ::: Favorites gülmekten sıçtım bu ne böyle puhaha 07-09-18 09:55:10 __________________________________________________ | |
ayeegul ::: Favorites eğer o stüdyoda olsaydım sunucu ile beraber boylardık tahtalıyı koptum öldüm yaaa hahhahahahhah 07-09-13 07:39:46 __________________________________________________ | |
zdrakov ::: Favorites yazik ama:) 07-09-12 22:11:05 __________________________________________________ | |
ayeegul ::: Favorites allahım ne güzel gülüyorsun abi ya.vallahi ona baktıkça belime ağrılar giriyo hahahahahahhahahahha 07-09-12 10:30:29 __________________________________________________ | |
kutaycal ::: Favorites sesi garip olanda çk tatlı bi adam çk serefsizlik adamın yaptıı 07-09-01 20:16:04 __________________________________________________ | |
gaggosmemet ::: Favorites muzuhahhahaaaaqqq 07-08-30 18:54:06 __________________________________________________ | |
zorbey44 ::: Favorites koptummmm yaaaa hhahahahaaaa:):):)yahu spikerin gülmesi de acayip komik yani!!! 07-08-13 20:19:48 __________________________________________________ |
FN P90
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Duration: 00:27 minutes Upload Time: 06-06-07 10:41:39 User: brianwuchifung :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: P90 SUB-MACHINE GUN |
Comments | |
Demarchist ::: Favorites lots of weapon are better, but they're also larger... look at the weapon in context, then judge it. it's designed for personel that don't carry a rifle because it's too cumbersome, so they can carry this instead of a 9mm peashooter. 07-09-29 05:09:11 __________________________________________________ | |
Nostalgia4Infinity ::: Favorites g36 is a rifle... this is a pdw... different family of weapons. 07-09-03 02:53:36 __________________________________________________ | |
donotkillme1 ::: Favorites GODDAMN I LOVE THE P90!! xDD 07-09-02 10:45:31 __________________________________________________ | |
Genoses ::: Favorites the g36k is much better :-) 07-09-01 06:04:43 __________________________________________________ | |
Cleric775 ::: Favorites True, we can only see them kill things on TV shows, never actually knowing them being effective in real life. =( 07-08-25 19:26:50 __________________________________________________ | |
MarkMcGrath ::: Favorites The P90 and its round got so much freaking hype, and come to find out its almost worthless even with the LE Military rounds. The round has under performed in everything from ballistics tests, to LE experiences. People being shot 12 times and yelling "Stop that Hurts". Several LE agencies have fielded the round and weapon and have promptly dropped it. All in all a very super cool weapon to look at, but honestly I think the only thing the 5.7 can do is kill Cylons and Jafah. 07-08-24 12:19:36 __________________________________________________ | |
halfzwanger ::: Favorites the only resemblance between the p90 and F2000 are the futuristic looks, any comparisons end there. they might share some of the same design features, but those are purely cosmetic (besides the fact that both are bullpups). 07-08-20 08:53:37 __________________________________________________ | |
menter555 ::: Favorites fn f2k is a p90 based platform,its 223.......that may be what these kids are talking abought 07-08-19 15:52:57 __________________________________________________ | |
Romanlegend123456789 ::: Favorites cool, can some one just spray the whole clip? 07-08-17 09:17:03 __________________________________________________ | |
tanonginosibalasi ::: Favorites looks like it was design for a child soldier 07-08-16 17:18:56 __________________________________________________ |
The Hush Sound - Don't Wake Me Up feat. Brendon Urie
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Duration: 03:18 minutes Upload Time: 06-07-13 00:06:55 User: darthakumaul :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: From the 7/12/06 show at the Plain Dealer Pavilion in Cleveland, The Hush Sound singing Don't Wake Me Up with Brendon Urie joining in for a verse. Note the ass slap before he leaves =P. Sorry about the kind of lame quality--my camera isn't the greatest and we were kinda far away. The sound is still decent enough, thankfully. Enjoy! And don't repost unless you credit me, please. |
Comments | |
wentzworshipper2 ::: Favorites its patrick who really sings it 07-10-01 15:17:19 __________________________________________________ | |
jrijnders6 ::: Favorites in the real song is it brendon who sings it or patrick i don't know it anymore. 07-09-26 09:20:13 __________________________________________________ | |
xXxEmoxXxPunkxXx ::: Favorites I like this. Greta and Bob are so talented. So are Darren & Chris. I wish i'd been following them since the beginning but I only just recently discovered who they are, but I love them now. Why is that person down there saying Patrick's better than Brendon? I like Patrick, but he's not even in this video. Pointless. Brendon rocks. Nice ass slap. 07-09-25 23:52:37 __________________________________________________ | |
katiesueizawesome ::: Favorites patrick aint got nothin on brendon. 07-09-22 15:36:19 __________________________________________________ | |
XxFOBfan5xX ::: Favorites ew Brendon Urie? Patrick Stump sings it SOOOOOO much better. 07-09-09 14:33:10 __________________________________________________ | |
DontPutThisOnUTube ::: Favorites So awesome <3333 07-09-03 10:40:00 __________________________________________________ | |
jenicam ::: Favorites Lol, funny. 07-08-24 00:03:50 __________________________________________________ | |
xspaceshipss ::: Favorites haha, i think i did have some idea who they were :] haha, you're pretty much fucking retarded. Learn some grammar skills before you talk to me again, thanks. 07-08-22 20:19:42 __________________________________________________ | |
xspaceshipss ::: Favorites If you're going to try and prove me wrong, at least spell "you're" correctly..please and thanks :D 07-08-22 20:18:48 __________________________________________________ | |
jenicam ::: Favorites No, your wrong. 07-08-22 16:39:56 __________________________________________________ |
I hate Chavs
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Duration: 03:49 minutes Upload Time: 06-10-07 19:46:50 User: wilko1992 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: This is my first video, but is very crap. It is to show how much I hate chavs. |
Comments | |
97CG11 ::: Favorites speak english asshole, if you know how! besides goths are harder than you fuck-faced chavs 07-10-02 12:15:45 __________________________________________________ | |
xxlozrenxx ::: Favorites yhews lot of emos are all gnna get murked innit cum to notts nd sayy all dis shit ya spoutin to sum random chav then ya fukkin bums 07-10-01 12:35:03 __________________________________________________ | |
97CG11 ::: Favorites fuck off, emos are well better than chavs. It's you chavs who are retards, stupid twat 07-10-01 12:24:36 __________________________________________________ | |
789guy ::: Favorites I come from the U.S.A and if a chav show up we well woop their ass to canada 07-09-25 22:44:12 __________________________________________________ | |
mattyjphillips ::: Favorites mate, I think the same, I got called an ugly c*nt at night walking back from a the town center, and there were 6 of them, of course they had to outnumber me, because I would have simply owned the little gobshite fucking prick on his own 07-09-25 17:32:50 __________________________________________________ | |
hiphophead2007 ::: Favorites fuck u u prick if some one likes hip hop they like it im not a fucking chav but what would u been happy if they played music u liked fuck u u prick bet u like elton john not his music but his batty bet u toss every night thinking of him n george michael and barrymore having a threesome cunt bitch 07-09-23 16:48:08 __________________________________________________ | |
cheesepieburgler ::: Favorites its true thatchavs use bus shelters for protection there was one full of condoms 07-09-22 19:05:43 __________________________________________________ | |
mrmartinmartin ::: Favorites I hate chavs, 2 female chavs were on bus blasting some ghetto crap on their phones and singing filhty lyrics. Thats just what I need after a hard day at work and I just need to rest. I spoke to the bus driver when I got off the bus, he said "there's nothing I can do about it, nothing at all". Take a chavs to the nearest volcano and throw them all in... PLEASE! 07-09-10 15:58:25 __________________________________________________ | |
chengwkd ::: Favorites there's nowt rong wiv charvas its like sayin goths are sad coz they wear black lipstick i dena wot the problem 07-09-03 05:21:14 __________________________________________________ | |
xDoYouLoveMex ::: Favorites Oh, that made me laugh out loud! Seriously. Fab one. Who did the music? 07-08-18 18:31:03 __________________________________________________ |