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Duration: 03:05 minutes Upload Time: 2008-01-05 15:21:25 User: notisar :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: .- El día viernes 04 de enero de 2008 a las 09:38 HLV (14:08 UTC), una aeronave bimotor de bandera venezolana matricula: YV2081, marca: LET- 410 UVP-E, serial: 872015 de la empresa TRANSAVEN, con 14 personas se precipitó al mar en cercanías de la barrera coralina del Parque Archipiélago de "Los Roques", Venezuela. .- Su piloto Cap. "ESTEBAN BESSIL", se comunico con la torre de control de la pista de la Isla de "Gran Roque" (SVRS), Venezuela, indicando que se encontraba con los dos motores apagados su posición era en el radial 024° de Maiquetía a 64 millas náuticas al norte de SVMI con 3.000' pies de altura descendiendo trataría de amarizar cerca de la barrera coralina. |
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pepe6859 ::: Favorites 2008-01-08 03:39:09 Froygab: Lamento muchisimo lo de tu hermano. y si, es cierto que las operaciones de rescate en venezuela son muy deficientes, pero tambien hay que darle merito a aquellos que sin recursos y por amor tratan de cubrir las tareas del estado. Es el estado el ineficiente y lo ha sido siempre. He visto el reporte del 1580. En venezuela la prevision no es nuestro fuerte. __________________________________________________ | |
pepe6859 ::: Favorites 2008-01-08 03:36:28 KIKE no soy tonto, soy piloto, 32.000 horas y te recuerdo que lo primeroque dijiste fue... HAy que demandar a la empresa, y no hay que ser tonto para entender que te precipitas. Calro que se pudieron quedar sin combustible, pero hay que esperar los resultados de las investigaciones y no empezar a cacarear sin sentido. Con esa data un avion no es viejo y dudo que lo mismo no hubiese pasado en uno nuevo. __________________________________________________ | |
pedrodiver ::: Favorites 2008-01-08 01:11:31 me refiero al caso YV1580 cessna 206 __________________________________________________ | |
pedrodiver ::: Favorites 2008-01-08 01:10:15 wow segui con mucho fervor ese caso ya que vivo en la zona costera si te soy sincero mi papa es piloto y el observo en horas de la tarde una avioneta que sobre volo pto cabello en un area muy poco comun ojo de piloto el sabe las rutas cuanto lamento la perdida de esas personas fue muy dura la busqueda y muy larga __________________________________________________ | |
froygab ::: Favorites 2008-01-07 23:00:56 si los familiares desean comunicarse conmigo por favor llamar al 001-248-7562805 pueden enviarme un mensaje de texto y yo los llamare. Berenice Rodriguez. __________________________________________________ | |
froygab ::: Favorites 2008-01-07 22:57:56 no crean en el Sar o el Inac son inoperantes soy familiar de una fallecida hace poco mas de un ano en un accaidente aereo y nosotros los familiares pagamos esa busqueda, los remito al yv-1580 para que lo analicen __________________________________________________ | |
froygab ::: Favorites 2008-01-07 22:55:17 soy herman de una persona fallecida en un accidente aereo ocurrido hace menos de un ano no crean en el Ina o el Sar, los remito al caso yv-1580 mi herman era froiber __________________________________________________ | |
GENERALKIKE ::: Favorites 2008-01-07 16:29:32 Hace tres años me comentaron que habìan multiples quejas sobre la empresa Transaven, la cual no revisaba bien los motores de sus aeronaves. De hecho, me dijeron que un empleado de la empresa decía "los aviones aquí los tratamos como vehículos". esto lo dice una persona de otro video __________________________________________________ | |
GENERALKIKE ::: Favorites 2008-01-07 16:24:03 pepe eres tonto o te la das? se sobre entiende lo que trato de decir!!. habria que revisar el nivel de operatividad de los aviones que van para los roques y la seguridad de los mismos ya que son aviones que no deberian estar activos por el tiempo que tienen este tenia mas de 20 años! exigirle a las empresas q operan a los roqs aviones nuevos y en este caso establecer reponsabilidades no tengo q explicarte como los tontos pepe!! __________________________________________________ | |
leomar141 ::: Favorites 2008-01-07 15:48:42 nightfalcon2000 tu para decir eso estabas en el avion, trabajas con ellos o eres pitoniso? __________________________________________________ | |
nightfalcon2000 ::: Favorites 2008-01-07 13:22:10 Lamento decirte, italiavenezuela, que los indicadores de combustible del 2081 no funcionaban. La operacion de transaven en las mananas es omo sigue. Sale de maiquetia a las 6:30 am, Aterriza en los roques Aproximadamente 40 minutos despues, Apaga el motor izquierdo solamente, desmbarca y embarca, despega para maiquetia, donde desmbarca y embarca nuevamente y vuelve a salir para los roques, sin reponer combustible. __________________________________________________ | |
leomar141 ::: Favorites 2008-01-07 12:23:41 sera que pueden actulizar la informacion? __________________________________________________ | |
italiavenezuela ::: Favorites 2008-01-07 08:56:11 Lo mejor es dejar que expertos en materia puedan dar causas reales. Del porque se apagaron los motores, si hay que cerrar o no transaven, eso ahora no importa lo mas importante es seguir buscando y tratar de conseguir a sobrevivientes de ese vuelo. __________________________________________________ | |
italiavenezuela ::: Favorites 2008-01-07 08:48:07 Como piloto de verdad puedo decir que sin combustible no se quedo, porque los aviones despegan de maiquetia con el tanque lleno, ,Antes de volar los pilotos hacemos una cosa que se llama preflight inspection, before starting engine y un before takeoff, donde se verifican parametros de motor, aceite,combustible e instrumentos, no creo que despues de estos pasos el piloto sea tan animal de no darse cuenta que el avion no tenia combustible. __________________________________________________ | |
MagicGuy247 ::: Favorites 2008-01-07 02:43:02 Dubai Cars!!! watch?v=M8IGO5kauKE __________________________________________________ |
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
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Duration: 00:30 minutes Upload Time: 2007-08-22 12:54:18 User: Cyberto :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Pterodactyl milk commercial |
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Duration: 04:37 minutes Upload Time: 2007-07-10 22:38:20 User: gpellis1 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
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WORRO01 ::: Favorites 2007-07-13 00:17:25 new direction,, head SOUTH!,,no really, why take a new direction, I like it the way it is, if u aint cool I wuttin b here :) in the words of you younger folk "Keep it Real" man...jus keep it real... __________________________________________________ | |
acehydro06 ::: Favorites 2007-07-11 14:09:43 dude I have the same problem I hear ya on the views, sometimes I wonder who the fuck watches some of the bullshit on the most viewed lists,etc... Keep on doin what you do man you rock!! __________________________________________________ | |
XGreyViews ::: Favorites 2007-07-11 13:01:29 Hey man. Fuck what other people think, as soon as you decide what you're going to do by who's going to watch you've lost. FUCK 'em if they don't like it. Speak about what you feel is right and to HELL with the views. People that give a fuck will watch and find you. I did. __________________________________________________ | |
wrongdom ::: Favorites 2007-07-11 12:45:02 You're a sweetheart, Mr. P ~ You don't need to "hate" to get views. Quality over Quantity, no? You're very intelligent...you're talented. Your opinions, experiences, and attitude are appealing...much more so than acting like an ass...that quenches idiot thirst. Quality over Quantity. Luv ya! Chass~ __________________________________________________ | |
Murderermarv ::: Favorites 2007-07-11 12:03:54 keep doing your opinion stuff. __________________________________________________ | |
coffeedude65 ::: Favorites 2007-07-11 09:15:29 be yourself, speak your mind and let the rest figure itself out. peace. __________________________________________________ | |
MamboDogFaceOne ::: Favorites 2007-07-11 00:33:13 No matter how serious the subject, just put "fart" in the title - you'll get thousands of views!! LOL! Nah, haters suck, well all the ones I've seen, I'm glad you're not going there. Just let it go for a while. Inspiration will come if you relax and let it in. __________________________________________________ |
Gabriel Knight 2 & 3 Piano Music
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Duration: 03:11 minutes Upload Time: 2007-06-05 05:16:59 User: YAZORIUS :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: A few musical moments from the video games "Gabriel Knight" 2 & 3, entirely adapted for piano and interpreted by me ^____^ Quelques moments musicaux issus des jeux vidéo "Gabriel Knight" 2 & 3, entièrement adaptés pour piano et interprétés par moi-même ^____^ YAZORIUS |
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poglio ::: Favorites 2008-01-02 22:38:06 This is the first time given to me to listen to the musics of Gabriel Knight games. I can confirm that your ability to make us come back to such games by (only!) being able to play easily to a piano such musics is just prodigious!!! It made me come back 11 years backward! You are so excellent at playing piano. Thanks a lot. __________________________________________________ | |
kyle915 ::: Favorites 2008-01-01 03:02:03 Well done on gk3 theme. I'm working on figuring it out myself. __________________________________________________ | |
gkfan85 ::: Favorites 2007-12-29 11:42:03 cool:) beast within music is awesome. nice job. __________________________________________________ | |
juggernoud1 ::: Favorites 2007-12-26 11:18:20 Really cool! Playing gabriel knight on the piano! Do you do that all by ear? Very nice. I really like the first song. Greetings Noud __________________________________________________ | |
avenger25 ::: Favorites 2007-12-23 21:55:39 Super! Tu me rapelle de bons souvenir. Continu de jouer aussi bien! __________________________________________________ | |
chaos5482 ::: Favorites 2007-10-27 06:30:44 Great stuff. Do you have any plans to play the theme song from Gabriel Knight 1 too (as heard at GK's place in New Orleans)? That is such an awesome song. __________________________________________________ | |
misitifilm ::: Favorites 2007-10-22 18:10:00 google "gabriel knight sheet music" and you should get it. The site doesn't have these two peices though. __________________________________________________ | |
cockatiel26 ::: Favorites 2007-10-09 11:17:05 Please, someone, write and post the sheet music! I'm trying to do it, but even with the video, I can't make it sound as good! Great job, Yazorius! __________________________________________________ | |
IngwellRitter ::: Favorites 2007-09-19 05:48:04 Goog job ^^ __________________________________________________ | |
Amalekites ::: Favorites 2007-09-11 21:10:34 Beautiful! __________________________________________________ | |
Taioo ::: Favorites 2007-09-07 21:52:20 Wow awesome! Please continue playing adventure games themes! :D __________________________________________________ | |
thejobloshow ::: Favorites 2007-08-29 14:23:01 The Gabe 2 theme sounded so beautiful! What kind of piano are you using? __________________________________________________ | |
vampirkus ::: Favorites 2007-08-19 10:08:05 really awesome. good work. __________________________________________________ | |
ivoknight ::: Favorites 2007-08-18 23:28:41 great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great __________________________________________________ | |
garrettknight ::: Favorites 2007-08-04 17:45:14 Congratulations, one of the best interpretations of Robert Holmes' work. It brings back to mind the excellent atmosphere of the Gabriel Knight saga. __________________________________________________ |
Avatar - Misery Business (Kataang)
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Duration: 02:49 minutes Upload Time: 2007-12-31 16:53:50 User: Avatargurl649 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: READ ME BEFORE WATCHING! Song -- Misery Business Artist -- Paramore Show -- Avatar Program Used -- Sony Vegas 7.0 Time it took -- I forgot how long exactly, but it was a VERY long time, because Sony Vegas kept crashing. Story -- Katara and Aang are in a steady relationship, until Aang meets Toph. Toph steals Aang from Katara. Toph quickly bores of Aang and leaves him. Katara wins Aang back, which makes Toph jealous. Toph tries to win Aang back, but is unsuccessful. P.O.V -- This movie is intended to be from Katara's point of view, and she is singing the song. Song edited? - Yes, a ton. I just didn't have enough time to do more of it, even though I wanted to. NOTICE : This video obviously is shipping Kataang, but it has some minor anti-Taang in it. I do not mean to offend any Taang shippers with this video. I personally prefer Taang over Kataang. This was just the only way I could make the story work. Please don't take offense. I give credit where credit is due, so I'd like to send out special thanks to : ravenhpltc24 -- An awesome Avatar AMV maker, some of the effects used in this were inspired by Raven's extremely awesome videos! Check out Raven's channel here : http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=ravenhpltc24 KaitousWish1292 -- An awesome Kingdom Hearts AMV maker, her Kingdom Hearts Misery Business video inspired this. Check out her channel here : http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=KaitousWish1292 Episodes available when made : All of season 1, all of season 2, and episodes 1-12 of season 3. I made this for Flutegeek1106's Avatar AMV contest! Flutegeek1106 is an awesome AMV maker, you all should check out their channel ( http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=FluteGeek1106 ) if you have not done so already. So ANYWAYS, there's a lot of mistakes and flaws. I kinda rushed this so I could meet the deadline for the contest. I also got kinda lazy on some parts. Overall I like how it turned out, I just wish I had started it earlier so I'd have had more time to work on it. AND... Once again Youtube completely KILLED my quality. EDIT : 100 views in one night?! You people rock! EDIT 2 : Got 5th place in FluteGeek1106's Avatar AMV contest EDIT 3 : 200 hits! 1/2/08 EDIT 4 : 300 hits! 1/6/08 UPDATE : Now taking video requests, either Kingdom Hearts or Avatar. Please comment on my profile or PM me any requests. And finally, a disclaimer : Disclaimer - I do not own Avatar or any related characters, the musical artist, or the song. This was made for personal enjoyment, and I am not profiting off of this movie. Avatar and Related Characters copyright Nickelodeon. Song is copyright to the band I'd imagine. |
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Citizen1234567890 ::: Favorites 2008-01-07 16:37:39 Yeah, I use yellow flashes and black flashes too. Yellow are kind of easier but still blind you if there are a million. But, black fade helps because its like a blink and nothing is really white and white is the color of blindness people say, well besides gray. Your welcome. __________________________________________________ | |
Avatargurl649 ::: Favorites 2008-01-06 20:24:49 Thanks! ^^ __________________________________________________ | |
PPPP7lola ::: Favorites 2008-01-06 18:22:19 your effects knock me DEAD! amazing... __________________________________________________ | |
EnnaDeLee ::: Favorites 2008-01-06 12:10:51 you're welcome! and everyone wants you to finish it cause it rocks so much! __________________________________________________ | |
Avatargurl649 ::: Favorites 2008-01-06 11:54:03 Yeah, I don't like to use a TON of white flashes together, usually I'll use a softer flash, a yellow flash (which is easier on the eyes, in my opinion.), or a black fade. I'm not one to induce seizures. Thanks for the comment! __________________________________________________ | |
Citizen1234567890 ::: Favorites 2008-01-06 11:46:26 I'm Zutarian and Taangiard so I am kind of dissapointed at the end, but I do like the effects...AND THANK YOU FOR MAKING IT BLACK, cause the whites usaully blind me, espacially when it is ALOT! good vid __________________________________________________ | |
Avatargurl649 ::: Favorites 2008-01-05 11:57:23 Thanks! I may finish the whole song, a lot of people want me to. __________________________________________________ | |
EnnaDeLee ::: Favorites 2008-01-04 16:32:39 I LOVED THE SPEICAL EFFECTS!! This video ROXS! I wish you could've finished it though... __________________________________________________ | |
Avatargurl649 ::: Favorites 2008-01-03 08:32:58 Thanks! __________________________________________________ | |
abrightidea ::: Favorites 2008-01-03 03:46:40 I love this band, so combining both things I love makes this an automated Favorite (It also was faved because it was mainly that awesome!) __________________________________________________ | |
Avatargurl649 ::: Favorites 2008-01-02 15:30:51 With Windows Movie Maker? I guess I'm fairly proficient there. I can give it a shot. __________________________________________________ | |
digilove3 ::: Favorites 2008-01-02 14:05:50 You rock. Can you teach me to make amvs? __________________________________________________ | |
Avatargurl649 ::: Favorites 2008-01-02 11:02:03 I guess I will post a complete one sometime. I'll work on it. __________________________________________________ | |
JulioC91 ::: Favorites 2008-01-02 04:49:49 P.S. FAVED __________________________________________________ | |
JulioC91 ::: Favorites 2008-01-02 04:49:24 Cool Beans! but post a complete! __________________________________________________ |
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Duration: 02:49 minutes Upload Time: 2007-11-28 20:58:06 User: linda27linda :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: 没有共产党就没有新中国_山河版 |
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my famous buddy list
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Duration: 02:33 minutes Upload Time: 2007-12-28 22:12:00 User: maxy728 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: yup vital vipers on my list |
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maxy728 ::: Favorites 2008-01-05 22:18:28 whats so good about claymatoin! __________________________________________________ | |
ciroe45 ::: Favorites 2007-12-31 09:24:04 im in it too __________________________________________________ | |
siksuicide ::: Favorites 2007-12-30 21:30:53 woah claymation __________________________________________________ | |
Stomper225 ::: Favorites 2007-12-28 22:56:28 lol im in it! __________________________________________________ |
ashley tisdale
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Duration: 00:59 minutes Upload Time: 2007-12-01 21:43:13 User: littlelady120 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: yeah the beginning is ash.. and the ending is just pics I found :D:D |
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themanomanofman ::: Favorites 2007-12-16 10:59:02 alenna this is scary from gabe ps hows dicovery __________________________________________________ |