Monday, September 3, 2007


Duration: 00:47 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-30 16:04:56
User: DaKillah696
:::: Favorites

Ein Typ der krasse Dinge mit seiner Zunge machen kann.

DieNukleareBedrohung ::: Favorites
LOL^^ That´s great
07-08-22 14:45:43
seanpaul4192 ::: Favorites
07-08-19 15:50:52
pikokinha ::: Favorites
07-08-02 16:12:09
kidneybean27 ::: Favorites
that man has downs syndrome usually people ith it have huge tongues like that and they can stretch their lips up by their noses. pretty cool though
07-07-13 12:55:28
MutantArmyMagneto ::: Favorites
Hey man!!!OOO My god...
07-07-04 10:05:24
computes41 ::: Favorites
07-07-03 14:43:36
Grondos ::: Favorites
LOL this is funny.
07-06-15 19:19:06
eskijown ::: Favorites
ur a alien!!
07-06-14 11:35:37
rute4 ::: Favorites
nojento...mas comico
07-06-10 18:38:04
haydenrules0002 ::: Favorites
he isnt a freak of nature u piece of shit, thats awsome!!!
07-06-04 01:47:33

Running Man Basics

Duration: 03:23 minutes
Upload Time: 06-10-02 11:17:38
User: BigMilan
:::: Favorites

Recorded this months ago with Miki and Misha; at the same time as the melbourne shuffle. I was lasy for ages, but here it is finaly, all edited and whatever. It's shorted than the shuffle because there's no switching or anything - just continuous "running". I know a lot of you are eager to learn the running man, but I have a special place in my heart for the shuffle :D which is why I put that vid up first. Well, enjoy and practice lots and lots!

CuteOnep299 ::: Favorites
Not bad. Try <B> _CAMSJUNGLE.COM_ </B> for sweet cam girls -CuteOnep299
07-09-02 20:41:50
leejamesss ::: Favorites
Just wanted to say ; that this tutorial rocks - ive been practcing for 3 weeks now, put up a video of myself doing it in a club yesterday, so any feedback on it would be great. :]
07-09-02 07:56:59
herve19333 ::: Favorites
untill you master it.. duh
07-09-02 07:49:45
markieshark ::: Favorites
im just beginner and this is a good tutorial but do i have to do the running man slowly and slowly untill what ?? i dont get it :S
07-09-02 04:14:43
fishzz928 ::: Favorites
hihi, big milan, u r cool man.... watch my shuffle videos, n gimme sum comment, thx^^
07-09-02 02:48:11
WewtCookies ::: Favorites
Dude, he made a hand movement tutorial. & this is just the BASICS, meaning just the feet movements (The hard parts).
07-09-01 20:42:26
MetalMonster5 ::: Favorites
Thanks BigMilan! Now i can do the running man i slide instead of hopping though.
07-09-01 04:11:20
CypRaZ ::: Favorites
cheers mate ! taught me to do it properly :) keep it up
07-08-30 23:26:28
wattupmate ::: Favorites
like my comment on ur other tut... i need help.. instead of jus landing my right foot (wen landing it at the front) i always stomp it instead of jus landing smoothly... it looks sucky and it hurts my knee cap
07-08-30 08:17:04
BigMilan ::: Favorites
if u use baby powder to make the floor slippery - for a LOOOONG time
07-08-29 06:43:09


Duration: 00:52 minutes
Upload Time: 06-07-09 23:26:52
User: jimdevo
:::: Favorites

..and I'm watching ..watching ...watching

BlingBlingButterfly ::: Favorites
how old are you?
07-01-07 10:10:55
jimdevo ::: Favorites
I'm heavily influenced by avant gaurde, psychological thrillers, and 50's horror films. The eyeball was an idea taken from an old 70's SNL skit called "Bad Avant Gaurde Theatre" hosted by Leonard Pimpth Garnell. Check out my other videos. Thanks for your comments.
06-12-31 20:59:39
BlingBlingButterfly ::: Favorites
ooh my gooood its so creepy how do you came on this idea to do this video?
06-12-30 17:20:46
BlingBlingButterfly ::: Favorites
oh my god whatz thaaaaaaat^^ o no..xD Creepy!
06-12-28 06:26:45
slayergirl ::: Favorites
06-12-16 16:00:23
MunchyDirt ::: Favorites
looped video i reckon
06-10-26 17:08:14
KagomeTashio ::: Favorites
this video is ghetto
06-09-29 23:36:20
primegoat ::: Favorites
It is of course pretty easy to create such a thing using a looping video of an open eye. That can definately be easier for many people than actually holding their eyes open that long. However, that doesn't take away the possibility that the person could have (or can) held their eye open the whole time. It is definately possible and not that hard to accomplish. Really holding the eye open like that definately adds a creepiness effect.
06-07-23 01:45:52
SergeCWazukie ::: Favorites
its called recording your voice or the same video that playes over and over. been there done that
06-07-23 00:28:43
Shugaro ::: Favorites
Ah damn I hit my head on the table trying to hide from you. Ass.
06-07-22 23:40:26


Duration: 04:48 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-11 09:01:21
User: renzobeck
:::: Favorites

Preciosa sangre Que mi vida cambió Mis pecados mis culpas lavó A quedado atrás el pasado sin Dios Fue en esa cruz Donde la historia cambió Donde mi vida tomó otro sentido Donde yo encontré la razón de vivir Coro Jesús, Jesús //Mi corazón te canta// Jesús, Jesús //Mi corazón te canta// Jesús...

ProphetessStacey ::: Favorites
07-09-03 00:25:54
sfgiants025 ::: Favorites
es un angel ke dios mando
07-08-06 20:40:12
MitxzellRojas ::: Favorites
que lindo cantas jesus. que el senor te siga bendiciendo. tienes una linda voz y inspiras a muchos para que adoren al rey de reyes y senor de senores
07-08-02 13:03:39
bnarias28 ::: Favorites
maravillosa inspiracion. Dios te bendiga Jesus Adrian Romero
07-07-16 02:05:48
palodecoba ::: Favorites
me encanta , espero q la cantes cuandos a la Republica Dominicana, mi corazon te canta Jesus te amo mucho Jesus
07-07-11 17:02:47
marlenv77 ::: Favorites
Que bella manera de contar el sacrificio de nuestro Señor Jesus, Aleluya.
07-07-11 10:56:11
elabelitaescoto511 ::: Favorites
07-06-30 02:25:41
truhanes ::: Favorites
Y para cuando una visita a España
07-06-25 07:41:29
marlenv77 ::: Favorites
Mi corazon te canta, Dios te Bendiga Mucho Jesus Adrian Romero, espero vengas pronto a Honduras.
07-06-20 18:58:59
marlenv77 ::: Favorites
Realmente hace llorar de la emocion
07-06-20 18:54:37

Astral Projection at India

Duration: 01:15 minutes
Upload Time: 06-03-27 18:54:23
User: zenica4life
:::: Favorites

Astral Projection mixing goa at the beaches of India

goaprofesis ::: Favorites
Yehey!!!! Astral at anjuna beach!!!! Those were the times!
06-06-08 23:42:58
zaccoz ::: Favorites
what year as this ? I was there 1992 ...:)
06-07-25 04:22:26
cosmocircle ::: Favorites
1992? impossible! the music that is runing it calls people can fly and its from 96 looool...
06-12-10 21:15:07
vertune9999 ::: Favorites
look at to the people, all of em are on drugs: omg, wtf,heheheh
07-01-15 22:32:10
zenica4life ::: Favorites
That's cos India's the shit dude!
07-01-25 07:05:32
Triple88a ::: Favorites
and why are the speakers facing the band and not the audiance?
07-03-06 22:58:18
Xesan ::: Favorites
holy shit, they are all on drugs.
07-05-29 04:16:09

Palestinian Mouse Martyred!

Duration: 05:36 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-01 14:01:35
User: lookhearsee
:::: Favorites

Farfour, Hamas' Mickey Mouse Character, Is 'Martyred' in the Final Episode of the "Pioneers of Tomorrow" Children Show on Hamas TV Al-Aqsa TV (Palestinian Authority) - 6/29/2007 - 00:04:43 MEMRI

X3LAIAS ::: Favorites
why cant we all live in peace :(...respect the religion and dont mess with eachother....fucking world sucks
07-09-01 13:26:30
deaizhottyaniduh ::: Favorites
like how algerians, morrocans, lebanese, tunisians... like how they mix arabic n french when we speak
07-09-01 04:57:04
SAflashtubfanpage ::: Favorites
ignorance is bliss....
07-08-31 17:16:16
angelsgurl ::: Favorites
bitch you dont know me. Read my comment again....what in that comment makes me look like a ho?
07-08-31 09:20:49
760nitro ::: Favorites
FUCK ISLAM YOU DESERVE JEW ROCKETS UP YOUR ASS Quran tells Muslims to kill the disbelievers wherever they find them (2:191), murder them and treat them harshly (9:123), slay them (9:5), fight with them (8:65 ), strive against them with great endeavor (25:52), be stern with them because they belong to hell (66:9) and strike off their heads; then after making a "wide slaughter among them, carefully tie up the remaining captives" for ransom (47:4).
07-08-31 08:35:09
nna80 ::: Favorites
what is frarabic ?
07-08-31 04:19:20
nadslovesssit ::: Favorites
ya.... she has good arabic... im lebanese so unfortunately mine is more like frarabic... but i think its kinda hard to understand farfour...
07-08-31 00:23:45
LovelyBitchLix ::: Favorites
go do what you do best at, keeping your mouth shuut and your legs open
07-08-30 23:02:33
LovelyBitchLix ::: Favorites
You jewish people are pigs you know? you like to play the victim......Hitler should have finished you guys.
07-08-30 22:59:52
SAflashtubfanpage ::: Favorites
you don't even know what a Zionist is you fucking pansy. Go read the articles of Zion....seriously do it you faggot.
07-08-30 22:07:41

blow stuff up!

Duration: 06:45 minutes
Upload Time: 06-10-05 18:56:41
User: normalienne
:::: Favorites

this aint none of yr sugar-based antics.

Quigglyvarietyhour ::: Favorites
this is fucking hilarious
06-10-06 12:35:31
kinkyinpink ::: Favorites
haha.. you guys are such rebels!
06-10-12 20:37:28
ungluck ::: Favorites
buttermilk follies.
06-10-12 22:39:29
huckbets ::: Favorites
toilet guys are funny
06-10-13 14:09:26
eppinizer ::: Favorites
very nice
06-10-30 20:20:36
Landfill13579 ::: Favorites
That Toilet has seen better days
07-04-20 00:35:21
VinceCheong ::: Favorites
That is so...nothing to do
07-07-02 11:58:48
5550647 ::: Favorites
LOLZ!! i liked the last 1 C:
07-07-23 17:42:37
mcnayrk ::: Favorites
very nice Wave
07-08-31 11:20:20
ridestowe ::: Favorites
that was amazing.
07-08-31 12:04:37

Miley and Lilly

Duration: 04:09 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-04 13:39:25
User: LuckySmil3
:::: Favorites

Lilly find out that Miley is Hannah Montana, Miley though that everything would change because she though that they woudn't be friends like before and Miley and Lilly have a fight and Miley talk to her dad about the fight with Lilly and start to remember her good times with Lilly

nappzz ::: Favorites
nice video
07-03-20 12:47:56
LuckySmil3 ::: Favorites
07-03-20 20:37:13
boomboxgal1 ::: Favorites
wicked vid
07-04-10 05:16:42
campese498 ::: Favorites
07-04-29 14:59:55
LuckySmil3 ::: Favorites
thanx =)
07-04-29 16:31:24
Mitchelmussoissohot ::: Favorites
OMG!!! LOVE IT!!!!;)
07-05-02 21:36:44
LuckySmil3 ::: Favorites
THANX!!soo much!! ^_^ ! ^_^
07-05-04 16:13:15
diedraversluis1405 ::: Favorites
The TOP webcam dating site at CAMAZONDATING dot COM
07-08-31 03:12:09

Umbrella REMIX

Duration: 04:24 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-18 14:34:36
User: flopsy412
:::: Favorites

This is Rihanna's UMBRELLA - Remix Edition. I Cut out Jay Z's part & Now Im at the beggining of the video! DONT WASTE YOUR TIME POSTING HATE MESSAGES, I WILL ONLY DELETE THEM! & TO THOSE OF YOU WHO ASKED: YES! IM GAY!

wyfeechrisbreezy ::: Favorites
go away u sound like u gay just shut up u just killed the song don't do dat again u idiot
07-09-01 21:36:38
CELLFONEKING ::: Favorites
Rihanna Text "152651" to 69937 to get "UMBRELLA "Ringtone!
07-08-31 20:19:21
aishsimboy ::: Favorites
what are you doing?
07-08-31 16:42:19
BigBossEngine ::: Favorites
U bastard.
07-08-31 16:30:10
Greenblinky ::: Favorites
Really cool!
07-08-30 15:43:47
louisehobson1990 ::: Favorites
ur a fuckin wierdo.. get a life
07-08-30 10:56:56
anjumchowdhury ::: Favorites
u r sooo gay!! well, u sound gay...
07-08-30 09:38:25
flossie56 ::: Favorites
07-08-29 21:17:26
SHAUN52 ::: Favorites
son u sound like a fuckin gurl
07-08-29 21:12:55
rgw91 ::: Favorites
fucking faggot way to mess with the song and turn it homo. good thing rihanna still saves it.
07-08-29 20:35:19

Beethoven Sonata & Teddy Bears Mash Up

Duration: 03:25 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-09 01:45:47
User: buckrandom
:::: Favorites

I've been giving you guys a lot of advice...but it's time for me to play some too! I've been fiddling with this Teddy Bears tune for about a week and made some mods to it with the help of the Beethoven Sonata. I hope this inspires some thought and creativity with you guys. Thanks for watchin'! Repertoire: Mash Up Teddy Bears - Hey Boy Beethoven - Spring Sonata

bboynoname ::: Favorites
wow.. dude.. thats great!
07-09-02 15:45:59
dragosc1 ::: Favorites
Shut up fool. The mix is fucking great. This guy can go far. I can't stop watching it. Tx alot for the videos Buckrandom. We hope we see more of this stuff. And whats with Paul Dateh anyway....
07-09-01 18:49:42
ciantella ::: Favorites
wat the fck is wrong with you? you so dont mix with the music.... no offense
07-09-01 13:11:03
grolum ::: Favorites
no... learn from Paul Dateh!
07-08-29 02:30:42
moretg ::: Favorites
I usually only listen to real classical music... but your performance is really great! Love it!
07-08-28 17:57:27
antonettesweetcuute ::: Favorites
Online dating at its best WEBFLINGTODAY dot COM
07-08-27 04:30:05
chingster99 ::: Favorites
sendspace com /file /8dsi3j I used a program to capture the audio, that way we can all have an mp3 of this awesome song
07-08-22 17:39:54
HellsLegend ::: Favorites
Yo Sick S*it Make More! If You Make A CD Hit Me Up!
07-08-22 17:27:55
chingmiester ::: Favorites
Hey man, this was sweet! Make more!
07-08-22 15:32:23
angelvamp888 ::: Favorites
Yuck on the swearing but it's really good, kinda Mellow . Make more.
07-08-22 01:04:41

Goodbye Gilmore Girls

Duration: 05:17 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-19 07:22:54
User: lukelaifan
:::: Favorites

This is a goodbye video to the Gilmore Girls. The song doesn't fit the video, I know, but it's a song I love to a TV show I love:D The song is Stars with Alejandro Fuentes from the Norwegian Idol. Hope you like it please comment!!! (PS)I found the autographs on I'm going to miss GG sooo much!!! Thank you Amy for 7 great seasons of GG.

gilmoregirlsiloveyou ::: Favorites
i love this video i was crying! :( and your right what would gilmore girls be like with out all of them i miss watching it every tuesday!!! all those peopleare my favorite charters!!! i almost forgot about kirk! why did it have to end!!! i want to her emily yell at people! bye gilmore girls i love you!! *sad*
07-09-01 18:36:41
92luna ::: Favorites
I loved it, awesome...
07-09-01 17:36:06
dncr24713 ::: Favorites
you also for got alex
07-06-19 22:43:53
lukelaifan ::: Favorites
07-06-05 09:23:49
simpsons618 ::: Favorites
This made me cry, its a really nice video. Good job. Love your name too! L&L forever!!!
07-06-04 22:07:07
lukelaifan ::: Favorites
I forgot many people..I only took the people who have been on the show longer:D SORRY!!
07-06-01 11:16:49
greenpolkdot ::: Favorites
you forgot april!!!!!!!!!
07-05-31 10:16:29
ballarina12 ::: Favorites
The show should have never ended
07-05-28 15:19:11
lukelaifan ::: Favorites
Read the description to the video:D
07-05-21 12:36:23
lorelai44 ::: Favorites
I cried...your video is great, you´re right, GG was made of all those great charachters that Amy created...all of them were so unique...God, I´m really going to miss GG :(
07-05-20 19:03:51

Men's Room Etiquite

Duration: 10:56 minutes
Upload Time: 06-11-02 20:42:05
User: matt288298
:::: Favorites

Funny Educational Video

geckron ::: Favorites
Lol... Open Source Development... Ubuntu pwns.
07-08-19 03:06:20
leahmeister ::: Favorites
LOL funni, toilets hee hee
07-07-04 16:57:54
Nostalgic92 ::: Favorites
All that wouldn't happen if SOME people wouldn't miss with their giant beef jerkys ;)
07-06-28 19:34:44
badgerchurch86 ::: Favorites
Very well done and every one of those rules is absolutely true.
07-06-09 23:17:15
JNT0165 ::: Favorites
Very nice. :D
07-04-26 21:46:44
blaze1793 ::: Favorites
07-04-19 03:01:52
Lurker12347 ::: Favorites
The narrator sounds kind of like Kittridge from Mission Impossible 1.
07-03-04 23:33:25
Mafioso1933 ::: Favorites
Excellent film! I would certainly agree with this... Men's room chatter = Riots & Anarchy And, yeah, this was done using the Sims 2...
07-01-29 14:39:51
tchnbit ::: Favorites
very good
07-01-15 00:10:13
shortypetersen ::: Favorites
this is one of the BEST i have seen definately 5 STARS!
07-01-08 23:04:07

All for one

Duration: 04:24 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-20 19:58:04
User: Luthien5D
:::: Favorites

Video completo de la pelicula High School Musical 2

Betty4yF2 ::: Favorites
21yo female here i have a video of myslef up shaking my booty on my youtube profile. Check it out and also send me a message because im pretty bored and wanna meet new people on here. Anyways hit me up if you want. XoXoXox Leah
07-09-02 13:24:25
HighSchoolMusical44 ::: Favorites
07-09-01 03:41:56
pinkfreak0105 ::: Favorites
omg me too! i thought it was funny though. we had it recorded and we watched it and we were like "is that miley?! rewind! ok, now pause! ZOOM IN! like OMG! thats miley!" now all they are missing is the jonas brothers.
07-08-24 19:33:19
kewlkid147 ::: Favorites
i think i voted for him to cause it would have been funny seeing him dance the way he does unless if he wouldnt be able to
07-08-24 19:32:56
penguinlova147 ::: Favorites
i love this song. i was really suprised that i saw miley cyrus in the movie
07-08-24 15:54:04
a10namae ::: Favorites
i love this song. i memorized all the dance moves for it!
07-08-24 15:14:18
cmagurlz ::: Favorites
i saw her she was wearing green and a flower on her hair......
07-08-24 14:39:49
Distubia12 ::: Favorites
07-08-24 13:03:17
marulyx ::: Favorites
hhaha in argentina the premier is in september i cant wait!!! i love this song i've the cd! miley cyrus is at 3:43 to 3:46! i dindt know...i love this song its awesome!
07-08-23 20:18:27
nicolelach852 ::: Favorites
hahahaha hannah got such a small part. I thought she was at least gunna talk.....hahahha
07-08-23 18:47:22

What The #$*! Do We Know!? - Part 7 of 10

Duration: 10:00 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-07 04:16:43
User: onyxguapo
:::: Favorites

Why do we continue making the same mistakes? Why are we having the same relationships? Why do we keep getting the same jobs over and over again? In this infinite sea of potential around us, how come we keep creating the same realities? Following the story of Amanda, a divorced photographer, the film dives into a fantastical "Alice in Wonderland" of chance meetings and unexplained phenomenon. As her daily, uninspired life begins to unravel, Amanda becomes more and more aware of the uncertain world of the quantum field hidden behind what we consider to be our normal, waking reality. Through her journey, Amanda realizes that by truly looking into the world and not just at it, her life will never be the same.

doom876 ::: Favorites
A sphinkter is just a hole ment for one way passage, your mouth is a sphincter.
07-08-30 16:29:54
doom876 ::: Favorites
You say Ramtha teaches no hell or judgement then you judge porn, not very like your god are you...really, that is hypocrytical. I'de rather want my kid looking at porn then having sex myself. Seriously though, you put the same message on everyone of these vids and it is ANNOYING.
07-08-30 16:29:09
NotAShill ::: Favorites
find out what your in for as a result of encouraging pornography spiritlessons dot com Wise up kid!
07-08-20 21:14:28
NotAShill ::: Favorites
Ramtha teaches no hell and no judgement, There are a lot testimonials at spiritlessons dot com that do not agree with what she is saying. also see prophecies dot org
07-08-20 21:12:48
SuperSexySascha ::: Favorites
i would like to know that too, its a great song
07-08-09 18:39:05
SuperSexySascha ::: Favorites
every sphinkter that opens and closes, LMAO she said sphinkter
07-08-09 18:38:13
Dyais ::: Favorites
:D found it, its "Kernkraft 400 - Zombie Nation" nice... i like...:P
07-08-03 04:49:56
hypnometal ::: Favorites
I don't recognize it. For all I know, it could just be some generic techno beat.
07-08-02 23:15:12
Dyais ::: Favorites
05.55 whats the name of the song ? plz
07-07-31 14:24:03
pickle182 ::: Favorites
hahaha she said sphincter.
07-07-31 00:25:34

Hour of Pain 11-26

Duration: 02:41 minutes
Upload Time: 06-12-15 23:25:37
User: NJxwf
:::: Favorites

Highlights from XWF's weekly show, "Hour of Pain". Assassin announces his departure from the company, Maximum faces off against "The Madman" Crash. And in the main event, Black Tiger challenges the new XWF World Heavyweight Champion Crimson O.G. to a street fight.

Easy813 ::: Favorites
Dude that Suicide dive was very sexy. WWS is so weak. All it has is fancy editing software.
07-02-24 21:00:57
NJxwf ::: Favorites
thanks, its called "Don't Hold Back" by The Sleeping
07-02-14 14:43:38
yo whats the name of this the way nice vid it looks fun
07-02-13 22:21:00
NJxwf ::: Favorites
wut way is that? we're not trying to joke around, its just we're kinda stuck with a few smaller kids rite now
07-02-13 18:44:13
adoniscnut ::: Favorites
See this is what backyarding should be. just a bunch of friends having fun and not trying to kill each other, suffice to say XWF amuses me in a good way.
07-02-13 09:43:13
CrimsonOG ::: Favorites
that was to wwswrestling
07-02-06 22:28:08
NJxwf ::: Favorites
u know, i really hate when little kids like u comment my vids trying to give us advice. have u seen ur videos little man? U should really worry about fixing those.
07-02-06 16:46:40
CrimsonOG ::: Favorites
yo i just looked at ur vids and u cant talk bc u guys r all like 5 years old and ur shit is mad sloppy
07-02-06 15:21:01
wwswrestling ::: Favorites
Kwl Attries and moves i noticed u have used windows movie maker try get a diffenrentv 1,also u shud work on ure moves and put up full matches or shows like us =]
07-02-06 11:52:23
takerwwetna ::: Favorites
I was only joking it's be cool
07-02-02 15:37:53