Monday, September 3, 2007

Running Man Basics

Duration: 03:23 minutes
Upload Time: 06-10-02 11:17:38
User: BigMilan
:::: Favorites

Recorded this months ago with Miki and Misha; at the same time as the melbourne shuffle. I was lasy for ages, but here it is finaly, all edited and whatever. It's shorted than the shuffle because there's no switching or anything - just continuous "running". I know a lot of you are eager to learn the running man, but I have a special place in my heart for the shuffle :D which is why I put that vid up first. Well, enjoy and practice lots and lots!

CuteOnep299 ::: Favorites
Not bad. Try <B> _CAMSJUNGLE.COM_ </B> for sweet cam girls -CuteOnep299
07-09-02 20:41:50
leejamesss ::: Favorites
Just wanted to say ; that this tutorial rocks - ive been practcing for 3 weeks now, put up a video of myself doing it in a club yesterday, so any feedback on it would be great. :]
07-09-02 07:56:59
herve19333 ::: Favorites
untill you master it.. duh
07-09-02 07:49:45
markieshark ::: Favorites
im just beginner and this is a good tutorial but do i have to do the running man slowly and slowly untill what ?? i dont get it :S
07-09-02 04:14:43
fishzz928 ::: Favorites
hihi, big milan, u r cool man.... watch my shuffle videos, n gimme sum comment, thx^^
07-09-02 02:48:11
WewtCookies ::: Favorites
Dude, he made a hand movement tutorial. & this is just the BASICS, meaning just the feet movements (The hard parts).
07-09-01 20:42:26
MetalMonster5 ::: Favorites
Thanks BigMilan! Now i can do the running man i slide instead of hopping though.
07-09-01 04:11:20
CypRaZ ::: Favorites
cheers mate ! taught me to do it properly :) keep it up
07-08-30 23:26:28
wattupmate ::: Favorites
like my comment on ur other tut... i need help.. instead of jus landing my right foot (wen landing it at the front) i always stomp it instead of jus landing smoothly... it looks sucky and it hurts my knee cap
07-08-30 08:17:04
BigMilan ::: Favorites
if u use baby powder to make the floor slippery - for a LOOOONG time
07-08-29 06:43:09

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