Monday, September 3, 2007

Case of Cloud Strife - Breaking the Habit

Duration: 03:20 minutes
Upload Time: 06-03-10 23:48:26
User: Zaxuku
:::: Favorites

Tribute to Cloud, breaking his habits. an Advent Children filmclip

Zaxuku ::: Favorites
Yeah, I had totally no idea what they said either, but it sounded dramatic at least :) I was gonna get it translated, but subtitles would've made the video look it :/ Thanks for the praise! ^^
07-07-28 04:10:45
CrouchingTigress01 ::: Favorites
I believe you did an awesome job, although some translation would have been nice, but never the less good. You deserve a real pat on the back ^__^. C.T
07-07-28 00:40:53
oldworriar ::: Favorites
hey is this the same cloud from kingdom hearts 1?
07-07-04 14:18:52
cloudXaerithXtifa101 ::: Favorites
Hi, WOW. Nice music video, WOW. Where do you get Advent Children movie clips? Thanks if you can help.. but still, GREAT video.
07-04-15 03:09:28
GenotisX ::: Favorites
Here's the translation, Sephiroth: I thought of a wonderful present for you. Cloud: Don't be so generous!
07-04-12 23:41:07
Botan06 ::: Favorites
07-03-14 13:17:47
Gabitroncangry ::: Favorites
Nice vid and good work on it.. Watch my vid.. its called Cloud's Feelings Plz Enjoy
07-03-10 20:08:52
Zaxuku ::: Favorites
I have noooo idea O_o; I'd like to know, though. I just thought it'd add to the emotion to put that in there :3
07-02-27 01:36:05
KigaiOokami ::: Favorites
great job on the video. Does anybody know what japanese words they are saying in the deleted scene? I know the translation, just not the exact japanese words.
07-02-21 12:11:38
GenotisX ::: Favorites
masterfuly done! great work!
07-02-03 03:06:08

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