Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Wacko Jacko

Duration: 03:49 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-07 17:42:21
:::: Favorites

Clip from The Matthew Mask Show: Matt Mask dresses up like Michael Jackson and goes into a restaurant that claims to be selling "Two Teens for 6 bucks" watch Mask go in and see what happens...eh hee hee chamone.

XXlauraXXdear ::: Favorites
lol " hi folks im michael jackson" lol this was funny! but yeh i have one qestion for everyone who hates him!! HOW DO YOU NO HE DID THAT TO LIL BOYS?? i love the guy mike hes sweet and caring and he woodlnt do that to lil boys BUT... HES A FREAK!! lol but no he didnt do that to lil boys!!
07-08-22 17:05:33
dioioego ::: Favorites
Well done! I hate Michael Jackson, he is a horrible pedophile! I mean, whoever believes he is innocent also believes his skin got totally white bcos of Vitiligo... it says it all!
07-08-18 13:26:53
Oplaaskrokodil ::: Favorites
He sounds like Gingie from the Shrek movies!X)
07-08-12 11:39:36
kingofthetolit ::: Favorites
This video scares me!
07-08-12 02:46:07
p4zz ::: Favorites
07-08-10 06:37:19
decemberke ::: Favorites
Well I wouldn't say michael is innocent, but i like his music. But I'm not a fan either. I'd never agree with what his doing, but he has been the king of pop ever since. Be peaceful!
07-07-26 14:13:23
surajmehtaw ::: Favorites
your right mmask he does deserve ridicule
07-07-18 12:57:32
qbees ::: Favorites
This doesnt reflect on Michaels chararcter at all but on your own - this is what came from your perverted mind NOT Michaels dont use Michael as a scapegoat _ Look in the mirror - Its scary isnt it - time for you to make a change ..
07-07-14 19:50:37
MMASK ::: Favorites
Michael Jackson is pushing 50 years old and shares beds with young boys and shows them pornography and gives them alcohol...you claim this video reflects my character..look in the mirror at yourself and realize you are a fan of a man who abuses children and deserves ridicule..whats next? are you going to claim O.J Simpson is innocent? LOL
07-07-14 20:02:30
SorteRose ::: Favorites
hahaha.. that was sooooo fun!!! "I think I'll moonwalk out of here" haha... I am an MJ fan but still. that was tooo funny :)
07-07-06 11:47:30
VSlice21 ::: Favorites
HAHAHA!!!! that was halirious! Great work as always :P
07-06-21 20:17:00
SmoothCriminalAaron ::: Favorites
How Fucked UP your are
07-06-19 20:26:12
MMASK ::: Favorites
I'm fucked up? your the one who's the fan of a man who sleeps with kids....wake up shit for brains.
07-06-19 20:35:57
SmoothCriminalAaron ::: Favorites
Naaaa that was funny i just like To say How Fucked up you are, It's a Al Pancio Quote And to Correct you He Slept NEXT to kids
07-06-19 20:39:58
MMASK ::: Favorites
I'll ask you this...what makes you support a 45 year old man who admits he sleeps in beds with young boys.
07-06-14 13:54:13
IrlinJackson ::: Favorites
ooh.. is that what you dont like with Michael (who not is 45 but 48 - turning 49 this year). What's wrong chearing a bed? Mike never slept in the same bed, he slept on the floor. Anyway, sleaping having a children to sleap in your bed (when nothing sexuall goes on) is nothing else that pure, sweet and lovley! If you really think Mike is a pedophile - than YOU really got some dirty minds man! Mike is one of the nicest person on earth!
07-06-15 12:58:24
MMASK ::: Favorites
no...your not brainwashed at all.
07-06-15 13:16:59
IrlinJackson ::: Favorites
How can you say that? You dont know Michael Jackson at all... or do you? Godness! Learn more about respect man!
07-06-15 13:18:44
MMASK ::: Favorites
You should learn to observe facts and not condone the behavior of a 49 year old man who spends an innapproriate time with children....a man being a good entertainer is no excuse for his conduct.
07-06-15 13:20:50
IrlinJackson ::: Favorites
Maan.. you will never get it.. or what? Some people... sorry for you! Take care! And have fun!
07-06-15 13:46:26

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