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Duration: 02:08 minutes Upload Time: 07-05-28 10:43:29 User: MoldytoasterVideo :::: Favorites |
I Think Bayer Corporation is a Very Bad Company Genetically polluted the crops of Australian farmers http://www.organicconsumers.org/ge/bayer072005.cfm Generated 2.4 million pounds of hazardous waste annually http://www.epa.gov/region3/r3press/pr9713.htm 11,000 Americans had to be treated with fluoroquinolones from Bayer misusing antibiotics. http://www.environmentaldefense.org/article.cfm?contentid=255 Contributed large sums of money to the 2000 Bush presidential campaign, to get his support. http://www.txpeer.org/Bush/Polluters_Bet_On_Bush.html Produce unsafe food additives, and dangerous consumer products. http://www.biotech-info.net/keycode_bayer_39.html 1956 Bayer executive Fritz ter Mee was sent to prison for Nazi war crimes http://www.cbgnetwork.org/1695.html Fined $135,900 for exposing worker to Methylenedianiline. http://www.acusafe.com/Newsletter/Stories/0101News-MonthlyIncidents.htm Puts aspartame, (a neurotoxic substance) into children's Flintstone's vitamins. http://omega.twoday.net/20040505/ Charged $8 million for putting rhabdomyolysis (a serious muscular disease) in products. http://www.allamericanpatriots.com/node/17964 Charged with war crimes for supplying chemical weapons during the Congo Civil War. http://www.corporatewatch.org.uk/?lid=200 Bayer employ about 1600 children under age 15 in the production of cottonseed in India http://www.cbgnetwork.org/295.html Gave drugs infected with AIDS to children http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XS3mhjt7TrY |
Comments | |
resaca5367 ::: Favorites So....a german! company that currently employs 106,000 people had one! person sent to prison for Nazi crimes ? So what ? Besides, the allies took most patents, chemicals, people after WWII which is why Bayer US until recently was unrelated to Bayer Corp. . On Bayer US distributing HIV infected drugs -> the opposite has long been proven. No, I don't work for Bayer...I am a graduate student : HIV research. Your allegations are all 'half-truths' which can be worth than lies. 07-08-24 09:15:42 _____________________________________________________ | |
invista360 ::: Favorites Thanks for posting. True. These flouroquinone antibiotic residues, more powerful than the former LS-50 because of mutation, is in nonorganic milk along with more than 50 other antibiotic residues from the dairy industry including rBGH<Monsanto Corp. brainchild. I only drink pure RAW milk that I get from a local supplier. Very healthy. Bayer has also used a flea repellant chemical in the vet industry that will make an animal very sick. 07-08-24 08:05:53 _____________________________________________________ | |
KellyinBama ::: Favorites There needs to be a congressional investigation with regards to Bayer knowingly selling aids tainted vaccines overseas - I wrote my congressional representative tonight - only take a few seconds- just search contact my congressman - should you write too? 07-08-23 00:36:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
gamblemad ::: Favorites great vid moldy.... but Rhabdomyolysis is caused by Cervistatin (Baycol) (and other statins) and isnt added to them.. but other than that great work i totaly agree 07-08-21 10:46:28 _____________________________________________________ | |
dragonfly1030 ::: Favorites Well made and professional video. I used to take the Flintstones vitamins as a kid! :-/ Might I also point out that aspartame (used in a lot of sugar free products) tends to be a massive migraine trigger for a lot of people--myself included. Ugh. 07-08-21 08:24:23 _____________________________________________________ | |
yogablu ::: Favorites Why aren't these executives being prosecuted for the Aids scandal? This is unbelievable. 07-08-20 12:01:20 _____________________________________________________ | |
pythia2006 ::: Favorites Bayer's involvement in Nazi war crimes should have been enough to put them out of business, but this zebra has not and will not change its stripes without a really big consumer movement against them. And they deserve everything that can be brought against them! 07-08-19 14:09:29 _____________________________________________________ | |
DamianContreras ::: Favorites A video that only focuses on the bad a company has done can make any company look bad. 07-08-18 15:58:59 _____________________________________________________ | |
vandlent ::: Favorites My OPINION is that it is JUST YOUR OPINION ,as you state to clear yourself from slander charges..I am not a pharm lover but as for donating to Bush, hillary clinton has already gone on the record saying that she will accept donations from pharmaceutical firms for her campaign. FOLKS, use your brains and don't believe everything you see on the internet! 07-08-18 14:48:37 _____________________________________________________ | |
1oneundergod1 ::: Favorites drug companies are interested in making profits, and their interests often transcend even the most basic ethical and human safety guidelines. taking legal drugs is not the answer to your health problems -- leading a healthy lifestyle is. If this Bayer video was at all eye-opening for you, please forward this article to your friends and loved ones, and urge them to protect their health with proper food instead of prescription drugs. 07-08-18 01:14:57 _____________________________________________________ | |
tamalya ::: Favorites And they're still at it " Bayer AG's disclosure last week of a study showing that a promising medicine has deadly side effects came only after a Harvard drug safety expert told U.S. regulators that the research existed"To contact the reporters on this story: Justin Blum in Washington and Eva von Schaper in Munich 07-08-17 18:26:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
tedquinn ::: Favorites this doesn't even scratch the surface. mustard gas, nerve gas. mengeles experiments on children in nazi death camps. AIDS-tainted blood products dumped on asian hemophiliacs. banned pesticides sold to central american countries. guess who had cipro, the antidote during the 'anthrax scare'? that's right, bayer! 07-08-17 03:29:32 _____________________________________________________ | |
fish0000001 ::: Favorites I don't use their products and just knowing what you have exposed does not really change anything. As for opinions, yes, I respect your opinion. I personally have no opinion since I do not use their products. 07-08-15 19:02:00 _____________________________________________________ | |
jodyrea ::: Favorites Love the video except 'bad' does not fit the bill. But then I do not believe there is a word in any language that can describe what they are. Currently there are some very critical issues in need of support. For mankind and nature alike PLEASE make yourself aware - please take the time out to review Coalition against BAYER Dangers (Germany) website 07-08-13 19:22:07 _____________________________________________________ | |
CmbtEvlvdProductions ::: Favorites Very interusting, great vid 5 stars. 07-08-13 00:52:55 _____________________________________________________ | |
user169022 ::: Favorites Let's not forget Bayer invented heroin. No, I'm not joking, either. They were supposed to have made a pain reliever that wasn't addictive like morphine. Isn't that ironic? 07-08-11 18:55:25 _____________________________________________________ | |
missedabeat ::: Favorites Scary video, after reading the entry on Wiki for Bayer, it reveals some more very interesting facts about this company. 07-08-08 15:48:36 _____________________________________________________ | |
andrew17660 ::: Favorites Don't forget to include George Bush's granddaddy Prescot Bush! 07-08-03 08:44:25 _____________________________________________________ | |
JTickett ::: Favorites Excellent video, I hadn't even heard the name Bayer until a moment ago. Thanks for the info. On a side note, do you mind telling me what the music was in the background? 07-07-27 20:26:46 _____________________________________________________ | |
malhombre ::: Favorites Great video, man. Keep this stuff up. 07-07-22 01:08:50 _____________________________________________________ |
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
I Think Bayer Corporation is a Very Bad Company
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