Saturday, August 4, 2007

Interview of Mr. Ey by ForgottenandAlone~

Duration: 411 seconds
Upload Time: 06-11-27 03:58:22
User: MysterEy1
:::: Favorites

This is a preliminary video for the actual interview movie. This one depicts Mr.Ey's initial reaction to what the questions are. These are not the full answers. Stay tuned for the sequel to this, within one week from today. The completed video will be posted one both channels...

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MysterEy1 ::: Favorites
NOTE: Please excuse the fact that we are referrng to a "he", when in fact the interviewer is a "she".
06-11-27 04:05:29
entertainmentgiant ::: Favorites
Please click on the link above, which takes you to her video: "Dedicated to my Mother"...
06-11-27 12:56:44
burnsy403 ::: Favorites
entertainmentgiant says a lot, I can tell you do a lot more than just blog by watching all the posts. Charity events, carpentry, hiking, time with the family. They do make you seem like an artist or "freelancer" (not 9-5) which is a cool way to go, but can be tough. Shout out to Draco! stay warm :)
06-11-27 07:05:51
DrTheopolis ::: Favorites
I think its great that you took the extra time to bounce the questions off of Draco. It makes the whole thing become more 'Real'. Love your work, man.
06-11-27 20:49:18
MysterEy1 ::: Favorites
Thanks.. Mind you, this is just a prelinary reaction. The full interview is coming up!
06-11-28 12:49:02
MysterEy1 ::: Favorites
i meant 'preliminary'.
06-11-28 14:48:50

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