Saturday, August 4, 2007

Andy Warhol filmed me as a Baby~

Duration: 116 seconds
Upload Time: 07-02-24 13:45:19
User: MysterEy1
:::: Favorites

Myster Ey interviews Penelope Palmer during an Andy Warhol film retrospective. This is an intro to the epic "Mr. Ey gives you the 60s"

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MysterEy1 ::: Favorites
Its slow you mean? I never have so many problems as I do with this one. Although LV did reject a video which YT accepted. BTW, Didn't u have another channel?
07-02-24 16:48:12
MysterEy1 ::: Favorites
This is very educational then. Glad youre interested.
07-02-24 16:48:39
R4GENYC ::: Favorites
I know his Cambell soup artwork, but who doesn't, heh.. I'm interested to see some more of his work. This is cool.
07-02-24 17:15:26
R4GENYC ::: Favorites
Actually after a second watching of the vid, I recognize more of his work. With the effects it's kinda hard to be sure, but, Penelope Parmer looks familiar..
07-02-24 17:22:08
fuzzylogicbus ::: Favorites
Ok thanks, I just took a look but it's not up yet, I will catch it tomorrow. I nearly managed to unsubscribe to you, I wish they would stop moving the buttons around lol
07-02-24 17:29:45
MysterEy1 ::: Favorites
Yeah, looks like there have been some changes. The bulletins look different. I uploaded 2 other videos and they are not available yet after 2 hours.
07-02-24 17:36:48
MysterEy1 ::: Favorites
I'm doing this series because we took on his famous phrase to kick off a new website. The thing about the 15 minutes.
07-02-24 17:37:49
ForgottenandAlone ::: Favorites
Wow I can't wait till the next part (^-^ yay talking hamsters) keep it up Mr.Ey.
07-02-24 18:15:58
BuckNakedPresents ::: Favorites
Yeah, uploading has been so slooooow. i have two channels - bucknakeddragking and this one.
07-02-24 20:09:15
yorgathecroat ::: Favorites
Really cool stuff,dig it.
07-02-25 17:44:09

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