Sunday, January 6, 2008

Bush and the Satanic handsigns

Duration: 02:21 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-06 05:07:52
User: ytringer
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Does this video prove that David Icke and "America The Satanic Cult" is Right...?If you miss is some of them...


sx66gns ::: Favorites  2008-01-06 12:28:52

Yes , I do because I'm a satanist , but that's besides the point , these people are not , these people are my enemies.
idiotsmustdie ::: Favorites  2008-01-06 01:31:25

Is Prince William from texas as well? How about John Lennon? There are A LOT Of people doing that sign not for the "I love you" and texas thing. Tell me, would you do that sign in a memorial or in a VERY serious occasion?
idiotsmustdie ::: Favorites  2008-01-06 01:27:36

This sign have been used by satanists for quite a long time. It's really such a shame that teenagers, fans of rock and such, doing the sign without knowing what it meant. I just knew & researched it today. And I really feel awful.
discipleofchrist7 ::: Favorites  2008-01-01 03:36:49

BTW, have you considered that the 'I love you' and 'hook em horns' signs came from the satanic sign? Think about it. The 'I love you' should be like a hand held over the heart or something. Also, famous people who are not from Texas use this sign occasionally. Bush used this sign dozens of times at his secind inauguration ball in 2005. WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH FOOTBALL!!!
jacksplitfoot ::: Favorites  2007-12-26 10:37:19

The hand sign is not Satanic. It is to ward off the evil eye. Do your research. Also only a christian can become a satanist as you have to believe in god and jesus to believe in satan.Satan is an invention of the christianity created to scare people towards it and demonise older faiths.
Ozcrowley ::: Favorites  2007-12-25 22:04:28

he had her on a few years later where she called weed a "very deadly halucinagenic drug!!!" do you know anyone who has died from pot?! severe allergies don`t count, nor does chemically altered pot, etc. by the way, every president we`ve ever had has been called the antichrist by some organization, shit! take a number!
Ozcrowley ::: Favorites  2007-12-25 22:04:00

isn`t that also a sign in hawaii meaning "i love you"? i heard it called a sign of the devil on "geraldo" when i was a kid by this bitter-assed ol` bag who was all self-righteous, tryin to get heavy metal banned.
vaccinationnation ::: Favorites  2007-12-22 19:27:05

That also means "Hook Em Horns" for texas football. Just a thot.
jhqw7u676yfw143t ::: Favorites  2007-12-20 22:30:32

that's the establishment's secret way of giving the bird to the commoners.
Nepze123 ::: Favorites  2007-12-19 13:05:17

whatever you say down there, this sign is known as a sign for the antichrist. if bush is not employed by satan, then i dont know. cause he is.
sx66gns ::: Favorites  2007-12-17 00:39:10

They are from Texas , the most famous School here with great pride in the school located down from the Texan capitol is UT , the Longhorns. Search for UT or the longhorns and you'll see legions of this "Satanic" hand sign , this video is gayer than a beer salted man tit.
letmeknov ::: Favorites  2007-12-15 17:14:28

Hi there! Very nice video, but the music... amazing! Can u tell me, who is the author of that track?
sutinelli ::: Favorites  2007-12-10 13:46:33

Well he is also a rocker( besides a bad president) Maybe someone dare him to do that sign while standing with the Queen.:)
eXeNewter ::: Favorites  2007-12-08 15:23:12

I don't even thing the guy knows what the sign means... he's too stupid for his own good lol The even more fun part is that some ppl go totaly crazy about this... u know the religios dumbasses like that davidguy u hear from once in a while... Disney is devils work and 666 is seen everywhere... Bullcrap I say, stop waisting your time dambasses
dazeycutr ::: Favorites  2007-12-06 08:34:13

impressive video but texas longhorns fans do that as well

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