Thursday, January 17, 2008

Brit Marines Held in Iran Against Their Will

Duration: 04:59 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-03-29 03:39:16
User: lookhearsee
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Latest report on the growing tensions between Iran and the UK over the British soldiers Iran is holding hostage, and using for propaganda. (March 28)


AllahAkbar218 ::: Favorites  2007-07-10 11:05:55

Royal this the best you have?
cassern15 ::: Favorites  2007-06-11 18:06:29

Wellguess what maetrogringo its been over 2 months now and guess what? No Iranian war. Your full of along with your other liberal pussified friends.
TAMARLANE ::: Favorites  2007-04-08 14:55:31

Happy Easter.
TAMARLANE ::: Favorites  2007-04-04 16:30:41

Thanks you Ahmedinijad for your largesse. Such a generous gift. Returning that which was stolen. And thanks Pelosi for your efforts in Syria, which was instrumental in achieving the release of the British hostages. How many people will buy into this crap?
TAMARLANE ::: Favorites  2007-04-03 20:17:40

isthisrare We are a compassionate people. Americans. Everything changed after 9/11. We simply don't have all our ducks in a row yet. Iran can still come around. They must come around. The people there deserve much better.
maestrogringo ::: Favorites  2007-04-03 18:36:56

Some of the news sources have stated that they will ready for an attack by the end of this week. It's only a matter of time. When you listen to Bush's rhetoric with Iran it's the same buzzwords/phrases repeated from before the invasion of Iraq.
isthisrare ::: Favorites  2007-04-03 16:53:21

Then how come they havent invaded yet, genius?
TAMARLANE ::: Favorites  2007-04-03 16:48:57

If Iran wants to provoke a war, and Allah knows they have been trying for several decades now, I am sure we will accommodate them. I am surprised, and dismayed, that we have been so patient for so long.
maestrogringo ::: Favorites  2007-04-03 11:43:47

That's a really foolish comment. I'm a liberal, I don't defend Iran, I'm not a fan of their president, he's a nut. I DON'T want the British soldiers executed. I do, however, defend international law, and right from wrong. The Brits clearly wanted to provoke an international incident to start the push for war. It's in the playbook for war, Gulf of Tonkin, Gulf War 1, nothing new...
TAMARLANE ::: Favorites  2007-04-03 09:52:10

Iran has two days from this moment to release the hostages. Or suffer the consequences. We may allow them to equivocate a little and make claims of victory through bargaining, for the populace there, you know---but two days is the ultimatum from Britain.
persian66 ::: Favorites  2007-04-03 07:30:53

whats amazing to me is your not on the front line in iraq, sitting in a hummer waiting to become a amputee, thats what really amazes me!!
persian66 ::: Favorites  2007-04-03 07:28:30

suck shit , britain is powerless, you have lost your empire and now are sucking boys of the americans , suck shit, before this incident we also caught 4 of your SAS, we should build human pyramids out of them like you white devils! hahahah
TAMARLANE ::: Favorites  2007-04-02 16:28:48

The Brits should issue an ultimatum. Release our military personnel or else. Close Iranian embassies. Begin patrolling the skies over the refinery and dams and nuclear facilities in Iran. Drop flares at night. Drop leaflets at night. Invite Iranian missile retaliation towards flares and recon drones and aircraft. Wait a day or two, and if no hostages are forthcoming, then make a little incursion into Iran. Eliminate the refinery, the dams, and the nuke facilities.
isthisrare ::: Favorites  2007-04-02 15:48:08

Whats amazing to me is this. The same liberals on here that are of course defending Iran, see no problem with Mexicans illegaly coming into the US and commiting their crimes. These same liberals though want Iran to execute these British soldiers because they may or may not have been floating around on a raft in 'their' water. Liberal hypocrisy is a wonder to behold.
pestcontrolltd ::: Favorites  2007-04-02 14:10:28

What I can't work out is why weren't the UK sailors and Royal Marine Commandos warned of an incoming Iranian force! In a modern day where maritime radar and signal communication is the norm I find it strange that our servicemen were not warned of an Iranian incursion! Why? Conspiracy theorists could have a field day with this one!

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