Saturday, December 1, 2007

Kawanku (local Malaysia Version)

Duration: 04:07 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-04-18 09:33:03
User: Fiona4896
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"Make your comment column for opinion about our multi-races country. NOT FOR INSULTING ONE RACE AND ANOTHER." PERSON WHO OFFENSE THE RULE I HAVE SET, WILL BE BANNED FROM THIS PAGE.


EdwinArchiTribe ::: Favorites  2007-11-06 16:23:52

Oii!!! didn't your parent teach you NOT to critise other's parent and family members?... Not being so narrow minded... and learn how to respect others.
EdwinArchiTribe ::: Favorites  2007-11-06 16:27:25

That's why you can only stay in M'sia. Eventhough you work in "International" company, so what? without changing your mins set, you go NO WHERE mate... Don't ever think that speaking makes you a Malaysian, If chinese and Indian speak Malay, how many malay speak chinese and tamil???
strokesni ::: Favorites  2007-11-08 12:37:52

better watch out fuckin chinese!!we can tolerate if u talk shit bout our race,not wit our dignity as muslims!!PEKIDA will make u pay!!I swear to god u'll pay bitch!!
cinababi25 ::: Favorites  2007-11-09 21:51:08

cakap lagi la cina balik cina,klu smua balik ah ini malaysia pasti aman ,mlayu hidup aman..balik la cina tak pun buat ngara baru !!!
keeheongsim ::: Favorites  2007-11-09 23:14:05

u r right.. malay really brain + lazy + out of date..!
strangerKL ::: Favorites  2007-11-10 08:36:09

i have only one thing to comment NARROW MINDED!! ungratefull and useless comment..sigh get a life dude..
royoblivion13 ::: Favorites  2007-11-10 10:14:28

OOOiii....ape ni ah???saya Malay......kawan saye Vincent(Cina),Rajeev(India) tada kacau sama sama pon...ape lawan...kita sini all orait saja....Cina piracy oso i never doubt...Indian dadah oso no prob....Melayu Cina india sini suma baik la....ape y'all mau gado....saya tak gado tau...all peace!!So cina n malay iz always frenz lor....itu gado utk orang chee sin sja mah...
garylew6 ::: Favorites  2007-11-10 19:42:05

yeah!!i like this song vry much..he is rite..malay so damn stupid and lazy..fuck them , without us chinse in this malaysia, all these malay will be living in trash eating sand..
anaidrunz ::: Favorites  2007-11-11 08:46:15

Stop it guys.we're malaysian no matter what race we are from.we're not supposed to hurt each other.we shud really examine ourselves bfore commenting other races. proud to be malaysian.
zuladrain ::: Favorites  2007-11-11 11:53:17

Garleew6, on Nov 10 2007, 4ok so called stupid malay were on the ground protesting, there were very few chinese taking part, where were all those brave chinese? suddenly their balls shrunk? You know what, this country become so rotten partly because of chinese,the triad that grip the country now is not headed by malay u know. All those gambling, smuggling of drugs, prostitution and many more crimes and enviromental destruction are not done by malay.
zuladrain ::: Favorites  2007-11-11 11:56:17

U can talk in the pc bro...when you need to proof it your ball shrunk..
wing955 ::: Favorites  2007-11-12 05:11:30

shut up moron,malay is useless to us...they just noe how to sleep the whole day....
wing955 ::: Favorites  2007-11-12 05:14:38

cakap lagi la,cina balik cina,kalau smua blk sini bukn malaysia...saya akan pangil tentera cina utk balas dendam...
wing955 ::: Favorites  2007-11-12 05:20:31

u r always rite,malays r lazy+n not good in sports n most done by chinese...
ximeet ::: Favorites  2007-11-12 09:10:20

Just stop all this nonsence. I'm ashame of all this narrow mindness. Chinese or Malay...

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