Sunday, October 7, 2007

Religion Kills Monkeys! Monkey.

Duration: 08:04 minutes
Upload Time: 06-09-18 09:53:10
User: CanadianBeaver
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Stop Religion Before it Kills again Stop crazy Monkey Religion from Killing us all.. Make the Monkeys see the Religion is Bad for all Monkeys.. Bad Bad Bad Monkey..


Mantoktheasshole ::: Favorites
No One can stop Mantok the asshole.
07-08-18 12:15:26
Peoplesmovement ::: Favorites
Join the self Proclamed Peoples Movement. escape the Lies
07-08-14 13:35:32
luciferpartofthecult ::: Favorites
Do I stubbornly hold and unashamedly express unpopular beliefs? Do I willfully defy accepted social and cultural norms? Do I conform to what my conscience dictates rather than what religious or governmental authorities dictate? Do I associate with others of a similar persuasion? YES Question Everything.
07-08-14 11:28:20
CanadianBeavertwo ::: Favorites
we stand for it because half the planet is Brainwashed to think something else is going to fix it.. we Control our own lives and only we can Fix the Bad Monkeys of this Planet. Do your Part to stop the Abuse.. beware the Brainwashed amoung US.
07-08-13 09:24:42
StreetNoBo ::: Favorites
Really! How can we take this?
07-08-11 20:35:52
Messagesinabottle ::: Favorites
we tell are kid's to sleep at night safe in there dark room lights off you dont need a night light Baby.. all the funny Monkeys with Cell phones and excersizing there Jesus Powers daily. Turn the lights out its safe there is no one in your closet "BABY".
07-08-10 20:06:02
Percipia ::: Favorites
Religion Isolates Exterminates and Propagates for selfish reasons.. People are being Brainwashed..
07-08-10 15:41:54
MonkeyCave ::: Favorites
Help the sick of mind that think there lives out of there control... There is No Evil!
07-02-28 22:51:40
futsala ::: Favorites
I really liked the term "Isolate" from the rest of the world. Fits perfectly with my view of religion.
07-02-07 17:12:01
ErnestEvilDemon1 ::: Favorites
Religion is a MOB Mafia it has been around controling men and when discovered a new branch startes up to hide the truth under a new banner.. shop for your Salvation.. how about living up to the shit you go to church and Pray for why not due why hide the sins and cheating and stealing why??? who gets held acountable! WHO??? Bad Bad Monkey's..
07-01-14 22:51:23

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