Thursday, October 4, 2007

Pope Declares The One World Religion

Duration: 00:30 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-27 10:35:49
User: QuoVadius
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Pope John Paul II shows just who he worships. This same man called the Talmudic Rabbi's..."elder brothers in the faith". The same clan that killed Christ. The people who claim Christians (Minnem) must be killed at every oppurtunity in their Holy Books the Talmud and Kabbahla. What the hell was the Pope smokin? Did he nab that American Indian Cheifs peace pipe when the camera's panned away? The Vatican was infiltrated by "Marano Jews" outta Spain who turned the Church into Jewish Mystical Kabbahla for Gentiles. They started "The Jesuits". They own Adam Weishaupt - paid hack of Rothschild who started the "Illuminati".


QuoVadius ::: Favorites
The Pope (PJPII) LOVES to kiss the Quaran also. UNBELIEVABLE! People should ALSO aquaint themselves with the outrageous teachings of the Talmud and Kabbahla/Zohar. Lets not let Rabbinic and Mystical Judaism off the hook either.
07-10-01 22:34:43
TrainmasterCurt ::: Favorites
He has strayed far from the Catholic faith, and the teachings of Christ!
07-10-01 12:07:27
Childinfaith ::: Favorites
fatduck you said that wrong. there is only 1 God but he has 3 distinct extentions of himself. 1 God in 3 persons. Like a clover. 1 Plant 3 leaves.
07-09-28 20:36:03
baburshafiq ::: Favorites
do you have the same bible or read the popism Bible. Actually i am confused that how many Bible virsions available in Market and which one is true
07-09-27 12:26:21
judith63 ::: Favorites
I would advise you to read your bible, because if your loyalty isn't to Jesus alone then u are the one worshipping a man who is misguided and misguided masses of people!! Read what God says, not the pope.
07-09-12 14:49:09
fatduck1976 ::: Favorites
who said that ? catholics are as christian as any other church they all worship the same three Gods the father the son and the holly goast
07-09-01 15:22:19
34hassan ::: Favorites
Yeah teh catholic church funded teh inquisition and tehy are racists!! Why do you think the K.K.K wears a spanish priest dress huh?
07-08-20 12:52:50
sithxphantom ::: Favorites
i dont care what you all say, my loyalty isnt to the United States, its to the Pope and the Roman Catholic Church, The One True Holy Apostolic Church. We Catholics dont care we are not regarded as "Christians" by revolting protestants and cultists. WE, with the Orthodox and Oriental Churches, ARE THE TRUE ANCIENT ORDERS OF CHRIST!!! Thats to all you Mormons, Baptist, Lutherans, Methodists, and the countless other heretic sects of the breakaway protestant cults.
07-08-17 22:39:51
christiankjvb1611 ::: Favorites
2nd Thessalonians 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
07-05-21 23:50:31
christiankjvb1611 ::: Favorites
i agree ,but please don't include the true bible believing christians,remember this catholics aren't christians.
07-05-20 22:17:29

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