Thursday, September 6, 2007

Working for an American Telecom giant

Duration: 05:40 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-21 16:02:06
User: zeyank
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Anyone who works in the call center world will relate to this video...What we really would like to tell our customers!

jess233244 ::: Favorites
great video, i love the customers that bitch when their contract is extended what the fuck do you want me to do? dont change your fucking plan if you dont want your contract extended and read the fucking fine print instead of bitching to me about how much bull shit the copany i work for is we didnt sign you up and buy you the phone you fucking signed up
07-08-31 19:31:39
zeyank ::: Favorites
How about you go fuck yourself? Would you like that?
07-08-25 00:29:38
millsfreak ::: Favorites
I will admit...I have done that before....What about the customers who wish to speak to someone in a different language that has no existing queue for that language..?
07-08-21 01:21:27
zeyank ::: Favorites
thats when you transfer he to the spanish queue hah
07-08-20 22:36:27
millsfreak ::: Favorites
I had one customer that wanted to change her phone number...we can only bring up 5 numbers from the pool in her area code...she was rejecting each one stating "They're too hard to remember, I want to choose my own!" I advised her that we could not allow vanity or custom phone numbers, she then said....."I want to speak to your supervisor!!"....Wow, i did'nt think that we still had people like that in this world:)
07-08-20 13:51:10
zeyank ::: Favorites
Whats an MSL!??! Is an MSID my phone number?!?! stupid cunts
07-08-20 02:57:51
millsfreak ::: Favorites
I had to show the customer how to program the I was telling her...I thought she was programming it...after a short pause...she says "So...when are you going to start programming my phone, I shouldn't do this, you should know how to do this, I don't even know how to take off the battery!"
07-08-20 01:17:49
zeyank ::: Favorites
These are the customers who "mash" the buttons....and want to you "cut" the phone back
07-08-19 17:03:06
millsfreak ::: Favorites
We also have the customers who do not know how to use their cellphone, then they callback and tell us that they never ordered it. I can't believe that they just can't admit that they are technologically incompetent:)
07-08-19 15:56:16
cutenezz75 ::: Favorites
you took the words right out of my mouth...i feel the same exact way..i work for a major cable company(no names,lol!)
07-08-19 03:51:02

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