Thursday, September 6, 2007


Duration: 05:27 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-05 22:21:55
User: ewic1970
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patswetrust ::: Favorites
ewic they have to many veterans on there team if moss does one stupid thing belichick said he would release him remeber they made him sign something back in march if he did one dumb thing hes gone so not worried
07-09-05 15:09:02
ewic1970 ::: Favorites
Hey I wouldn't worry about my colts...we are going to be just fine!!! What I would worry about is all the baggage that comes with Randy Moss. Every team he has been on, his team has self destructed from the inside out. That is what I would be worried about if I was you. He isn't a good team member, and if one thing goes wrong, there goes the locker room. Say good bye to the win column.
07-09-05 05:47:43
patswetrust ::: Favorites
good bradys got at leat 2 more 2 with belichick and that defense the colts wont get back until they get good on defense and enough with the excuses oak we have won 3 super bowls i dont think u can win 3 out of 4 on luck definately 1 year we got lucky but u cant win 3 out of 4 on luck and ya dint peyton throw 4 ints in the 03 season o ya im pretty sure we beat u again in 04. 3 out of 4 ur just pissed cuzz were still a dynasty go pats colts r overrated
07-09-04 20:28:53
ewic1970 ::: Favorites
what are you smoking? He has already broke the most touchdowns in one season, and the pace he is on will break marino's passing record as well. You wish he would retire because this isn't the only ring he is going to win. I'm thinking at least 2 more before it is all over.
07-09-04 07:52:36
kingmenow ::: Favorites
wow...Peyton is one of the worst legendary qbs ever. His stats dont go with what he has done. He does good in the regular season and then chokes. He won a superbowl and he should be happy that he will retire with one ring.
07-09-03 18:11:03
whiteboyedmund ::: Favorites
07-09-03 17:22:23
oaks1013 ::: Favorites
oh man dude i het thayt was cool but my birthday was also on that day 1-21
07-09-03 16:38:08
oaks1013 ::: Favorites
man your crazy the pats always get luckyi nthe sb games sure they won 3 but all 3 were onlby 3 points and 2 of them they should not have evn won you know ther first one vs st.louis they got a fluke win and then the last one 3 yeras ago vs philly they won only because to was still hurt from his broken leg and mcnabb was sick right befroenthat game so the pats always luck up
07-09-03 16:36:49
patswetrust ::: Favorites
the colts suck there run is over its time to bring it back to new england like the old day were loaded 07-08 are year
07-09-03 00:01:30
patswetrust ::: Favorites
granmo the colts lost way to many people this year teams who have went on to be a dynasty have gotten good players not lost a shit load. COLTS SUCK got lucky lasty year.The road goes thru NEW ENGLAND in 07-08 the pats r much too loaded go Pats Peyton sucks
07-09-02 23:47:26

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