Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Spongebob's Comedy Act

Duration: 03:50 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-30 11:34:34
User: Sealy1986
:::: Favorites

***DISCLAIMER BELOW*** THIS...IS...GENIUS. Even I amaze myself sometimes. Disclaimer: All Spongebob content expressed in this video is copyright of Viacom Inc. All audio expressed in this video is copyright of Pablo Ridson Francisco. I, Steven A. Ealy, agree that this video is in full compliance with U.S.C Title 17, Section 107, which constitutes a "fair use" agreement from the rightful copyright owner, Viacom INC. For any of those wishing to distribute my video online, you must acknowledge me, Steven A. Ealy or Sealy1986, as the original creator of this video. Failure to give due credit will result in an immediate deletion of my plagiarized video! See fair use agreement here:

LuckyPikachu ::: Favorites
lol i liked the arnold shwa........(i cant spell his name) part
07-09-03 00:22:59
sandrasweetmommayn ::: Favorites
Great video. For a fun fling with a sexy chick check out DAYFLING dot COM
07-08-19 15:08:59
BLARGHEAD99 ::: Favorites
great job sealy1986
07-07-30 14:25:59
BLARGHEAD99 ::: Favorites
well synced
07-07-29 10:47:46
BLARGHEAD99 ::: Favorites
arm and a leg lolol
07-07-28 11:07:02
TeamExtreme1000 ::: Favorites
lol this is a really good video
07-07-17 19:26:18
tabswolf ::: Favorites
lol... that was... actually funny! XD Omigod, Pablo Francisco, I luv him :D That's my fave sketch he does too. lol XDD
07-07-01 11:44:27
Snickers9402 ::: Favorites
07-06-26 22:48:00
derbester ::: Favorites
07-06-18 15:22:04
westlegoman ::: Favorites
sweet vid
07-06-15 18:44:57

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