Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Nazi PSYOP on Jewish Immigration

Duration: 08:58 minutes
Upload Time: 06-09-22 17:19:59
User: MissCamilleToe
:::: Favorites

1940 Nazi propaganda film clip

Sharkfreak06 ::: Favorites
This propaganda is ridiculous... it's historical accuracy is absolutely pathetic.
07-09-03 02:13:42
TotoHU ::: Favorites
Dam nazis fuck off!!!
07-09-01 10:33:18
IustitiaPax ::: Favorites
This propaganda video is pure evil. This is an antisemitic ánd anti-Christian Nazi movie too. It is racist, but it specifically accuses the Jews who fled the slavery of Egypt to the Land of Israel of being "usurers" etc. Pure nonsense of course, as most Jews did not trade at the time, but were farmers or craftsmen. Like St. Joseph still was 1000 years later.
07-09-01 06:28:17
donsiku ::: Favorites
May the truth set all Europeans free...
07-08-28 10:54:44
dray376 ::: Favorites
Kanaken were the german term for the natives in new kaledonia( south west pacific )( the pre 1.WW Germany had some colonies over there) So the male Kanak > Kannaker <that was just a name not an insult. It became later that way when in the late 20th century millions of turks came to germany.
07-08-26 15:58:05
dray376 ::: Favorites
Oh mann, so viel Mist hier ! >Kanaken sind melanesische Eingeborene in >Neukaledonien (Südwestpazifik).Ein Kannakermann oder >auch kurz Kannaker war im späten 19. Jahrhundert >unter deutschen Seemännern eine verbreitete >Bezeichnung für Kameraden aus Polynesien oder >Ozeanien. Anmerk.: Das Deutsche Reich hatte vor dem 1.Weltkrieg einige Kolonie Gebiete in dieser Region.
07-08-26 15:50:45
cipiamon ::: Favorites
The rest of the film is even more intresting!
07-08-09 05:38:00
cfhwabashstyle3 ::: Favorites
I live in the U.S. and am a full blooded German. My grandfather came here as a enginer and started a lucrative business.I have relatives that live in The fatherland and they are still sore about jews.
07-08-05 01:36:48
Floesser1970 ::: Favorites
Kanaken are Turks, who came to Germany as guestworkers. Many of them are not German citizens, and don't want to become citizens. The importance of German citizenship is that you are German by blood. Unlike in the US, it is not enough to be born in Germany, in order to be German. That of course a problem for many who were born in Germany, but are not of German blood.
07-07-17 07:29:22
lisalov4 ::: Favorites
früher haben die "Deutschen" die Juden also nur dafür gehasst weil sie sich so gut angepasst haben und so erfolgreich wurden. heute träumt die deutsche regierung davon dass ihre "Ausländer" sich so wie die juden früher "integrieren". werden sie sie danach auch entsorgen wenn diese integriert werden ?
07-07-05 14:50:57

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