Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Ron Paul in ABC Iowa debate on August 5 , 2007

Duration: 498 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-06 01:18:36
User: onespiece
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Ron Paul answers questions during the debate at Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa. Brief History of Ron Paul: He has Never voted to raise taxes. He has Never voted for a federal restriction on gun ownership. He has Never voted to raise congressional pay. He has Never taken a government-paid junket. He has Never voted to increase the power of the executive branch. LESS government, MORE freedom. NO IRS!! He voted against the Patriot Act. He voted against regulating the Internet. He voted against the Iraq war. Please help raise recognition and don't forget to Donate! Visit: This is the fixed missing version

willyrobinson ::: Favorites
I really just don't like his hallow appearance. He speaks in jingoisms and cliches about how great America is but you can tell he'd just be a tool.
07-08-07 14:56:36
iiitrey23 ::: Favorites
Vietnam ended because 60,000 Americans died and the PEOPLE in most states wanted it ended, hippies and non-hippies alike. The government is slave to the PEOPLE, not the opposite. If the majority of of the PEOPLE, as represented by the 50 states, want the war ended, it should end.
07-08-07 17:20:36
eekdog2005 ::: Favorites
What did Iraq have to do with 9/11 Mitt? They used the same rhetoric in vietnam, if we leave they come and get us, blah blah blah...Why are americans falling for the same lie? Know your history! Vote for Ron Paul!
07-08-07 17:21:37
velation ::: Favorites
I hate that smarmy cunt Stephanopolis.
07-08-07 17:30:36
cpwhitmore ::: Favorites
Mitt is a hard-on
07-08-07 18:56:01
cnelson700 ::: Favorites
Ouch! Another one bites the dust.... No more Romney? There is an idea that can't be beat and Ron Paul is presenting that idea - Freedom = peace and prosperity. Ron Paul in 2008 and 2012! Send Ron Paul $50 if you can...
07-08-07 19:56:02
JF5885477 ::: Favorites
I didn't know much about Ron Paul, but after this he clearly gets my vote.
07-08-07 23:58:49
Mitt4Prez ::: Favorites
very correct, our argument was about the 60's Hippie era and its affect on the weak thinking that is the majority today and was displayed in the ending of the Vietnam War. Weakness didn't win WWII or the Cold War and it won't win the War on Terror whether the PEOPLE think so or not.
07-08-08 00:05:35
Poodooh ::: Favorites
07-08-08 01:08:27
dkbomb ::: Favorites
Ron is underrated. the ''big 3'' outshines him in the news.
07-08-08 01:29:12

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