Thursday, August 2, 2007

Olbermann's Special Comment: Resign!

Duration: 606 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-03 21:57:59
User: ToledoNative
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Keith Olbermann calls for Bush and Cheney's resignations.

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scooticus ::: Favorites
His fucking oath was to "Protect and defend the CONSTITUTION", you dope! A document he and Cheney have been gutting for years. Perhaps some remedial reading is in order....
07-07-19 08:19:49
4951WEDDEL ::: Favorites
What is truly sad is what the liberal media and liberal Democrats will do to regain their own political power. Lying and distorting the facts in order to gain a political advantage in a time of war is immoral. Bush has not been the greatest President in terms of domestic issues. However, as for fighting terrorism, he is right on. Too bad, we will probably suffer a Democratic president and a terrible season of terrorism before we realize it.
07-07-23 10:42:20
funnrun ::: Favorites
blah blah blah blah blah blah. This dude is a joke.
07-07-23 13:36:19
giosig ::: Favorites
i love it when the nazi obermann squents his pretty lips and scouwls
07-07-23 18:34:13
christine963 ::: Favorites
You said, "Lying and distorting the facts in order to gain a political advantage in a time of war is immoral." I rest my case.
07-07-24 18:29:55
4951WEDDEL ::: Favorites
No one has lied. Fact#1 - Saddam was hiding something from the inspectors. Fact#2 - Saddam failed to comply with the requirements of the cease-fire agreement. Fact#3 - Saddam was the only one required to prove HE DID NOT have WMDs, not us.
07-07-24 18:46:42
christine963 ::: Favorites
LOL, okay, I give up. Some minds are like concrete, thoroughly mixed up and permanently set.
07-07-26 11:49:32
4951WEDDEL ::: Favorites
You mean like yours? Oblermann is lying here. There was no pardon, yet he says it was and you believe him. LOOK IT UP. A pardon erases the conviction from your record. A commutation does not.
07-07-26 13:44:00
k2sizzle ::: Favorites
K.O. keep it up, let the republicans keep lying the people will wake up sooner or later. What happened to WTC 7?
07-07-26 19:32:04
4951WEDDEL ::: Favorites
WTC 7 was probably imploded after being damaged by the other towers falling.
07-07-26 21:18:22

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