Monday, April 7, 2008

Scientists found ancient ruins on the Moon

Duration: 02:07 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-01 02:01:36

The specialist said that U.S. astronauts found ancient ruins of artificial origin and a previously unknown technology to control gravitation when then landed on the Moon. Astronauts took pictures of the objects that they found, but NASA ordered Johnston to destroy the images. Johnston did not follow the order. He said that the U.S. government had been keeping this information a secret for 40 years. based on and


hildemel  2008-03-25 06:16:22

if NASA was part of a secret defense then why does their budget keep getting slashed?
Magius1937  2008-03-08 21:17:53

First off we should stop being energy gluttons and turn this planet back into a garden... forget about energy... forget about money... Who the hell cares about Ufo's... Why do we care... we don't even care about ourselves.
brainsworth88  2008-02-11 05:33:44

YOU GUYS ARE WONDERFUL :) keep it up, prepare...
fonephat  2008-02-10 01:11:03

The astro-nots never walked on the moon, look at the youtube video "astronauts gone wild."
PS3KIZ  2008-02-08 07:01:57

i bet aliens have already been found by russia or the us and will be kept secret for like another hundred years

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