Saturday, April 5, 2008

Another Tom Cruise Scientology video

Duration: 00:53 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-17 20:55:22


Mikemikerton  2008-04-03 23:29:47

Scientology was founded by a man named Elron Hubbard, Elron was an author who wrote an interesting little diddy called The Brainwashing Manual (look it up ),he also wrote a lot of science fiction novels, an amazing Business, if only he could be here the see the "fruits" of his labour.
Oberstbrooksy  2008-04-02 17:03:55

Its a scheme to make money ......or isit???? Scienecetolgy is the science of the mind!!!! tostealmoney keep an eye out for Zimos and Tethan's
Newtuber1964  2008-03-29 12:08:41

I was joking. It was a reaction to this video. My other reactions were nausea and mortification. The scariest part of this video is that cruise is NOT acting.
moderndesignworks  2008-03-25 23:33:20

one look actor........yeah, he only has only fucking look in all his
moderndesignworks  2008-03-25 23:30:32

I was at the Celebrity Center in Hollywood for 2 weeks, it scared the living crap out of me. Every technique they use in the class is a form of psychological brain wash. I got myself out of there so fast you can't imagine. I went there with an open mind, after I see what they were doing to people's head, it's absolutely horrible! It's nothing but a money making cult! They should not be tax free! It's not even a fucking religion!

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