Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Please Stop Puppy Mills

Duration: 03:29 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-21 22:21:16
User: sheltergirl131

This is a video using the song "Better Days" by the Goo Goo Dolls. It shows how buying the cute little puppy at the pet store, even if you feel bad for it, supports the places these stores buy them from, puppy mills. Please help stop this by spaying/neutering your pets, supporting your local humane society, adopting, and by educating others. If you must have a purebred puppy look for a responsible breeder. This is someone who will let you see their facility, let you see one parent (at least), asks for references, has references of their own, wants to improve the breed, health screens, focusses on 1-2 breeds, and may have a waiting list (do not overbreed for profit). Please also educate yourself before getting any pet to be sure that your lifestyle fits what you are getting. Thanks and I appreciate feedback!!


CetaGirlPBN  2008-02-26 00:13:46

We got our Shih Tzu from a puppy mill. The bastard was posing as a legitimate breeder. Chewey was incredibly sick and weak. When my mom found out the truth, she was horrified and furious. She demanded that the mill operator pay for all his medical expenses, and then he wound up getting raided and arrested by the police and Animal Control. That jerk got what he deserved, and Chewey got a loving family who doted on him. I only wish more Puppy Mill stories ended that happily.
cowdoc3  2008-02-01 19:25:59

Neutering is the removal of the testicles (in males) and the ovaries and uterus (in females). It is done using anesthetic. The males actually do not feel anything. The females (at most) feel a little pressure, but still no pain. The animal is completely back to normal by the next morning. Overall, you have a better animal when you neuter, because you do not have the estrous cycle (in females) or as much aggression in both sexes. The animals do not even remember the procedure.
starwars611  2008-01-31 20:45:10

plus look at my favorited viedos
starwars611  2008-01-31 20:43:28

you know how htey nooder boy dogs CUT OFF THE PRIVATE! they need to f*cking stop just for a moment guys reading this and think what it would be like if you were a dog getting nooderd if you can feel it like me dont nooder your boy dog.
mindsqueze  2008-01-18 12:02:36

but if I advertise for 750 per dog I get no calss and if the pet store sells them at that I figure it betters the chance that someone who actually wants the dog is getting it. But your right every plan has its flaws. and I will check into that statistic you gave me if your right I didn't know that. thank you

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