Friday, February 8, 2008

The Twilight Zone: A Short Fan Film

Duration: 08:49 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-05-26 01:36:27
User: MovieMaker5087
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The  Twilight  Zone  Short  Fan  Film  Rod  Serling  School  Project  


Made for a final research project in my AP English IV class, I did this movie as part of my research on "The Twlight Zone".


TheSe7enthSon ::: Favorites  2007-11-20 02:42:39

Ok, so as a filmmaker, I'm going to have to say your video is kind of crappy. But as a huge fan of the Twilight Zone, I have to admit, you write a damn fine epitome. I plan on making a Twilight Zone movie, so while I was in pre-production I studied Rod Serling's script, and you copied some of the most important things. In fact, the only thing you forgot was in the end speech he usually says "Case in Point".
xxThornxx ::: Favorites  2007-06-12 11:55:39

Nice stuff Seth, I wish I could've seen the presentation that went with this...P.S. - it's Lou.
identitycrises ::: Favorites  2007-05-28 09:13:06

Alright, some comments: 1. The tim+chris+coke+mentos thing was a pretty witty allusion to your other video. I lolled. 2. But, why, in the beginning, did the guy in the car have to crawl out of the passenger side to get out?

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