Sunday, February 17, 2008

Three Link Challenge (SSBM) with Mr. Game and Watch

Duration: 04:12 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-27 13:39:32
User: SmashTom

SSBM  Mr.  game  and  watch  Link  team  


Someone here on Youtube said to me once: "Hey why not try a 3-Link in one team-challenge?" And so here it is; I hope you guys enjoy the video. Music is from Lemmings 2: the Tribes, maybe because I recently completed the game. And emm I think Link looks like a Lemming (from very very far away...)


Edspio  2007-12-07 16:35:26

I Wanna Mr Game and Watch in Brawl...too
CyberSword13  2007-12-03 22:11:03

I hope he's in Brawl too.
SmashTom  2007-12-03 07:10:12

I just hope they put him in Brawl :/ He's like... the icon for old games.
CyberSword13  2007-12-03 01:48:49

He's so fun!
SmashTom  2007-12-02 22:19:18

Heh well what can I say? I love playing as Mr. game and watch :)

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