Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Supporters of Mike Huckabee - Tell Him To Stay The Course!

Duration: 04:01 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-04 02:49:12
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To the people who are supporting former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee! I congratulate him on the success of winning the Iowa caucus. But now, comes the issues that are ahead. Some progressive groups, as well as conservatives and right wing talk radio will step up attacks and smear campaigns to hurt his chance at the White House. If you remember Mike Huckabee success in helping build a stable Arkansas, home to former president Bill Clinton and Senator Hillary Clinton. Huckabee helped establish goals that that may help maintain leadership and values among conservatives. The Club for Growth and some conervatives view Huckabee too soft on illegal immigration and he could raise taxes. Huckabee criticized President Bush's job of handling the war in Iraq and Afghanistan drive conservatives to make potential smear attacks. Oh, did I forget Arkansas! The home of Bill and Hillary Clinton. Some right wing pundits are disappointed in their favorites losing the debate and now they will do anything in their power to stop Mike Huckabee from winning. Be on the lookout for attacks from: Matt Drudge http://drudgereport.com Rush Limbaugh http://rushlimbaugh.com Sean Hannity http://hannity.com Pat Robertson http://patrobertson.com If you support him please be prepared. Be ready to counter all the smears against him. Thanks for viewing and post comments at the bottom. Please be civil when expressing comments. I do respond frequently.


panzer4u ::: Favorites  2008-02-09 22:24:12

I'm not a Christian but this guy is the only one that even remotely gives me any hope. He doesn't want to run away from a fight, which is respectable even if you don't agree, and thats the worst people can say! This will be an easy vote.
HsServant ::: Favorites  2008-01-31 13:20:20

Nice presentation! You covered important information. Here's some facts: Ron Paul appears to be a good man, he is 72 years of age. John Mccain is 71 years of age. Mike Huckabee is 51 years of age. Consider all of this when you vote.
patriciaoday ::: Favorites  2008-01-27 14:47:40

The way one can tell Mike Huckabee is NOT a CFR clone like McPain or Mittens, is his position on Israel. He states he believes the Palestinians should have their own state - in Saudi Arabia, or Jordan, or other Muslim country which will assimilate them. NOT to cut up tiny Israel even more to give more power and influence to the radical Muslims. A CFR politician would NEVER say that!
ParapaDrifter ::: Favorites  2008-01-23 19:25:57

Huck does some shady stuff... since he was a minister. He has connections. He asked for all the evangelicals home addresses in Iowa from the megachurch ministers.... there were 300,000 addresses. wanna bet he sent them all a love letter? Huckabee is broke by the way. You all better put your money where your mouth is.
MegaDitt0Head ::: Favorites  2008-01-14 01:30:21

I am the representative of the Limbaugh message "America does not want a BLACK for president. When voting BEHIND the current this is apparent, When polled by pollsters people SAY "I'll vote FOR the BLACK guy" as not to appear insensitive. This is a white country, founded by white people and white people want a white president"-- Rush Limbaugh Thank YOU Rush for being are voice G.W. Bush gretatest President ever! Exterminate ALL ileagal alleins, NOT just the Mexicans

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