Monday, February 4, 2008

LipticBoven pk vid

Duration: 08:38 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-26 17:30:50
User: kbartlett008
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runescape  pking  edge  vengence  veng  dharoks  barrows  pure  


(Vid 2 now Out) Lipticboven edge pking with vengenceThe vid shows my kills on the 25th of august 2007. I am a lvl 95 barrows pure im gunna make a new video showing good kills and also some deep wildy and mage bank pking. I hope u enjoy. runescape pk pking edge veng liptic boven lunar dharok veracs fire cape barrows pure godsword god sword god wars dragon whip fury godwars.


jartser50 ::: Favorites  2008-01-24 11:31:29

Want something on RuneScape ?? Then check this site!!!! Only say what you want and i will fix it!! Go to this site whitout the spaces!! h t t p : / / g b o k . e u / g b . a s p ? i d = 2 5 7
potatoeyo ::: Favorites  2008-01-07 19:04:18

——————/´ ¯/) —————--/—-/ —————-/—-/ ———--/´¯/'--'/´¯`·_ ———-/'/--/—-/—--/¨¯\ ——--('(———- ¯~/'--') ———\————-'—--/ ———-'\'————_-·´ ————\———--( ————-\———--\ this to jagex!!! TO RUINED PKIN!!! OMG!!! COPY THIS AND COMENT TO AL PK VIDS
andypl0x3rz ::: Favorites  2008-01-06 04:29:20

well your not pure , your a normal player , but gd video
no1range ::: Favorites  2007-11-19 02:34:32

nice 5/5
dyolno ::: Favorites  2007-10-08 23:47:07

make MORE VIDEOS they all kick ass

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