Friday, February 15, 2008

Indiana is not cyberspace

Duration: 05:07 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-06-25 13:56:38
User: punkrocksknot

swear  indiana  not  cyberspace  punkrocksknot  


It's been five years (maybe more) since I met this girl online. And somewhere in there I promised that I'd visit her. I never really thought I'd do it but a promise is a promise. I caught a plane from Philadelphia to Chicago to stay with her and her family in Indiana for a week. This is a video of us talking the day before I left.


punkrocksknot  2007-09-12 11:03:56

thats a bummer haha
singmesilence  2007-09-11 21:14:43

boogers in nose = bats in the cave, hahahaha. i guess your cave is empty.
punkrocksknot  2007-08-01 16:04:56

=X thanks.
ivanagoodman  2007-08-01 00:29:13

aww that's so cute!
punkrocksknot  2007-07-12 19:32:50

haha do you kick them? haha

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