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Duration: 05:47 minutes Upload Time: 2007-12-30 06:24:27 User: vocars :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Please Read! DISCLAIMER - RuneScape is a registered trademark of JaGeX Limited. I do not claim, or have any, affiliation with JaGeX Ltd. This video was not intended for any personal gain, only for entertainment purposes. All comments expressed in the video are solely my own, all comments by others are their own and I do not take responsibility for their actions. Consider this, free advertising Taqs : sovar code pkjumppk zezima kids ranqe soz owned gf wildy bloodhoun34 runescape jagex online game trademark vocars ownage rofl jumpen jumping hardstyle owned crime crew bruality elvemage elve mage pka tanker tankers pure pures pking pked ownaged p00n wildy wilderniss gf cya edgeville mage book infinity whip zezima mage str vid 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 4 9 10 strenght magic mage party ranged range last dr worsy fantikerz last pures hiei the pk hh im tlp pure sdc other taqs : sovar code pkjumppk zezima kids ranqe soz owned gf wildy bloodhoun34 runescape jagex online game trademark vocars ownage rofl jumpen jumping hardstyle owned crime crew bruality elvemage elve mage pka tanker tankers pure pures pking pked ownaged p00n wildy wilderniss gf cya edgeville mage book infinity whip zezima mage str vid 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 4 9 10 strenght magic mage party ranged range last dr worsy fantikerz last pures hiei the pk hh im tlp pure sdcrunescape runescape runescape runescape runescape runescape runescape runescape runescape runescape runescape runescape runescape runescape runescape runescape runescape 10-12-2007 10 december 2007 runescape riot Connexx Jumpen : Matrix Of Jumpstyle oftewel Connexx Jumpen deel 5. Edited by Tirith Productions ®. Jumpen in zutphen met Lennard Melle Rutger en Dennis. Daarom heeft dit ook niks te maken met Patrick Jumpen Patrick Jumpstyle Dion Jumpen Connexx Jumpen Connexx melle1994 tirithp rutger lennard melle dennis groningen zutphen gelderland hardjump duojump solojump freestyle jump oldskool jumpingjob jumpingjef jumpingluc appelen c-walk gosu kynamite jumpen het gay dansje southpark ajax feijenoord psv vitesse jumping hardstyle jumpstyle connexx jumpen connexx community connexx jumpen matrix of jumpstyle deel 5 lol noob own pwn owned pwned naab theyre taking the hobbits to isengard webcam girls porn sex sexy boobs trio jumpingxvlaznim jumping vlaznim jxv jumpbladez battlefield 2 call of duty counterstrike source cs:s beatbox joseph nouvelle star binladen connexjumpstyle connexx connex conexx conex g-unit 50 cent eminem 2pac tupac big boobs jumpingisnotacrime jumpforce jumpfreakz jumpingbitches jumpingtwinz jumptwinz najib amhali jochem meijer jumpisthestyle ghost movie lesbo lesby homo homofiel gaylord hakken hakkuh jumpstyle jumpuh jumpen gangster runescape nerd patrick jumpen dion jumpen patrick jumpen met een geest patrick jumpen in het politiebureau jumpen in zutphen met melle lennard rutger en jim dit heeft daarom ook niks te maken met: groningen,voetbal,50cent.gunit.webcam.we bcamgirls,big boobs,binladen,beyonce,horny,porno,hooli gans,connexjumping,duojump,gelderland,na arden patrickjumpen,jumptutorials,hardjumpen,s tampjumpen,freestyle,jumpe,jumpingisnota crime,top 10 jumpstyle,goeie jump,vettejump Tags: keywordz: jochem meijer hans teeuwen Jan Smit - Cupido CDS Patrick Jumpen : Tutorial Jumpen die Jan Peter Balkenende zelfs kan begrijpen ! master p productions hakkuh hakken hardcore hardstyle cabaret jumpen jumpuh jump jumpstyle duo-jump duo jump duo-jumpen duo jumpen ownzor hard jumpen basic soft core Is this the first allowed porn ? xxx ? Patrick Jumpen : Duo Jumpen in het Politiebureau Eindhoven Praatjes Makers Hot Girls Answer Every Guy's Question used Respect_A_Man_That_Drives_A_Harley.wmv De Lama's - Yolante & Chantal Jumpstyle Tutorial Rick en Jelle Schijt aan de politie -TV: JOCHEM MYJER MET YEEE-HAA (DE BESTE CABARATIER OP GOOGLE-VIDEO) Sport Bloopers Best penalty ever! :D Arie en Bastiaan - Scheld les mastermovies Jeckyll & Hyde - Frozen Flame lego jump - JumpistheStyle.com - Jumpstyle.nl.nu jochem meyer - adehade adhd lesbo Najib Amhali - Veni Vidi Vici Fittness cica !! Hilarious ! REAL FUNNY :-) ! ATTENTION ! Adolf Hitler in his bunker! Jeckell & Hyde Duojumpen man en vrouw Pieter en siebe Peter assassins creed gamekingssovar code zezima kids ranqe zezima porno pk pkers pking trip clans clanwar vocars soz owned gf wildy edge mage str att defence defil3d 99 vid 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 pure pures stats skills edited editing porno dog jumping music flyleaf sony vegas harder porn rock love jumpstyle hardcore hardstyle vocars pker pkers runescape jagex lord youtube gf edgeville varrock fally party dawgsaysftw elvemage tanker zerker pure |
Comments | |
PureJosker ::: Favorites 2008-01-11 21:04:41 Where do you buy the clips from movies? __________________________________________________ | |
T3hl33tn355pwntz ::: Favorites 2008-01-11 19:53:10 What is the name of the song that goes"Your never ever stopping me" Vocars 5/5 for editing but please put a song list in somewhere. Thanks =D __________________________________________________ | |
sexyboymason ::: Favorites 2008-01-11 16:03:46 your editing is absolutely amazing. watched all your videos, and subbed. :) __________________________________________________ | |
lijpejoego ::: Favorites 2008-01-11 13:25:44 fuck you! baby4real owns you __________________________________________________ | |
shadow2wins ::: Favorites 2008-01-11 08:29:52 what's the name of the song at0:49 sec?! i rly want to know :P btw ur the best :D:D __________________________________________________ | |
im4evergr8 ::: Favorites 2008-01-09 15:43:34 where do u get sovar code __________________________________________________ | |
allironstr ::: Favorites 2008-01-08 10:37:44 lol? ever thought he added the victim so he could spot him easier? youn would know about that if u ever pk'd __________________________________________________ | |
allironstr ::: Favorites 2008-01-08 10:27:22 love the intro in the begining. best i ever seen on a rs vid. love the production and presentation. __________________________________________________ | |
Malmortuus ::: Favorites 2008-01-06 17:15:21 You back stab friends for mystic and hides? You don't even kill them right of by specing, worst thing is you say gf after you BSed. The vid wasn't even edited by merked, should be called a BSing vid not pking. Worse video ever? __________________________________________________ | |
dragonxpk4 ::: Favorites 2008-01-06 11:21:53 sovar code #1 editor! __________________________________________________ | |
vocars ::: Favorites 2008-01-04 16:17:01 Subrice me please ;) __________________________________________________ | |
ebag321 ::: Favorites 2008-01-04 12:19:32 nice editing and pk's 5/5 __________________________________________________ | |
IxEntrnlix ::: Favorites 2008-01-03 22:08:06 in bh there was like 2 guys after me right? i k0ed em both then theys other guys come i k0 1 of em and by then i had no food and penality and BOMB im d34d __________________________________________________ | |
englishNUB ::: Favorites 2008-01-03 18:47:30 thats some insane editing lol =) nice 1, very well done 5/5 __________________________________________________ | |
rock1n1t ::: Favorites 2008-01-03 10:19:56 cool, watch my vids __________________________________________________ |
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Merked Y O U - PK vid 1 - Blood PK - Edited by Sovar code
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