Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Soda Wars! Part 1

Duration: 02:48 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-07-04 19:15:02
User: Whisprune
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The deadly battle of Mountain Dew Vs. Diet Select!


Scorpion3712 ::: Favorites
ownage 1rs omfg y did u have to make a comment like that ffs if u dont like the vid then piss off i thought it was funny lol
06-08-09 15:45:00
ownage1rs ::: Favorites
wow you can see by this kid's white little chubby fingers that he is suffering from obesity, telling him to make a second video is gonna give the fat bitch and excuse to drink more fucking soda, please make a 2nd one fatass but this time have it diet vs diet!
06-07-25 05:35:44
Whisprune ::: Favorites
well i am fat, i don't care what you think at all, i just make these for no reason, deal with it or stop watching my vids, i couldn't care less what type of insult you put on my videos
06-07-25 20:11:21
raistlino8 ::: Favorites
Oh joy, here on our left boys and girls, we see another example of why abortion should be legal. If the whore who mothered this sorry excuse for a waste of space had been allowed an abortion we wouldnt be having to put up with the non-sensical drivel spewing forth from his fingertips. Do the world a favor, and the next time you think of replying to a post, go take your whore of a mothers kitchen knife, and jam it into your neck. Ok? Thanks a ton.
06-07-29 20:17:05
raistlino8 ::: Favorites
People like you are the reason we dont cure cancer.
06-07-29 20:18:17
herby2084 ::: Favorites
so nice :)
06-07-20 06:44:53
DrHambone ::: Favorites
Make a Part 2 VERY soon PLZ!! I likEE
06-07-09 03:31:06
montyidle ::: Favorites
ahahahahahah roflmacopters. hahaah
06-07-07 21:21:10
lagunalady9753 ::: Favorites
wow someone has a lot of time on thier hands
06-07-05 20:05:59
Whisprune ::: Favorites
06-07-04 19:29:27

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