Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Re: Evolution doesn't explain stars (is patently deceitful)

Duration: 07:08 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-11-09 03:39:09
User: ManifestMiasma
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Update: This video is closed to text comments because I'm getting every 12 year old creationist who thinks they're an astrophysicist clogging up the comments with puerile nonsense. But I welcome video responses that are well-researched and that cite their verifiable sources. If you have a problem with the experiment-supported science in my video, then take the time to put together a well-researched video illustrating your points. If you cite your sources then I'll happily approve that video. Thanks! About the vid you're watching: This is a video response to Dmar's "Evo doesn't explain stars." Dmar has lost any credibility he might have had because his video - which he has now removed - featured poor research, incorrect assumptions and interpretation of what little science he claimed to have, and agenda pushing of creationism. I clearly show that all of this is just plain wrong and I do so with simple science in this video.


ManifestMiasma ::: Favorites
What I said is correct in the context of what actually happens within stars. The comments on this video have gone astray enough without trying to explain energy conservation to the fundies who keep trashing the basic science in my vid. You're right about the net-loss issue, but I stuck to the context of my vid. Thanks for the comment. :)
07-08-17 12:06:11
XGralgrathor ::: Favorites
No, that's not right. Iron is merely the heaviest element that can be fused with a net yield of energy. After iron you can still fuse, but you'd have to put in more energy than you get back.
07-08-17 07:09:42
ManifestMiasma ::: Favorites
Dogma refers to faith, belief, religion. I have expressed none of these here. Two plus two equals four; the time integral of the velocity equation times mass gives you Newton's Second Law, and what I put in this video is also supported thus. I don't espouse a faith in anything in my video or comments - instead I am *confident* in the results of math and physics. There's a difference. The religiously motivated here turn to faith. I turn to math, which does not fail.
07-08-15 17:12:14
aphanesis ::: Favorites
And who cares? Take a look at yourself and your polarities. Dogmatic man. You're the same than the other guy. What do you want to prove? People like him always existed. It's just different level of evolution, do you think that you're gonna change his thougths? Man, there's so much in this universe to lose time in this kind of stuff.
07-08-15 09:02:12
ManifestMiasma ::: Favorites
Both what? The Universe cannot be both 6k years old and 13.7 billion years old. Heavy elements cannot both have been created in one day *and* be created in the cores of stars or during supernovae. And we cannot throw away the data from WMAP, CHANDRA, TRACE, SOHO, HUBBLE, or the upcoming GLAST, LISA, and whatever data we get from LIGO just so creationists can feel warm and fuzzy. Creationism is just plain against the data. There is no compromise.
07-08-12 12:38:39
aphanesis ::: Favorites
Why it has to be in one or other way, what about the both ideas happening at the same time. I don't see difference in between them.
07-08-11 20:22:42
ManifestMiasma ::: Favorites
Kent "Dr. Dino" Hovind is a proven liar, an individual who distorts science. Comets have not "recently started having tails." The phenomena that cause comet tails are based upon stellar wind and Newton's First Law of motion. Those have been around as long as the Universe has. Incidentally, and quite unrelated, Kent Hovind is also a thief - he is currently serving a 10+ year sentence in prison.
07-08-06 11:55:42
ManifestMiasma ::: Favorites
You cannot fuse elements heavier than iron. After iron is formed in the cores of stars, something else happens. My video explains what that is.
07-08-06 11:50:42
kwolf002 ::: Favorites
Speaking of space, you should hear Kent Hovind (I'm pretty sure that is who says it) inform you on why comets "prove" ID by their tails! Apparently comets have recently started having tails all the time... and would have all disappeared (because they lose large amounts of mass by the minute) if the universe was 14.5 billion years old. Nevermind the Oort cloud (doesn't exist - all LIES).
07-06-05 02:07:47
XGralgrathor ::: Favorites
Eh? I thought iron was just the heaviest element that could be fused with a net yield of energy.
07-05-29 10:12:39

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