Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Jaime Maussan - UFO Conference 2005 Part-1 [10 parts]

Duration: 10:42 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-15 00:33:02
User: Sliztzan
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This video is very well done by Jaime Maussan and is very very good. The entire video is about 1-1/2 hrs, but due to rules it had to be split into smaller (10 parts) files. It's worth watching every bit of it and has some of the best UFO video footage I've ever seen. Jaime is the best and most prolific researcher in this field. A huge amount of information and evidence here from encounters from the 1st to the 2nd kind, answers to crop circles and their meanings, and the best video evidence yet of why we can't always see the UFO's. If you haven't already seen this, don't dare pass it up, especially if you have seen one and are looking for answers. Prepare to be blown away.


kuskotopia ::: Favorites
neta??? ps se ve muy real jeje pero ps kien sabe talvez algunos videos sean verdaderos y otros no
07-09-26 23:10:55
robert1757 ::: Favorites
Of course there's life out there. With billions of stars, and even more billions of planets. How could there not be ?
07-09-25 23:37:33
GARETANO7 ::: Favorites
Aliens, UFO's and our government. Watch a teaser trailer for the film that will finally unlock the mystery. Type MONTAUK UNVEILED into your youtube search vehicle.
07-09-21 23:20:26
JLGilB ::: Favorites
I think there's life out there,I just dont belive a guy whom I've followed for years (as a teen I belived him) and seen debunked so many times.
07-08-29 12:15:28
JLGilB ::: Favorites
Theories will not ALWAYS be proven false, some get stronger as more investigation is done,some change based on new proof, which is what Maussan doesnt have, I've seen his show here he showed some local vids and a few days later the locals declared they got payed.Scientists make mistakes and are willing to admit them, but Jaime is not a serious investigator.Finally the fact that he is a fraud doesnt mean we´re alone.
07-08-29 12:14:00
paulo90011 ::: Favorites
Even Stephen Hawking is changing his theory on Black Holes and their existence in the universe. Theories will always be proven false, is just a matter of time. As human beings we all make many mistakes through out our lives. Jaime Maussan is very honest.
07-08-29 00:46:18
ysashalena ::: Favorites
They are here! Wake up, the truth is in plain view. Don't trust your thoughts. Tell your friends you know! Tell them about YOU TUBE, your new best friend. The answers are here.
07-08-22 03:06:41
dcargos ::: Favorites
Im from México and we know here that he´s a fake
07-08-21 21:37:59
Sliztzan ::: Favorites
fernandop1- that was youtube long time ago. you cannot do that any longer.
07-07-16 15:19:44
Sliztzan ::: Favorites
likalicka007- Please use English. It is not so much that I believe Maussan as I do his material. I don't know how much of it is correct. Because I have seen 2 UFO up close I know they are real, I don't need someone to say they are real. Anything I find about UFO is interesting and educational. It is up to us to determine what material is real. You must decide. Better to have this than none.
07-07-16 15:18:41

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