Monday, October 8, 2007

Half-Life 2: Episode 2 ingame part 1(out of 5)

Duration: 02:58 minutes
Upload Time: 06-08-23 15:19:27
User: Hypnosos
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HL2EP2 ingame


Strider505 ::: Favorites
2 days.......
07-10-08 09:09:53
PARKOURcuNamI ::: Favorites
no no no he sais we recommend sense.. i downloaded half life 2 and half life episode 1.. what the hell is the difference ?
07-10-08 08:03:04
AP1289 ::: Favorites
It sounds like the vortigont said "WE RECOMMEND SEX" but I think he said silence ROFL 0.o
07-10-07 11:01:41
jygii ::: Favorites
FunnyBoysFilms, i have hl2 and episode 1 but i purchased the orange box still =D
07-10-07 09:31:17
FunnyBoysFilms ::: Favorites
Do you have to buy the Orange Box, I have Half Life 2 & Episode 1, I just want to buy Episode 2 on its own. Is there a cheaper option to the Orange Box ?
07-10-07 05:58:23
Kakerot4141 ::: Favorites
more precisely it said "We recommend silence" the Vortigaunt have a collective conciousness, so they always refer to themselves in a plural sense, even if there is only one body present. The most you'll ever hear a Vortigaunt speak in singular terms is when they say "this one" to refer to a single body, like in HL2 when u first learn to use the bug bait and the vort teaches u.
07-10-06 23:45:41
Ferretkeeper ::: Favorites
Hm.. At least someone knows what it says.
07-10-06 16:30:50
aaz1992 ::: Favorites
I bought a whole new system just for orange box. My old pentium 3 could(10fps xD ) handle hl2 but its not good enuff. so my new pc is E6320, 2gb 667 ram, 8600GT OC
07-10-06 14:59:00
mosoloa1 ::: Favorites
4 DAYS LEFT!!!!!!!
07-10-06 12:10:45
12yearoldwithanRPG ::: Favorites
LMAO, i think he said "I recommend Silence." That vort kinda scares me 0_o
07-10-05 22:10:56

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