Monday, September 10, 2007

F-18 super hornet display

Duration: 03:31 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-27 09:40:48
User: funtimesteve2
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display of the F-18 Super Hornet at Farnborough 2004

lou74sern ::: Favorites
omg - I just realised I was talking about the great man not realising it could actually have been Mr.Traven himself replying to my post! In which case , if it is, I would LOVE to try the simulator out! I take it Farnborough will be on next year (2008) ? This isn't some sort of wind up , is it 1pilot18?lol
07-09-08 23:43:24
lou74sern ::: Favorites
1pilot18, I live about 7 miles from Farnborough and always enjoy watching Ricardo do his stuff. The man is a talented test pilot. Yes, you're right - he has THE BEST job in the world!
07-09-08 23:33:39
1pilot18 ::: Favorites
Lou Not one of...but the greatest job!!! We often bring a simulator to the shows...perhaps you can get flight in our sim at the next show!!
07-09-08 23:23:25
1pilot18 ::: Favorites
You got that right...I did 16 years in CAF before Boeing "gig"....
07-09-08 23:21:06
chloroxjello ::: Favorites
I think Ricardo's from the Canadian AF, but got a gig as a Boeing test pilot.
07-09-05 04:25:39
bujoun76 ::: Favorites
The commentator was wrong. This plane CLEARLY has ailerons. I saw them working. I am a pilot and I know ailerons when I see them. -GO USAF/NAVY-
07-09-04 00:39:40
bujoun76 ::: Favorites
If the Super Hornet had thust vectoring its agility would surpass even the X-31 and the MIG-29OVT. Mabey we'll all get lucky one day. I hope that didn't sound to perverted! -LOL-
07-09-04 00:27:46
lou74sern ::: Favorites
Ricardo Traven must have one of the best jobs in the world. Nice jet..would love to fly in the backseat of a Superhornet to see what it feels like! I can only dream I suppose.
07-09-02 12:39:07
funtimesteve2 ::: Favorites
he does waffle on a lot whenever hes commenting at airshows. like RIAT for example the amount of times he was talking about something and me and the other lads were like erm no...
07-09-02 12:19:09
lou74sern ::: Favorites
This Narrator said "this aircraft doesn't have ailerons". Of course it does!!! Look carefully near the wing tips as he turns , you can see the 'ailerons' clearly moving with the tailerons. This guy is talking bollocks. He doesn't know what an 'aileron' is !
07-09-02 11:46:34

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