Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Duration: 04:18 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-03 03:39:40
User: EASdaniel
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EAS Body-for-LIFE GALA USA, Body-for-LIFE Challenge Champions, Change your mind, Change your body, change your LIFE.


burn2live ::: Favorites
EAS body for life is one of the greatest fitness competitions ever created. Bill Philips is an absolute legend. The opportunities he has provided for average people are unfathomable. I recently completed BFL, it's awesome. Also, Porter Freeman, ABSOLUTE LEGEND. Long live BFL
07-09-08 08:13:36
pckjen ::: Favorites
I was told that there was a screening process involved. Besides, BFL is about learning to be healthy, inside and out. You wouldn't want to be involved in that stuff if you truly understood the program. For those who may need to lose a substantial amount of weight, they can do back-to-back challenges. Also note that 50% of your score is based on your experience essay, so it's not all about how you look outside. It's about choosing a healthy lifestyle "for Life" . Everyone should try it. Take care
07-09-04 09:47:30
NewAgeIrish ::: Favorites
Fair comment. Curious to know how you are so certain they are steroid free. I cant find anything in the literature of the entry to say that steroids are not permitted in the competition.
07-09-03 04:36:43
pckjen ::: Favorites
I was at the expo and everyone there was 100% natural. THey had the drive and made sacrifices most are not willing to take to get there. My hubby did a transformation during the same time and had very similar results of Lorenzo (and did it in 12 weeks). It can be done, but you have to work really hard and time your nutrition and exercise just right. It really furiates me when people knock the hard work these people have accomplished. Jen
07-09-02 17:17:56
4tylers777 ::: Favorites
Not really, look at the shape he was in before. He was in pretty good shape just not flexed and tanned and oiled up. You would be amazed at what those things and lighting can do.
07-08-07 18:19:33
4tylers777 ::: Favorites
I know in the origonal bflc, they piss tested and lie detector tested! The others, im not sure?
07-08-07 18:15:09
lcald67 ::: Favorites
No offense taken. It's called genetics to start with. The rest is 110% dedication, commitment and desire which were all driven by passion. If you do everything necessary followed precisely as needed and have a precise diet and train with extreme intensity you too will reach your full potential. Only I have to know in my heart what it took for me to have accomplished what I did. God bless. By, Lorenzo
07-08-06 23:50:42
Taxbo ::: Favorites
Hmm... The only one im pretty sure is "juiced up" would be Lorenzo Calderon. The gain he made in just 3 months are just too much.
07-07-26 18:10:32
NewAgeIrish ::: Favorites
Well, it kinda does matter if the time it takes is like the unique selling point of the program? Does anyone here know if body for life entrants are tested for steroids?
07-07-26 04:29:24
popevx ::: Favorites
it took me more than 4 months to get amazing body for life results, no matter, the results were amazing. the time it took is the time it took, doesnt matter.
07-07-26 01:02:10

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