Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Baritone or Tenor?!

Duration: 03:00 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-04 13:06:47
User: scottreiburn
:::: Favorites

Me singing an aria to my 4th grade teacher Kathy. (She wasn't actually there, but I was thinking of her as I sang it!)

Gerardeus ::: Favorites
Esta es mi segunda firma, la primera te firme en "Recondita Armonia". Esa manera en que estas cantando como barítiono es totalmente incorrecta, estas pesando la voz para darle oscuridad, te la estas tragando y no entra el sonido en las cavidades de los resonadores.
07-07-29 03:52:13
Gerardeus ::: Favorites
Pon atención en esto y compruebalo. Canta de esa manera (como barítono) y trata de dar una nota aguda. Verás que es mucho más difícil que cantandola como tenor, puesto que al cantar debes ALIGERAR y no PESAR la voz, y pesar la voz es querer cantar en una tesitura que no tienes por naturaleza realmente.
07-07-29 03:51:32
Gerardeus ::: Favorites
Si sigues haciendo eso, acabarás hechandote a perder tu voz, y sería una lástima querido amigo porque no todos pueden cantar como un tenor. Próximamente subiré videos, y espero haberte sido de ayuda. Saludos =)
07-07-29 03:50:33
verivito ::: Favorites
Again, I do see your point. But here's a clue. Try to listen to Hvorostovsky (a baritone) sing Eri Tu, and then try to compare yourself. You place your voice very well at the back, but there's a tenor coming out a number of times in your baritone pieces. I see more stability and a very interesting and powerful tenor voice in Recondita Armoria. See also where you go with your balads. It's all ears, and is not meant to profer an expert opinion.
07-07-17 19:13:16
scottreiburn ::: Favorites
Thanks again, Vervito. I've had some truly respected people in music also not be able to "pin down" my voice type. So much happens vocally in ones early 30's, so much changes. I also think being a tenor is considered the more "popular" choice. Are you a teacher? Is your opinion expert? Do your ears tell you this?
07-07-17 07:49:03
verivito ::: Favorites
Honestly, I do see the dilemma. Don't get me wrong- you do place your voice really well as a baritone, and enjoy it tremendously too. But you are a tenor Scott, and perhaps you've posed the question because you've seen it too. I think you are just struggling to justify the new. Good luck- I am keeping my fingers crossed!
07-07-17 00:48:29
scottreiburn ::: Favorites
Absolutely no clue whatsoever. Just not even one idea.
07-07-15 13:13:46
verivito ::: Favorites
So, what do you think you are?
07-07-15 13:04:47
scottreiburn ::: Favorites
Thanks for the thought, Vervito. Oh no. Mistake me not: I wanna know "what" I am! You see, if I'm a tenor, then I can commit to that particular repertoire. If I'm a baritone, then I can stick to, and expand that repertoire. I want to always keep exploring! But I would rather be a master of one, than a jack of all trades...
07-07-15 12:54:05
verivito ::: Favorites
Scott, do you really want to know if you are a baritone or a tenor? It seems to me that deep inside you don't, because you yourself never settled for one or the other. You kept exploring. Good performers are so good, but also so disturbing, because they won't be pinned down. This is fine. Enjoy the ride.
07-07-15 12:45:58

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