Thursday, August 16, 2007

W - Robo Kiss PV

Duration: 04:37 minutes
Upload Time: 06-12-05 09:35:45
User: CookieHoliday
:::: Favorites

Full length PV of W's single Robo Kiss from the Second W album.

mikyla911 ::: Favorites
第一個完全冇節奏感可言,, 第二個人又唔夠氣唱... 至於cos小小舞果個就ok啦. 唔係話好好既,, 不過就冇咩大問題咁囉...
07-07-28 11:03:38
MomoiroRyuEdea ::: Favorites
they look like kawaii twins!!!...but ai is cutest...
07-07-28 16:18:24
punkpixi ::: Favorites
Can any one send me this song?
07-07-30 14:53:51
resetsurvivor ::: Favorites
Which concert is that?! That sounds badass.
07-08-02 22:11:27
ciciJapan19 ::: Favorites
what do you mean concert? they preformed it in 2005 concert and at there concert with ayaya ^_^!!
07-08-05 11:25:21
ciciJapan19 ::: Favorites
Its ok aloy of ppl are Jfans ^_^!!!
07-08-05 11:31:32
amionukifan ::: Favorites
07-08-07 17:57:12
resetsurvivor ::: Favorites
W or Berryz? 2005.. I have a couple berryz shows but this song is not on either of those. I thought Yurina and Chinami sang it at a Berryz concert.
07-08-08 20:20:24
ciciJapan19 ::: Favorites
They did ^_^!!! at the W and Berryz concert 2004 I think ^_^!!!
07-08-08 20:34:57
xdinuchan ::: Favorites
tottemo kawaii desu!!!! ^^
07-08-11 15:26:38

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