Saturday, August 18, 2007

R3dPhoenix's Gizmondo Video Review

Duration: 07:28 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-08 07:08:04
User: MortalDonkey
:::: Favorites

Movies, Music, everything except games.

djtiesto69 ::: Favorites
that theng will never beat the psp
07-06-01 22:39:38
mr3urious ::: Favorites
The Gizmondo was made by Tiger Telematics, not Tiger Electronics.
07-06-11 17:29:55
puggster ::: Favorites
hi there firstly congratts on such an indepth reveiw very nice indeed however just to clarify one part of it you said the gps wont work because there bankrupt and no server to connect to this is true there is no way to connect to the gprs/gps service which is the online gps service there is however satnav for the device which works and is free apart from that youre 95% acurate and great reveiw if you havent already join us a gizmondoforums
07-06-19 16:32:16
utuber122 ::: Favorites
SIMULAR TO THE PSP!! get lost!
07-06-20 09:07:48
MortalDonkey ::: Favorites
Since 1995...and I was born in 1993.
07-06-22 13:04:00
Matarina ::: Favorites
Intrestnig video, are you English then? Its cool I have a friend in Northhampton She's cool too.
07-06-22 23:40:36
poennem ::: Favorites
psp is better
07-06-29 00:36:09
BmoreG4real ::: Favorites
WOW fucking obviously, Gizmondo and it's company is dead. Stupid fucking Sony fanboys
07-07-30 23:12:35
TolstoyKafkaEvsky ::: Favorites
07-08-03 03:23:22
deadredrooster14 ::: Favorites
yeah what he said
07-08-08 05:07:52

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